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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. You didn't read the first post on top of page 59, did you?
  2. Mirrors will be greatly appreciated, although not necessary juuuust yet. I'll put your name down, though. Thanks!
  3. I'd like to welcome andyjayne to the project.
  4. I admit I jumped the gun on wiki articles, but I figured if I was gonna make one for my own project that I should probably be nice and at least start one for the rest of 'em, too. Anyway, if you see Robbie around before he leaves or whatever, tell him that it'll be no problem. Look forward to getting yours, too. As a side note, Arcana is unfortunately unable to contribute to the project. Best of luck to him.
  5. Probably for the same reason "Tales" isn't part of the Summoning of Spirits thread title (Sometimes): It's too loooooooong.
  6. Yeah, the music is done. Not that I'd know or anything...
  7. Length isn't of too much concern with us. 4-7 has been the average, but there's a couple that extend beyond that, which, while not exactly eligible for OCR at that length, are just fine for this project.
  8. Uh, maybe cuz some people nammed them? Oh and Rexy, that Saka... whatever Bar title doesn't fit. It doesn't feel right. No offense. Even though the title is a reference to Michael Schumacher, Formula 1 race car driver and world-renown competitor and champion? I think that the title works for a song called Competition Menu, in a mode where you race each other.
  9. The main computer I use has a HD of just under 20 gigs. My new computer has under 30. In fact, I don't know anybody who has a computer with over 100 gigabytes. So you don't know me? Me and my 200+ gigs of hard drive space are sad... I anxiously await the release. ... Teehee.
  10. HAHAHAHA! As nice as it would if people would do that, you know better. You guys should try and get this thing out before my project, at least!
  11. Looking over the current project status (which I just updated to be a little bit more concise and clear about whether you've turned in a WIP or not), I've determined that, unless you're all holding back and waiting until the last second before you show me anything (or I've already talked to you about it), that not all of you will be finished by January 2nd. Now, don't panic; I'm not going to remove most of you. I have no intentions of releasing this project in January (although it would be nice ), which is why I built in a buffer between the final song due date and the project release. I would LIKE finished songs by January 2nd, but in a lot of cases, I don't feel that this is going to happen. Sooo, it goes like this: If you're close to complete, I'd like to hear a finished song from you by the original due date. If you're not close to complete, I'd like to hear a WIP from you by that due date. Since a lot of you are really progressing and getting close to finished with your works, most of you will not face a possible removal at this due date if you don't meet the objective. However, those of you who have not been actively contacting me and sent me at least one WIP since joining this project (newer remixer additions are exempt; I'll be talking to newer remixers about this) face an extremely likely chance of being removed from the project. It's been over 7 months since this project has begun, and a few of you have been sitting on your track for that entire time, showing no progress. I've been lenient about it, but I can't keep remixers on board who aren't going to work anymore. I'll stay in touch with most of you. BTW, for the curious: We're looking at a late February/early March release date. Hopefully this will give the remixers a ballpark figure to work with. Good luck, guys and gals.
  12. Had an awesome WIP turnout yesterday, folks. We're making a lot of progress towards getting this project completed, so keep it up! Just a couple more weeks until the final due date!
  13. Now that I know what theme it covers, I'm totally down with Beneath the Surface. On a related subject: Who did Schala's theme?
  14. UPDATE WIPS ARE DUE TODAY! Most of you, with the exception of those that I've discussed this with, should be near completion of your tracks. We're slowly edging closer and closer to getting this thing completed, so please do your part and get your tracks to me ASAP. If you need to email them, please send your songs to KyleJCrb@gmail.com. If you have web hosting, a PM here will suffice. Thanks, everyone! If you're not sure you need to send me a WIP or not, check the track status list on the first page. This is the last due date before the final, so make it count, folks!
  15. Hey VGDJ peoples, got a little project pimpage for you. I've released a small teaser of the Summoning of Spirits project for the peoples' enjoyment, so if you want to throw a little blurb in the show about it sometime, that'd be cool. Thanks, guys!
  16. I think I can safely say yes, and yes, respectively.
  17. UPDATE Go figure that I decide to do this on the same day Compyfox releases a teaser for Chrono Symphonic. Oh well. I know that a lot of you have been dying to hear the songs on the project, and it's been a long time coming. I figured that, as most of the songs near completion, and that it's the season of giving, that it'd be nice to let the mere mortals not involved with the project get a chance to hear what we're cooking up for you guys. Keep in mind that some of the songs featured here aren't completed, and some may change completely by the time the final project is released. However, this is a good indicator of what a good percentage of the final songs will sound like. Alright, I'll shut up now. Here it is: The Summoning of Spirits ReMix Project Preview Teaser! The track order: KyleJCrb - Teaser Intro EgM - Tales of Symphonia (from Tales of Symphonia) Ichitootah - Raine's Theme (from Tales of Symphonia) Hale-Bopp - Be Absentminded (from Tales of Phantasia) CC Ricers - Sheena's Theme (from Tales of Symphonia) Sir NutS (feat. Usa) - Biting Cold (from Tales of Phantasia) Sixto Sounds - The Second Act (from Tales of Phantasia) Soraya - Forest of the Treant (from Tales of Phantasia) Luiza & CarboHydroM - Fatalize (from Tales of Symphonia) Nick Tam - Dry Trail (from Tales of Symphonia) Joker - Freeze (from Tales of Phantasia) Seattle OverCoat - Abyss of Thor (from Tales of Phantasia) Master Hatchet - Like A Glint of Light (from Tales of Symphonia) Usa - Desert Flower (from Tales of Symphonia) XMark - Sylphis (from Tales of Phantasia) Christian Pacaud - It Can Waver And Fight (from Tales of Symphonia) PriZm - Final Destination (from Tales of Symphonia) Enjoy!
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