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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. I love everyone, platonically. I am planning on polishing up a few things and maybe pulling the plug on the unplugged section.
  2. Yea I am planning on giving the guy a try and see how it goes. Should be a good learning experience since most of what I have done lately is all synths within the box. Looking forward to your SORremix.

    I'm not the most forum-fluent kind of guy so sorry about this reply being by and by in a different spot that's not sly. You know how I try so I hope you don't mind this awful rhyme. :)

  3. This much drama over compression? Well it beats talking about what I have to deal with at work. Compression is for suckafishes!
  4. Sounds to me like you are at a point that every artist finds himself at multiple times throughout their lives. Embrace it because it will make you better, more attentive and perceptive. With that out of the way, remember music is a language and everyone will learn it differently. I would recommend getting a copy of Victor Wooten's The Music Lesson which is a fantastic book about learning and perceiving music in a very simple easy to process way. Remember when you graduated from Go Spot Go to something like Clifford the big red dog? It felt kind of like reading a medical journal on 200 new ways to labotomize the rattus norvegicus didnt it? (what are all these new words? this is going to take forever to read!) How you percieved the English language, all the fun you had before, and the confidence you built up, was torn away and you had to put lots of eye straining work into taking that next step. But eventually you discovered that Clifford was indeed red *spoiler* and have gone onto bigger and better things since then. This is going to happen over and over again as you learn and if it doesn't then you are flatlining, plateuing or whatever you want to call it. Either way it means nothing new or great is going to come from you and your life as an artist is over. So my message, if there is one by this point, is be grateful for the moments that shake your perceptions of what you thought you knew. Each time you get broken down you'll find you have more room to grow though it is going to take alot of thoughtful work and tons of effort over time. Trust me I know what I am talking about. 'Cause I suck at this remixing stuff. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ-c-bFLtcM&feature=related
  5. Hey, thanks for listening. I have no problem waiting if you wanted to contribute. I'll work on the transcription but in the meantime did you have any tips on getting those guitars to sound better? I was hoping to get Ministry of Rock for a couple years then when I finally get my hands on it no one has anything good to say about it even though reviews were very positive. (well nothing good to say about what I have done with it at least:) )

    I have another remix where I used MOR http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32336.

    If you want feel free to check that one out and see if the same problems persist.

    Thanks again.


  6. Of course, thanks alot. I might try to recruit a real guitarist for it though to be honest, it sounds like I wasted almost 500 bucks on something i lusted after for years. :) Since much of what you do is rock oriented did you have anything specific about articulations? phrasing? You are also a guitarist right? Did you want to contribute to this if you had any extra time? If you are a Streets of Rage fan at all I also have another remix I am finishing up if you want to check it out. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32336

    Thanks for the chat and the feedback. Looking forward to your next remix. Hopefully it's Sonic...Speed Reggae Latin Chillout Fusion.

  7. Thanks alot I appreciate it. If you have any suggestions on the production end of things I am open to them. For the record, when you posted Snowboarding Sonic you shot to my top 3 favorite remixers.

  8. Hey Will, I know you must get a ton of these but could you check out my guitar remix of Zero Wing's Natols level? http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=30096 I'd appreciate any words you could give.

  9. Hey everyone at OCremix. I've updated an older remix of mine for your listening pleasure. UPDATE: I took out the crap improv-ed mid section so this is no longer a guitar battle by at least someone's standards and replaced it with a more upbeat metal section. There are a couple of things that I am still learning to do production wise and once I get it down another update will follow. Thanks for listening. Click here to listen to Zero Wing-Natols Oh yea, a big MOVE ZIG to everyone.
  10. I'd like to take a look at the guide to remixing you are working on. I don't have AIM (nor do I want to get it anymore, last time it loaded up tons of garbage on my comp) but if you could pm a link i'd appreciate it.

  11. VII is my favorite mostly because it was the first Final Fantasy I owned myself. I still play through the game once a year (with the first year beating it 2 times through) and can probably recite most of the lines of dialogue from heart. I was really exicted for a remake of the game after XII being as amazing as it was and with Dirge and Crises Core being pretty fun spin offs I thought it would be a sure thing. Then I played XIII, now I hope they don't touch VII.
  12. I've been messing around with a compressor and it seems to help. The sound peaks on every slap regardless of volume and since my rickenbacker is my baby i'm far too apprehensive about doing minor adjustments like lowering the pickup. Thanks for the help.
  13. About time someone got it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_ariYXWTNE&feature=related
  14. My sound card is aging but decent for what I want to do. It's a terratec DMX 6fire 24/96. Part of it may be technique. I play a Rickenbacker and I know I am slapping painfully close to the pickup. The Alesis is only XLR to USB would you recommend anything different? Thanks for the comments. -Gar
  15. I would like to start recording myself play a few instruments, mostly bass and guitar, but since I have little recording experience outside of the virtual instruments on my pc I thought I should pop in here and ask around before I started throwing money at what I want to do. I have been trying to record some funk playing lately but I have been plugging my bass directly into my sound card's mic input and every slap gives me a nasty distorted peak so here is what I thought would might work given my limited studio space. I plan to buy a small Hartke speaker and mic that into my soundcard. The acoustics in my studio room are terrible but I think that if I keep the volume low and the mic close I won't need to worry about catching the sound bouncing off the walls. Would this work for folk guitar as well? The mic I plan to use is an AKG D 8000 S adapted with an Alesis USB Miclink. -Gar
  16. I appreciate the comment. I am working on changing a couple of things before I stick the finished tag on this one. Mostly the Drums and the Bass. The distorted guitar gives it the edge or "sexiness" that I am trying to develop so if anything i'd like to keep that going. I hope to have an update ready in a little bit. -Gar
  17. One that I use and love is Ministry of Rock made by Nick Phoenix. It's a bit expensive at $355 but East West has been going through sales like mad the last half year. I was able to buy it around $199 from audio midi back in july. With it you get an Ibanez Universe, PRS, 2 Gibson Les Pauls, Fender tele and strat, and a Gibson Acoustic along with some drum kits and 5 basses. My only complaints are that some of the guitars are a bit too fuzzy, the acoustic isn't very flexible(chords only), and most of the les paul articulations don't have a strong enough attack though you can work around it by using both the distorted "left speaker" with the clean undistorted "right speaker". http://www.soundsonline.com/Ministry-Of-Rock for some samples http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32336 my recent Streets of Rage remix WIP.
  18. I've updated my original post with the new version of SNITSC or SNITSS if you never made it past grade school. Personally I think SNITSS just might become the new name for this remix as it is kinda fun to say. But seriously folks, please comment on SNITSS. -gar
  19. Hey, thanks for posting your thoughts on my SOR remix. Reworking the drums are on the top of my list.

  20. Updated 8-01-12 Anyone remember this one? When i realized that what i was working on for DoD this month wasn't going to be ready for the deadline i decided to fix this one up. Cleaned up the mix and rerecorded a few parts. Backed the flute with a better flute while keeping the distortion on it. Something i like. Is this ready for another pass at the judges? Remix: http://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/sor-starlight-embracing-city Source:
  21. I do this alot myself. It always seems that time ideas flow the easiest are when I am driving, working, or really really tired. Whenever studio time comes around and I actually sit down to work on what I wanted to do i get... nothing. Since I can't use a recorder I try to associate the idea with something a little more recognizable which could be anything. A song, a lamp shade, a pencil, anything. The other day I kept an idea in my head throughout the day by visualizing a set of three blue blocks from columns. A game I played way too much back in the day. That way throughout the day I can keep the idea on my mind at whatever random times I see, think, or hear the item I associated the idea with. Then, by the time I get home I have at least a bit more of a chance of getting it out. Not the best way of doing it but if you have limited resources and time its doable with some practice.
  22. Wow, huge help Roz. I was concerned mostly after I had spent some time getting something I thought sounded decent turn out to be crap after a short break. More than likely it was ear fatigue from repeated loops. Need to start managing my time better. New WIP coming soon.
  23. Is the apostrophe really needed there? EQing, EQ'ing, E'Q'ing? But seriously folks, thats not my question. I've always had a very loose understanding of using EQ during mixing and that's one thing I am trying to strengthen. To give you an idea of where I am, I start by rolling off the bass around 70-90hz most of the time and then I look for frequencies that I want a whole lot less of. I sharpen the Q and boost but then... I can't really tell what a "bad" frequency is. Today after spending some time eq'ing one of my instruments I left to grab a tasty beverage only to come back and dull my teeth to probably the most abrasive guitar ever. Can anyone shed some light on what they listen for when they are taking certain frequencies out? -Gar
  24. It was a bad habit of mine to listen to something repeatedly while I tried to think of where to take it. This was bad for several reasons but the worst of it was that once you have listened to it over and over again your mind would have adapted to hearing it and you would be less inclined to make the necessary changes and anything new wouldn't sound right. My new method for getting out an idea is to blast out entire sections at a time as soon as I know what I want. Then, when I hit a block, go back and fix/articulate until I get something more. Like one of my instructors said, you can't be worried about one spot on a window when you still have your entire room to clean.
  25. A buddy of mine was going for the 360 achievement where you have to play the entire game in one sitting. He made it all the way down to 10 minutes left on the clock and accidentally entered a bugged room that crashed his game. He promptly went to sleep and never played it again. I think he fed it to his dog. His dog is now dead btw.
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