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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Aaaaand this is too similar to the original how? It may make gratuitous use of the source material, but this by no means a direct cover.
  2. We've got -another- Doom project? Yeah. D2.
  3. He's got a piano and ukelele track, which are on his website. And as expected, they rule. This is right up there with Malicious Fingers as far as personal favorites from Project Chaos: Dig it.
  4. Or just do what you do and rock the original song the fuck out, with some rad solos thrown in for good measure. Works for me.
  5. Probably the weirdest song on the project, and quite possibly on this site. I love it.
  6. Lucky for you, BrainCells already tackled this theme in his FireMetal remix. Check it: http://dod.vgmix.com/past/sepoct05/BrainCells-MM-Fire-DoD.mp3
  7. And here it is, the first UPDATE in awhile. First, let me get the disappointing news out there: the project won't be released until 2007. I'm sure it was fairly obvious at this point, but I figured it'd be good to make it official. With Project Chaos finally primed and ready to rock faces off this weekend, I think now is a good time to get back to our regularly scheduled program. We're close to complete, but there hasn't been much progress: That should (and will) change starting now. Final songs are due DECEMBER 31ST, 2006. Unlike the July date that was pushed back and resulted in our extended low activity period, this date will firmly stand. If your song is not in to me before 2007, it will not be included on the project. I think this is a rather generous date considering how long some of you remixers have had to work on your songs, but since the issues with Last Battle, I wanted to ensure that the groups that started remixing that song had enough time to do what they needed. I will be checking regularly with those who are not done and keeping in touch for status reports. I'm really expecting a lot of work to be put in as we head towards completion, so don't let me down here! As for release, right now we're looking at late January. I can't set a solid date because I'm not sure how long PriZm will take with mastering, and because there are still some details that will need finalizing. It's tentative though, so if we're pushed back, then that's what happens. That should about cover it. Now, WORK!
  8. Release date? No. Song due date? You betcha.
  9. You has a reply, klm. EVERYONE: Project will be remobilizing VERY soon, so if you have a song that's not finished that you're not already working on, I'd suggest getting started working on it like, NOW. Meanwhile, I'll KEEP typing LIKE Rama.
  10. Would that mean Link is summoning a tasty meal?
  11. Check here: http://www.housethegrate.com/?id=otherwork If I recall correctly, Sir NutS has done an arrangement of that theme, as well. I"ll see if I can dig it up.
  12. Precisely. Not to mention that there are two slightly different versions in the game anyway. I'm 90% sure that's the way we're going to do it, unless there are any objections. Remixers, check the thread in Private Discussion on the forums. And don't forget that Fighting of the Spirit will have two versions on the project, too.
  13. So wait, who am I signing up here? XD. Okay okay okay, you sort this out amongst yourselves and then I'll take whatever any of you guys come up with. How's that?
  14. Okay, a FOUR-WAY steel cage match? We already tried one multi-person collab with the song: I don't think another would be sufficent. How about each remixer (or collab duo, as the case is with Joker and Andy) does their own version of the song, then we'll decide which one to go with for the final project, and release the rest as special bonus tracks, or something along those lines. Just remember, if you already have unfinished songs for the project, you should focus on getting those complete before working on LBD (here's lookin' at you, klm ).
  15. Don't worry, it's a very important track and it will be remixed. Joker, andy: I'd prefer if you'd start from scratch. The collab track is its own seperate entity. I'll sign you two up and if Sixto wants to collab, I'll add him too. Unless Sixto wants to work by himself, then...I dunno. A Three-Way Steel Cage Match?
  16. Regrettably, the collab track has been nixed. If anyone is interested in remixing Last Battle Decision from ToS, please contact me.
  17. *sigh*... the Summoning of Spirits project mixers are sending their tracks to the judges to be well... judged of course. I know that they're not doing it as a whole project (but most of the songs are being judged first). That's why the idea was to make that a rule at this project. Every single mix being judged by the panel first beofre they're accepted into the project. I, for one, think it's a good idea. It would surely boost the quality of the project. Don't know what you guys think, though... I'm not quite sure DJP and/or the judge's panel would allow that type of flood. If everyone on the project just decided to submit their song on their own, that's one thing, but using the judges as a measure of quality for an entire project? There's a reason why each project has its own directors, and part of their job is to create and adhere to their own quality control standards within their project. It's not the job of the judges or DJP to do this for you. And to clarify: SoS is only allowing whoever wants to submit their tracks to OCR to do so before release; we're not using the judges as a gauge of what is allowed on the project (as you said, pu, but it seems that Pi misinterpreted it the other way later), since some of the remixers involved have no intention of submitting their works, either for technical or personal reasons.
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