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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. I'll do it! *records a "Come On!" sample* Go Kyle! I was thinking about doing it, but it's such a wierd song, I don't think I could handle it. Good luck! Haha, I don't think I could actually do it, either. It is a weird song, though. Hopefully someone can handle it...
  2. Hit it on the desk a couple times. ...What? Works with mine.
  3. Make sure the Record Control didn't reset itself back to Line In.
  4. Yeah, we're ready for that, too... But it ain't gonna happen yet.
  5. As an interesting observation: How the hell has this thread gotten 28,000 views? That's a heck of a lot! Yeah...still looking for a remixer for Last Battle ~Decision~. Finding good remixers at the 11th hour is hard. I'm thinking of opening auditions for it, and if you can prove yourself awesome enough to take on the track (and can finish it relatively quickly), it's yours.
  6. Why not say Hedgehog Heaven was bad? Because this isn't the Hedgehog Heaven discussion thread.
  7. I kept waiting for this, since the second- and third-most popular RPG series' (well, the third could be disputed) out there are getting project coverage, but not FF. Not MY personal first choice for an FF project, but definitely not a bad one. Best of luck on this one, zircon and gang! It looks quite promising. P.S.: Zircon check your PMs. =P
  8. But I'm white, and I only trip when I attempt to walk. (Seriously. I have weak ankles) Aaanyway, still can't report any super-special guaranteed news, but I still guarantee it will come.
  9. Way to abuse power. I'm totally going to report you and have DarkeSword close your project, dude. JUST KIDDING! Maybe.
  10. Hey, that's pretty dang cool. It may not be my thing personally, but this project IS very popular, and it is enjoyable for the most part. Glad to see OCR site projects getting major recognition like that, anyway.
  11. I didn't originally type that in AOLSpeak... ...AREEEK! BTW, new developments coming soon. I guarantee it.
  12. I've finally gotten to listen to CS, I'll be honest here: Except for a couple good tracks, I was a little underwhelmed. This project is by no means bad, but...I dunno. It just didn't really strike a chord with me. Part of it could be that I have no history with CT, so there's no nostalgia factor, but that's never stopped me from enjoying a lot of other songs from games I've never played before (which includes other CT remixes). So I'll say that this project was a good effort and could probably fit in a movie, but I wasn't exactly overwhelmed by it. I can appreciate the hard work put into it, and there are a few tracks that are great. Overall though, I'd say that this project was only average at best. Just my 2 cents.
  13. I'm pretty sure mirrors are going to need at least 400-500 megs to spare, and good bandwidth. There's a lot of music on this thing.
  14. Congrats guys, you are absolutely shattering my bandwidth this month. 48 gigs out of 60 used in just a couple weeks. I'm averaging several gigs a day on downloads, all for CS songs. Quite impressive. I never got that much activity for any previous remix projects I have mirrored.
  15. If you don't keep up with the other projects, some interesting news has come about. According to SnappleMan in the Sonic 3 project thread, Sixto was involved in a forklift accident, shattering one of his arms. At this point, I am actively seeking a replacement for Last Battle ~Decision~, and may also need someone for The Second Act. I'll /<33p j00 updated.
  16. Well, this certainly puts an interesting dent into things... I hope for the best for Sixto. He's had a bit of a tough time with those limbs of his.
  17. Unfortunately, DarkeSword has had to leave the project. We'll certainly miss his talent as a contribution to this project, but best of luck to him in other endeavors. Rexy will be taking up the reigns on Presea's theme. And she even already has a WIP. And it's good. Alright, I'm putting out the call for project mirrors NOW so I don't forget. Would anyone besides those who have already stepped up and offered space be able to host about, oh say....400-500 megs of songs?
  18. Funny. I was planning on talking to you sometime this weekend. Good to hear from both of you. Let's keep it up!
  19. That is really cool. Be sure to let Rick know that I'm willing to drop as much information regarding SoS as I am able to.
  20. March 2011, check. Only five more years of waiting... Maybe the new Guns 'n' Roses album will be out by then. An even more amazing feet would be if it didn't suck. But something tells me it will, like the lack of Slash.
  21. andy: Good luck with that! Computer hardware is a pain, but hopefully you'll have the situation handled. Keep me updated with your progress, and I'll see what I can do about getting you a guitarist. Eeeexcellent. Although, there's a possibility that I'll be needing you to remix another song for this (don't know yet for sure). Would you be up for it?
  22. I commented, andy. Very nice so far. UPDATE Alright, folksies. The time has come. I know I probably threw you all for a loop before with the last "final" WIP due date, but that won't happen again. Word through the grapevine is that the next, and LAST (meaning final) completed song due date will be on this date: FEBRUARY 23RD, 2006 Keep in mind that this is also Lea's birthday, so get her a nice birthday present in the form of a finished song, won't you? But really: This will hopefully be the last due date before the project release, which I would like to be in early March (do some research and you'll understand why), but don't worry: I haven't forgotten that ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN, so if you're anticipating this project, make sure you anticipate it to be released in March 5 years from now, just so you aren't disappointed. The whip has been cracked, and I will be contacting a lot of you heavily in the next several weeks to push for completed songs. It's time to kick things into high gear and get to work on your tracks, folks!
  23. My criticism for this project: IT SUCKS. Ohwait, it's not even out yet. Damn.
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