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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. And we're LIVE! Tons of special guests and great music, so get in on it! http://areciboradio.com
  2. I wanted to ask you, Drew: is that official art or was it drawn by you?
  3. I agree, Washudoll absolutely knocked it out of the park on here. Same with Diggi Dis. Holy crap does Frank bring the FUNK.
  4. Tomorrow, March 15th officially marks the ninth anniversary of Nitro Game Injection! To celebrate, Kyle, Larry and Suraida are hosting a special episode with tons of special guests (including the return of Ian Flynn, Level 99, jmr, and the always lovely AKUMU) and great music. Be there at 7 PM Eastern (4 PM Pacific) for 3 hours of downright insanity. THEN, stick around after the show at 10 PM Eastern for the exclusive listening party of Shnabubula's new album NES Jamz, hosted by TrueStar of Noise Channel!
  5. Well I'll be damned. I was NOT expecting a huge influx of likes on the Facebook page overnight. Of course, I should've learned by now to never doubt Larry Oji and his leet social media skillz.
  6. It's up over 26,000. If it doesn't come out by Friday, I'll be amazed.
  7. I will make the TMNT4 project available only once OCR reaches 500,000 likes AND 500,000 followers on Twitter.
  8. This thread is going a lot better than that MMX Facebook Like thing.
  9. Except all of the music currently is still here and you can still listen to it. djp is also throwing you guys a bone and posting some preview tracks from the project, so nothing is being withheld and the album is GOING TO BE RELEASED. OCR is already up to over 25,000 likes and steadily climbing. It's not like the goal isn't going to be reached (probably within just a few more days) and it's helping build more hype for the album and OC ReMix in general (not to mention giving a little bit of a buffer to those involved with getting the project ready for release. Seriously, a project of this magnitude requires time to prepare, and this is the single largest project in OC ReMix history.) Nobody is trying to keep you from anything.
  10. If you don't want to contribute, that's fine. It's going to get released whether you do or not.
  11. Except once the page hits 27,000, the album will come out, the campaign will be over, and your faces will be so melted from listening to this thing that you won't care anymore. So yes, it's not really an issue except for the few of you who are making it one right now.
  12. For folks who think their posts are getting deleted, they aren't. They have been consolidated over in another, single thread. If you wish to continue discussing the supposed negative aspects of a Facebook Like campaign, please do it over there.
  13. POSTS ARE NOT BEING DELETED They have been consolidated over in another, single thread. If you wish to continue discussing this non-issue, please do it over there.
  14. Nobody's opinion has been deleted. All of the posts on this "issue" were consolidated over in a single thread.
  15. Wouldn't it be hilarious if it turned out the album sucked anyway? You'd all be complaining over nothing! By the way, OCR is posting some tracks from the album early for you guys. Go check the front page, listen and enjoy. Just relax and the album will come out when it's ready and Sigma is defeated.
  16. Except they're already past 24,500. It's not like they're starting from zero. Also, if you added in everyone that follows OCR on Twitter, the count would be 38,281. But this is about Facebook, not Twitter. Nah, I know you guys are just in it for the money. Clearly you are just LOADED giving away all these free remixes!
  17. Your argument is immediately nullified by the fact that the album will not be available only to those who liked OCR on Facebook, but to everyone. If OCR only cared about Facebook, the album would be exclusive to Facebook fans only.
  18. It's meant to bring more potential listeners and newcomers to check out to what the artists provide here at OC ReMix, as well as target folks who may already enjoy the site but don't like OCR on Facebook yet. I don't know why you need a press release to state this rather obvious fact.
  19. How DARE OCReMix try to promote itself? It's all just a ploy to get Facebook Likes! Hey, while you're at it, if you like OCR and video game music, go Like this page. MAKE MY E-PEEN GROOOOWWWW!
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