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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. I can see how the Japanese version is more in line with what Sonic fans expect but hearing the NA version in stereo coming out of my Genesis was a highlight of the Sega CD back in the early 90's. That was before there was a cd player in every home so cd quality sound was space age tech at the time. Without Spencer's work this little secret wouldn't have had any impact at all. Could you imagine no sonic cd related nightmare's? warning: you might not want to click on this late at night though i'm sure it's not much of a secret anymore.
  2. Wow, and I thought I was proud to have run into the Riven Soundtrack at the liquidation sale of a dying record store. http://www.amazon.com/Riven-Original-Score-Robyn-Miller/dp/B00000603B ( i didn't pay anywhere near $110.00 for a new copy btw) If I had this collection I'd either be the happiest VGM conoisseur on the planet or the most paranoid.
  3. I'm fine with that. Did you have an intro or something that would give an idea as to the stylistic direction you are taking this?
  4. http://www.sega.com/games/sonic-cd-2011/ By Popular Demand Sonic CD now features the original, acclaimed Japanese soundtrack! Is it me or am I the only one who enjoyed Spencer Nilsen's work on the NA version? I'm hoping this is selectable, it's just not Sonic CD without: Sonic Boom! Sonic Boom! Sonic BOOOOOM!
  5. http://tindeck.com Time to pay your debt Even if you don't want to make any more changes i'd like to hear it.
  6. I'm not one to discuss the ethics of DJ'ing but breaks like that come as part of a cheap dj package. Cuts, Loops, Breaks, do a search with those words and you can probably come up with something for around $20. Or, you can cut out the break you want from youtube and use that. Keep in mind that you probably will piss plenty of people off with techniques like that . If you can run a few phrases of one song in the background then find a decent spot to fade one out and bring the other in that should give you the linking you need, making sure that the groove the song establishes is only augmented, not changed, by the one to follow it. If you want to send me what you are trying to do I know someone with more experience in doing DJ'ing like things.
  7. Ahhh, DoD finally posted the results. Second only to Dr. Manhatten. You know I should really participate in those listening parties... As far as LASS goes, I've never used them for my string arrangements as I'm pretty partial to EWQLSO. I'll have to check out a few more of those demos once I get can get some sleep. Sonic Generations: 12hrs to go!
  8. Why can't my stuff sound like this?? O yea, the difference is experience and several gold DoD awards... What did you use for the orchestra? Compared to the rest of the mix, the sound of the strings seem mechanical and tense. The development is a bit slow for my tastes. I would love to hear it build to a speed or epic metal section somewhere in there but of course that's just me. In short, love it. Going into my reference pile named Stuff to Aspire To, Now Get To Work! I would love it if you put some short music production seminars on your website. Any chance of seeing that addition in the future?
  9. Double thumbing or single? Here's a little diddy I'm working on now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcgzpmzCCI0 (that's not me btw) As far as the box? I'm not really into most of these sharing programs. I keep my audio pc offline anyway.
  10. I like this. Of all the instruments to work so diligently on Piano hardly sounds like its worth it. If you spend the hours to get it perfect, at best no one notices. at worst, which is far more likely to be achieved, everyone will pick it apart. I would use your piano parts here as blueprints for a remix. Spread out what you have over a few more instruments, add a "dumb-chick" beat to it and voila instant remix!
  11. Time for a new generation of OCR'ers. Are we planning a cover or are we injecting a little shtyle into it?
  12. Take this: http://lowesfoods.grocerydirect.com/pd/Freezer-Queen/Famile-Entree-Deluxe-Boneless-Pork-Ribs/28-oz/051150021605/ Put it on this: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Sara-Lee-Delightful-Wheat-Hamburger-Buns-12-oz/13281724 Now you can have a Mcrib anytime.
  13. Alright! Someone likes the guitar AND i'm getting out of the 80's comments...kinda. I was just listening to it on tindeck and i'm hearing some distortion towards the end when the flute is playing. It might just be me but that worries me since the original mp3 i made doesn't do that on these same (garbage)speakers. Anyone else notice?
  14. Everytime music gets taken away from this world I cry. In a non emo way. Really, there's a lot of potential here. I'm not a huge fan of Sonic Adventure's musical era but you ended up with a good sound on the first track. Very Sonic-y. Won't you reconsider? Think of the children!
  15. I'm up for it. I love SingleTrac's early work. TM and JetMoto were why I bought a PSX before ffvii. Don't forget WARHAWK! My main axe is a Rickenbacker 4003. Fireglo of course. I'm still figuring out the whole recording part of it How to not kill your tone, that kind of thing. I've played most forms of Rock from classic on up over the years. Though my current obsession is Melo-death. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxdK-_-rwug
  16. Well this was a busted week. My goal was to record myself for this post so I picked up about everything I was told I'd need from various sources. Several hours and a solid chunk of my credit card later, I still didn't sound record worthy. I heard recording bass was going to be tricky but I didn't expect it to be this bad! Also, I toned down the reverb throughout the mix but especially on the piano. Next week should be betterfor me. Sonic Generations will be out! -gar
  17. What, is she a guy or something? *checks wikipedia* Yep, it's a guy. Gotta love the Japanese. "You have plobrem with punching rady? Then, itsa DUUUUUUDo!!! イツアデイウウウウウウド!!!!!デイウウウウウウド!!!!!!
  18. For such an awesome build up that guitar kinda falls flat. It sounds like you might have chipped away at it too much with the EQ, guitars need alot of room and taming should be kept to a minimum. What amp sim are you using?
  19. This is just my opinion, but I think the melody needs to lightly sit on top of the rhythm section instead of crushing it. The rhythm guitars you establish early on shouldn't feel like they suddenly get alot quieter when the melody starts. I have had this problem with my rock mixes as well and I usually take some of the body out of the lead to make sure it's not weighing down the rest of the instruments. You might want to try getting the drums/guitars to the level you want them first then start chipping and fitting the leads in with that. I'm kind of feeling that the leads were your focus and you tried to fit the guitars around them. Just what i'm hearing, Keep it going. What's the deal with the controversial character? I'm more SOR than FF
  20. Much better, the mix isn't nearly as abrasive as it was before in some of your other postings. A neat simple technique to do with the EQ is to sharpen the Q then boost (make sure you have a limiter on to avoid blowing out your ears/gears)move the spike around until you hear something thats abrasive against the other parts in the mix then simply drag the spike down to drown it out. I think it's great you're figuring out the whole source tune by ear. The development you get from doing that will only help your musical abilities. Can't wait for Sonic Generations this tuesday so I can finally get to bed. I've been losing sleep over it all week long.
  21. Humanizing can be as time consuming as you want it to be which makes it a very powerful tool/excuse. If you are using midi drums WITH the software you are still using strictly the software. Just with a differently shaped mouse to input the data. I've never used garageband so i'm pretty worthless from this point on, though my last bit of advice would be to always find ways to work around/through what you think are limitations. It's only over when you give up on it.
  22. There are alot of variables trying to do what you are doing and it's going to be tough to get some solid playing. I know because when I first started trying to transcribe music years ago I did so in a very similar way. It didn't work. If your DAW's metronome is off by even a tenth or a hundredth it might sound in sync for awhile but once it get's off beat you're going to make a mess of your sequencer while you try to stay on. Your best bet is to either recreate the tune yourself such as a rearrangement or, dare i say it, a REMIX. Or, since you are a drummer, can you record yourself playing while you play the original audio? If you know someone who has an eletronic drum set you can record yourself in midi then go back and make adjustments. Or record yourself in audio if you have confidence in your playing. Trying to program drums like that is going to take a real good ear and you'll need to find the exact placement of each hit against the original audio.
  23. I'd like to mention this one by zircon: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02176/ Mostly because the source was this neat 15 second jingle that he turned into a good three minute work and had it up within the week. That's motivation! Also because I fondly remember the commotion when Sega called out the OCR community as to why there were no pico vision remixes. And maybe this one: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02250/ For the wicked solos.
  24. I mostly play fighting games online. The best communities would be around Virtua Fighter 5 and DOA4, back when people were playing them at least. I play alot of Tekken 6 now and the community mostly knows how to shut up and stay off the mics. The worst by far are the sports games. Especially UFC's THQ made garbage and MMA. Nothing like winning a close game and getting harassed for the next half hour. Though nothing compares to playing counterstrike around 2001-2004. I'm hoping that all those people that got that worked up lost at least a decade off of their heart.
  25. What about Bavarian? I don't understand the almost trancy, huge anthems part.
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