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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Wow, and here I was expecting the teaser site to be the full site, just with more features upon the project release. Hadyn pretty much outdid himself here. Awesome.
  2. And now... Your first taste of the project is finally here, folks!
  3. The deadline became less of an importance this past week, simply because a release this month would conflict with SnappleMan's Sonic project, and because I'd rather have a complete project in a month or two than half of a project now. I'll talk to you more about it later, Usa, but for now I'll just say don't worry about it: just take your time for a little bit. Bongo Bill: Well, since release is, of course, getting pushed back, it's gonna be awhile. I'll let you know when they're ready (Tip: It won't be in the next couple days ). EDIT: Forgot to mention that everyone should go check out Reuben's Treant WIP: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=87120
  4. Dhsu: You want colors? You got 'em. Got the song, Chris. Accepted.
  5. You mean like the one that's here and here?
  6. Uh, hello? I've been back for 3 days now. You shouldn't be assuming a lack of progress and work just because you can't see it.
  7. Going into project threads and demanding work does nothing but make people get mad at you.
  8. Please refrain from touching the Post Reply button again until the project is released. Please. Kyle, been following this thread as a lurker for about a year now, and things really look like they're shaping up nicely. Keep up the good work. (This is also from a guy who used to live in Phoenix before he ran away from the heat to Flagstaff, so props for that.) Funny, I was just IN Flagstaff last week. Love it there. Wish I could've stayed. Thanks for the comments, as well. There has been a lot progress over the last month; It's hard to see with seemingly nothing going on publicly, but it's there. I can definitely vouch for everyone working incredibly hard on the project lately. However, we're running into a few snags which may prevent hitting release on our original target date, or even a release this month. I don't want to be the downer here, but I really want to see this project to its full completion by the groundwork we initially started with, and in order to do that, we're going to have to pull a Twighlight Princess and delay. I can't say (and don't want to; it's disappointing for everyone) when the project will be released, but I do want to thank everyone for waiting so patiently for us to get the project out. I don't want to set a release date until I'm absolutely sure we can stick to it. The current final due dates still stand, though I will probably not make the harsh cuts that I was initially planning on. This delay will also give a chance for the nearly complete (much further along than this project is, anyway) Project Chaos Sonic project to have more than a week in the Spotlight. That said, I know you've all been very patient, so I want to reward you (and show that we're actually doing SOMETHING ): Expect an early released project track within a day or two.
  9. Thanks, Joker. I got it. Okay, let's skip the small talk. Here's the list of songs that absolutely need to be done by the end of this week (the July 7th deadline): Red Tailed Fox & Dj Carbunk1e - Morlia Gallery JustChris - Sheena's Theme Paragon - The End of a Thought SnappleMan - Decisive EgM - Tales of Symphonia Usa - Desert Flower I have been talking to several of the newer people on the project, and I've decided to give them a small extension to July 12th. Here's those folks: SnappleMan - Fighting of the Spirit klm09 - Raising a Curtain Reuben Kee - Forest of the Treant Sixto - Raine's Theme TheDeath - Hydropolis Please keep in mind that if any of these songs are not done and submitted to me by their respective due dates, they will NOT be on the final project, unless there is an issue. If there are any issues at all with meeting these due dates, please speak to me. Good luck.
  10. I'm back in town, and we have less than a week before the deadline. Let's keep crackin', folks!
  11. I got it, so don't worry. Also, I'm getting some wireless at the motel, so I'm still coming by here from time to time.
  12. NO Wrong project, Kyle. xD Hey, I worked on my project that weekend! ;P
  13. Buh? You mean how many songs are going to be in the next preview? That depends on just how much of the project I want to reveal. EDIT (6/28): I'll be gone from today until Saturday. I don't think I'll have internet access until I get back, so I leave the project in Lea's hands until then. See ya!
  14. RAWK. I approve. Keep those WIPs and finished songs coming, folks!
  15. Notice I didn't specify how much time there'd be between the preview and the release.
  16. Damn. Well, I tried. By the way, just as a general announcement: Expect another short preview of the project in the next several weeks, after the due date. And then, RELEASE!
  17. APRIL FOOLS! Project is all an elaborate hoax. Had you all, didn't we?
  18. You're welcome to submit either of them (though personally I enjoy Chronometrical ).
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