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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. I think he was referring to Robbie's second track, the Ending/Credits theme.
  2. Back in early January, Soraya said that his "last several weeks had been reeeeeeeeeeally unpleasant". A couple weeks later, he sent me a new demo for one of his songs, but has since then vanished. He was gone for roughly a month before he contacted me in January too, so I'm just wondering if he's going through some tough times right now. Guess we'll just have to wait it out.
  3. Hmmm...That would make sense. I'd like to hear from him to be sure, just so I'm not jumping the gun. Soraya disappeared for awhile back in December as well, and only showed up in January once. I'm a little concerned, because it seemed that he was so enthusiastic about the projects around here, and then vanished almost completely. Very odd... Still looking for CC Ricers, too. He's very, VERY close to finished with his song, last I'd heard. PS: Curse you, Walan, for getting the 1000th post!
  4. UPDATE I know I haven't been able to keep up as much as I used to, with work dominating a good portion of my days (even weekends...), but there are several remixers that have seemingly completely disappeared from the face of the internet, and despite our attempts at contact, we haven't gotten in touch with any of them. I REALLY NEED TO HEAR FROM THESE PEOPLE. Some of them have not updated me on their progress for several months, and are in EXTREME danger of being removed from the project. These are: Soraya Claado Shou CC Ricers If you're out there, or if you're someone who has seen/had contact with those listed above recently, please let me know. I'd hate to remove a group of remixers who had shown good progress before their disappearance, but in this case, I feel that (unless they contact me) it will be necessary. That is all.
  5. Almost 37% (15, to be exact) of the songs scheduled to be on the project are now complete. More still are close to completion. Progress is slow, but we are moving forward. Keep up the good work, everyone. I'll be talking to a good number of you pretty soon.
  6. There will be if anyone wants to do it. It's not like these things are planned out or anything.
  7. If I did it, I'd have said so. I have no reason to edit Arek's posts, and don't want to cause problems for either of our projects. Let's get back to the topic.
  8. That one wasn't me, . You see, I don't go into other peoples' threads and edit their posts.
  9. ToP on GBA in Europe, March 31st. Usa: I think our timing just really bad and our time zones don't coincide (not to mention that I've been at work more than I've been at home lately, it seems like). If you can host the song anywhere, you can PM me a link to it. If not, I'll do what I can this week, and if not this week then I'll definitely be on this weekend.
  10. We set a personal release date goal that was never made public, for this reason. We would've liked to have released the project to coincide with the release of Tales of Phantasia for GBA in the US (finally!), but issues on both mine and Lea's end as well as issues with musicians and songs (the major one being the inability to find and keep anyone with Last Battle) proved to consume time and prevent release on our target date. Right now, I am personally aiming to get this out sometime in April, which will be roughly 1 year after this project was initially conceived. I can't make any promises, but if everything works out as planned, a project release may happen sometime in April or May. As for the next due date: We're looking into our options. It'll be announced soon enough.
  11. I did. Sorry I haven't been on MSN: Work tends to prevent such things. You're clear, by the way. I see no glaring issues.
  12. I thought the project would be released in 2007? You mean 2011. 20X6 Has anyone seen CC Ricers around? EgM and Soraya, too? EDIT: And Claado Shou?
  13. I thought the project would be released in 2007? You mean 2011.
  14. BLAME JOKER! (Actually it's mostly the fault of that project-wide collab, but that's okay, right? Right?)
  15. I have one word for those who are anticipating this project: Delayed. More information after the due date.
  16. Actually, Paragon did. House hasn't had a chance to put his input into the track yet. But it sounds awesome so far. It sounded too good to be true... Ah well, what's the problem anyway? There's still a week left before the final due date and housethegrate just hasn't done anything That guy better work something up, cuz I've been awaiting his song since the beginning of this project Don't worry, house and Paragon are cramming right now, whipping up something mega-awesome. Just you wait.
  17. Actually, Paragon did. House hasn't had a chance to put his input into the track yet. But it sounds awesome so far.
  18. They're borked, I know. Don't know what's up, though... EDIT: Never mind. They're back, for now.
  19. "Project Chaos: WE PWNZ0RZ J00 N00BZ!" Aaaand it would appear that Lava Reef is open again.
  20. Chrono Symphonic focuses only on Chrono Trigger. Site Projects work on a game by game basis. Someone (or a group of people) come up with an idea for a project, and foster interest and participation by remixers, artists, and fans. In other words, if you want a Chrono Cross project, you should try to organize it yourself. I would, but I have no musical talent other than my turntables. Who said you needed musical talent?
  21. I will neither confirm nor deny these allegations.
  22. Yeah, we're ready for that, too... But it ain't gonna happen yet. You aren't the only one getting a rush of people asking repeatedly when your project is going to be done. As the project gets closer and closer to the end, people get a little impatient *sp* and want it asap. It is a tad annoying, but hey, at least we got a huge ammount of fans excited to see our projects Haha, who said there was a rush? All's mostly quiet on this front, thankfully...
  23. Maybe Snaps edited something but accidentally hit the Quote button instead?
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