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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. I think it was mentioned earlier that Danny B's Marble Garden remix had vocals, but I could be wrong.
  2. andy: Thanks for the update. PriZm: I think the major thing that could use your help right now is the Last Battle collab. Maybe write a section for a guitar solo or something after the current section?
  3. i'm not saying i'm against this but c'mon! don't you just think you're being too harsh on the guys you've hired for the job? Rexy's right: It's been quite a long time, and I've been rather lenient over the course of this project. I've gotta be honest: There's one or two remixers who haven't even STARTED their songs yet, and they've been sitting on the project for a year. I should've kicked them off long ago, but I tried to stick with them in the hopes that they'd get something done. Nothing's worked so far, so a final absolute deadline is the only option I have at my disposal right now. I know it's a bit harsh, but I've been nice for way too long now. pu_freak: FotS is the one song that's guaranteed to be done right now, whether house and Paragon are the ones to do it or not. So don't worry there. EDIT: On another note, due to unfortunate circumstances, AkumajoBelmont has contacted me and let me know that he will be unable to continue work on this project. Ichitootah has also been removed from the project due to inactivity and lack of contact and updates. Raine's theme has graciously been taken up by Sixto, so we won't be losing a song due to the loss of a remixer. Now where'd that guy go to...?
  4. We're "rushing" now because the project has been in progress for over a year, half of the songs are done, and the other half are, for the most part, progressing well enough that I feel most of them can be done in a month. Right now, the project already sounds pretty damn awesome when the tracks are played together (in my oh so humble opinion ;P), so releasing the project even in its current state isn't entirely out of the question. Basically the due date is pushed so soon because a lot of people are getting antsy for release, and certain remixers will hopefully realize that we're getting serious here and need to start wrapping things up. The only leniency I'm giving is to those who joined the project just recently, but that shouldn't deter release.
  5. Yeah, I'm starting to get some antsy remixers who are anxious to see the Tales project released, which I can understand. It just takes a bit of patience. Oh, house: You did still plan on doing your song with Paragon, right?
  6. Any song not done by the upcoming due date, which will be announced this weekend, won't be included on the final project. Not every song is completely imperative to the finished project (much like every song wasn't necessary for the SFII project). I'm going to be pushing everyone for this last month to get their stuff done, and if it's not done by the time the project is set for release, their song's not going to be a part of it.
  7. Here's a little something for those of you who've had patience and beared with us for this long (Artwork drawn by our very own Kureejii Lea):
  8. We're happy you're still with us, Chris. I think it'll be just fine. (By the way, do you want to be JustChris or CC Ricers on the tracklisting and website?)
  9. The project's already been in progress for far too long; we don't need any more development time than is absolutely necessary right now. watkinzez: Maybe, but he won't answer my emails.
  10. UPDATE Alright, we need to wrap this up. Some of you have been sitting on your songs for the entire course of the project, but I've been reluctant to remove you, out of fear that I wouldn't be able to find any replacements that could work quickly enough, or a hope that some of you were pretty close to being done would be finished soon. Well, no more: I have placed 6 songs on "probation", which basically means that, if these songs have no status updates or aren't done and given to me within the next several weeks, they will be axed from the project entirely. No time to find replacements, no time to deal with stragglers who are putting their project song(s) on the back burner for other projects, and no more time to deal with procrastinators. This project will be released this summer, with or without your track on it. We can't hold off anymore. There are certain songs that I would really like to see remixes completed for on the probation list on the first page, but if I don't receive any updates within the next week or two, they're gone. That is the final word. I will be contacting those of you on the list personally within the next several days. However, if you have something, please don't wait for me: Contact me by PM or email.
  11. Oh, shit. I was away for the weekend and didn't have a chance to upload the songs for the mirror before I left. Should I still upload 'em, or is the 5 good enough? Sorry about that, guys.
  12. Contact me about it, Shael. I've got the space and the bandwidth to share.
  13. And now Reuben Kee has joined up to help us out. Welcome, Reuben!
  14. DUBBLE BUBBLE POST ACKSHUN I'd like to officially welcome klm09 to the project. He'll be doing Raising a Curtain from Phantasia.
  15. Oh snap...Back to the drawing board with ye! On another note: Due to a lack of progress and contact with me on status updates, Soraya has been removed from the project. Lea and I decided Raising The Curtain will remain on the tracklist however, leaving 3 songs currently open. If you're interested in remixing any of these tracks, please contact me.
  16. It's not as though remix projects are stagnant, there are only, like, six out there right now. Thing is, I don't think I'll even look at the art more than once, it's the music I'll be listening to over and over again, and it's the music that gets me excited about the project. But if you want artists, I'll talk to my friend about registering here and helping out... Yes, but releasing the music early destroys the entire reason for this project to exist in the first place. The whole idea has always been to have a storybook that coincides with a soundtrack, which makes the project unique and sets it apart from the others. I suggest wait until the entire project can be enjoyed in it's full glory, the way it was originally intended.
  17. Talk to Sixto (the remixer you originally had slated for the track, last I checked). He was injured in a pretty bad accident and wasn't able to play guitar again until recently. I don't know if he ever notified you of that or not... I'm sure he could finish Kens theme up pretty quick now, though.
  18. 2 mixes of the same song right next to each other? And on a semi-related note: I think you guys need to be a little more patient and at least get remixes of all of the main character themes covered for this project (ending themes and other small jingles aren't as big of a deal, I'd say). I know there's a certain sense of urgency and anxiousness in trying to release these things quickly, but I think the project could certainly benefit from covering all of the main themes in the game, no matter how long it takes. I don't mean this as any disrespect to this project or anything, but it would certainly be much nicer if it were a little more complete.
  19. I love the original, and you've put an unexpected twist on it that I also love. The mastering isn't absolutely top-notch, but who says it has to be? Great stuff here. Note for djp: Actually, this song didn't appear in any of the US or EU versions of the GT series until Gran Turismo 4. Both the American and European releases of all games in the series have used licensed mainstream tunes. The Japanese versions have music composed specifically for them, however, which is where the source for this remix comes from. Just thought I'd clear that up.
  20. I've sent out a newsletter to 99% of the remixers involved with the project (a couple need to be contacted individually, for certain reasons), and I'm hoping to receive responses from as many as possible. Even if you are done with your songs, I still sent you the email, as there is some information pertaining to those who are finished in there, as well. So if you haven't checked your email yet, please do so and get back to me!
  21. Considering I just heard two finished songs yesterday, and two more finished tracks are on the way as soon as the person working on them can get to a broadband connection, I'd say work is picking up again.
  22. UPDATE For the last month or so, there hasn't been much activity as far as this project is concerned. I myself am likely the most at fault for this, as I remain bogged down by work, and haven't been able to dedicate much of anything to this project, which resulted in a slowdown, and a lack of morale, and lack of work contributions. We've been resting on our laurels for awhile, but now I think it's time we switch things into gear and get back on the road with this project. JUNE 5TH, 2006 That will be the date where I expect some sort of compositionally complete or even entirely finished product from you. Half of the project is already complete, and the other half is very close to completion (with a few stragglers, and a few who need more time), so there isn't too much of a reason why at least 75% of the project can't be complete by that due date, if not more. I'm going to start sending out emails and actively asking for status updates via PMs and IMs again, so if you have a track that you've been sitting on for awhile, expect that soon. This is also the time for me to get myself working on several things that need to be completed before the project is released, so I'm gonna get to it. I hope you all do, as well. Over and out. For now.
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