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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Well, unfortunately due to issues beyond anyone's control, Lukethexjesse has dropped from the project. I'm sad to see him go as his last DoD entry showed that he'd really improved his production and arrangement skills, so hopefully he can get his computer fixed and show us more of what he's capable of. Who will be replacing him? None other than the star of the MMX project: WASHUDOLL. Oh yes. Be hyped. BE READY.
  2. Haha, some of the comments are really short-sighted and closed-minded. I guess I shouldn't be surprised by that, though.
  3. Not to mention a legal nightmare.
  4. Bonus episode of GameFuel tonight! Tune in! http://areciboradio.com
  5. With only 4 tracks left, it would be a real shame to let this one go by the wayside.
  6. This is the best thing to happen to the internet. Suck it, vocal haters.
  7. I don't think so, but his Capcom stuff is licensed at least. You'll have to double-check with him.
  8. This one is actually incorrect, as they are now licensed, as is Mega Ran. They weren't when they first started, however.
  9. http://kngi.org/p=3337 NOBUO UEMATSU comes to Nitro Game Injection! You seriously don't want to miss this!
  10. Sonic? Really?

  11. Many of the earlier albums are definitely inconsistent in their formats and tagging. Liontamer mentioned that he may go back through the old albums and retag them to the new standards in place once the main site remixes are done. Don't hold me (or him) to that, though.
  12. Just stop using it. It doesn't matter whether you have an account open or not if you just don't use it anymore. However, if you're bent on deleting it for real, you'll have to PM Liontamer or DarkeSword to delete it for you. That's the only way.
  13. I don't have one, but my good friend VikingGuitar does: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/vikingguitar/viking-guitar-university
  14. Got some WIPs for all three tracks from Do a Barrel Roll! These guys rule. You should go grab their EP, which includes a TMNT4 medley that'll whet your appetite for the project!
  15. Yes, the chase scene music was AWESOME. Would love to have the soundtrack for this show just based on the first two episodes alone.
  16. Yeah, I noticed this as well, but thinking back, TLA had a few of those too. It's still pretty strong dialogue overall, and I figure it'll only improve as the writers and voice actors get more comfortable with the characters. Also, the Chief Lin bit was hilarious. Tenzin's son saying "yeah, you're a bad teacher!" cracked me up AND made me feel bad for the guy at the same time. And Korra is just an awesome character in general.
  17. So, just watched the premiere of the new Last Airbender sequel series The Legend of Korra. They haven't lost a beat in following the original series with strong characters, great writing, and amazing animation. Definitely makes up for that horrible Shyamalan abomination, and I'm really looking forward to more episodes. What do you guys think?
  18. Tonight's GameFuel is going to be a 'Wily Stage 1' Special. Just because.
  19. I know this topic has come up before, but I really want to advocate this because I feel it's a great opportunity and I want to play along with the music of the artists in this community. By now I'm sure a number of you have seen me touting the virtues of the Rock Band Network on Facebook. I am a big fan of this game and I have been advocating more of my musically-inclined friends to make their original stuff available. For those of you who don't know, the RBN is essentially user-created content for the game Rock Band. It is a venue for smaller, lesser-known acts to get their music into the game, featuring in-game note charts created either by the artists themselves or one of the many groups and individuals who are quality charting specialists, and can do legwork for the artist, often with no money up front. , , , and a few other OC ReMixers already have stuff on there, but I've been advocating this in the hopes of seeing many more original songs from you guys in the game. The groups will work with you and use the master stems of your tracks to author the charts with as much accuracy as possible. Or, you can take advantage of the tutorials and charting guidelines and create the charts yourself, if you'd prefer."But Kyle," you say, "I don't write rock music!" It doesn't matter. There's , , , , and Jonathan Coulton up there. With the keyboard, everything is fair game!Unfortunately, you can't get game remixes or music that you no longer have the rights to, but I know many of you have original works, so it's gotta happen! I make this thread because I love you guys, and I love your music. I really want to play it in Rock Band and see you gain more exposure with people around the world who may not even be aware of the game remix scene but play Rock Band (of which there are plenty of people that still do!) If you're interested, you can check out the list of RBN charting groups and individuals on the RB forums, or go to the Rock Band Creators website and learn how you can do your own charting. If you need help, I'll do the best I can to get you pointed in the right direction. Let's flood Rock Band with some of the greatest music in the world! And hey, you get to make a little money too. Nothing wrong with that, right?
  20. Your name is awesome because it's fun to say. TOOBERZZZZZZZZZ
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