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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. You wouldn't know, you've never been within 2,000 miles of me.
  2. I'm currently , making the videos in Adobe Premiere and then exporting them as an FLV with the audio as a 128kbps MP3. The file sizes are minimal (10-20 megs, depending on song length) and the audio quality sounds fine with the HQ option on (especially in comparison to most other YouTube audio). Since YouTube uses FLV files, there doesn't seem to be any second-round of compression happening after the file upload, so quality is maintained through the rendering and uploading processes. And of course audio quality can be adjusted to your liking.The drawback is the length of time it takes to render. I've done about 15 hours so far for only 40 songs, so it takes awhile.
  3. Larry should really start gettin' on peoples' asses to get their shit done for this.
  4. I think Dhsu ruined it, personally. Goddamn piano.
  5. Oh zyko, how I've missed your wanky guitar. And the world could definitely use more trombone solos. Nice work, dudes!
  6. Well, I don't have a full MIDI, just two older versions (and the rendered MIDI-turned-MP3 that was released as a bonus track): http://kngi.org/miscstuff/PriZm%20-%20Law%20of%20the%20Battle%20WIP.mid and http://kngi.org/miscstuff/PriZm%20-%20Law%20of%20the%20Battle%20WIP%20V2%20Intro.mid Maybe you can still make use of them and whip up a new version, eh?
  7. I haven't played guitar in about 2 years, and I was an extreme novice to begin with, but I'll help with whatever I can.
  8. Methinks PriZm needs to click on the Mega Ran link. Maybe get Fishy all up in this bee-yotch too. I believe I have the MIDI, will post when I get home.
  9. There is also RedBubble, although I don't know the logistics behind them.
  10. Never got done. Couldn't get any extra guitarists or rappers to commit to it, sadly. I think PriZm could try and finish it now though: Maybe get Sixto, Prince of Darkness, and Mega Ran in on that shee-it?
  11. I still love what Usa did with Desert Flower. Honestly, disco was the last genre I thought we'd get for this thing, but I'm really glad we did.
  12. Both. This track was actually pretty much completely arranged by the time I sent Sixto the piano bit to see if he wanted to use it, so I'd heard it without the piano. You're right, it was awesome, but the intro just made it even better.
  13. I can confirm this. The artist is the Naoto Shibata Project. They released two albums of Castlevania, two of various Konami shooters, and one of Snatcher, all done in the same rock style.
  14. Like a lot of Christian's work, this is definitely progressive rock to at it's finest. Hemo's orchestral work is nice here, balanced well with the aggressive geetar wankerage near the end. Probably one of the more experimental tracks on SoS, but one that I think turned out rather well overall. Good show from both Chris'.
  15. This could be doable... Or maybe not. A lot of the earlier PMs are gone, and file dates are unreliable. Hmmm...
  16. Both of these might seem repetitive and minimalistic since they were originally intended to have rap lyrics. I really wish they could've both been developed, especially Battle Royale, which intended to be an epic rap battle AND guitar solo battle in one song. Anyway, glad to see the bonus tracks getting some review love! Thanks, 42.
  17. Wow, the feedback is quite impressive, guys! Keep it coming! Speaking of which, Higher Plain Music just dropped a nice track-by-track review on their site: http://highermusic.wordpress.com/2009/03/09/ocremix-summoning-of-spirits-review/
  18. It's possible Rexy may have subconsciously slipped in some Super Metroid there, given that she loves that soundtrack and has done remixes of it previously. Our first review is out from View From Heaven! Doesn't go very in-depth, but still a good read. COE Weekly Podcast also plugged us this week (at about 1:20:44): http://odeo.com/episodes/24274444-COE-Weekly-Podcast-March-8th-2009
  19. Hmm, which tracks in particular? There are a few intentionally "bad" notes in 'Simplified Design', and 'New Technology' has some rough spots, but I can't think of any others. Now that's what I'm talkin' about. Thanks for the massive feedback! While I don't necessarily agree that Pacaud and PriZm disappointed ('Holy Judgement' for me especially is one of the most epic songs on the album), I understand what they do isn't necessarily to everyone's tastes (which I typically expect from progressive rock in general). Regardless, I'm glad you did enjoy a good portion of what we did. This is the kind of feedback I'd like to see more of.
  20. Yup, there are links to each set of lyrics under the song in the Music section, or you can just go here: http://tales.ocremix.org/lyrics.html
  21. Rexy's 'Summoning of Spirits' has been posted to Remix:ThaSauce. Hooray! http://remix.thasauce.net/song/RTS0165/
  22. First people who got PMs from me were guitarists. In case you couldn't tell and all.
  23. I was pushing the final .wav deadline for May '06, really. Of course we failed epically. But oh well, it's here now and that's all that matters.
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