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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. NGI 200 TODAY! In 15 minutes, to be exact! GET OVER HERE: http://areciboradio.com
  2. Unless those rocks somehow start making music, I don't think it works that way...
  3. This weekend is kind of a big deal. -TONIGHT (Saturday) at 9 PM Eastern time, tune in for a very special GameFuel listening party of Stemage's new album, Where Good Marbles Go To Die! The album features 7 tracks with 7 different guest artists, including Disasterpeace, norg, xoc, housethegate, and more! -Sunday at 2 PM Eastern, after over 9 years of video game music goodness, Nitro Game Injection will FINALLY be celebrating its 200th episode! Tune in for the second part of the Greatest Hits Special, featuring 50 of the best songs from NGI's storied history! If you missed it, you can catch Greatest Hits Part 1 right here: http://kngi.org/p=3526
  4. I'd hope so, considering it's Suda51.
  5. This game looks fucking ridiculous. I want it.
  6. I have no idea what this means, but I'm going to start using it in normal conversation from now on.
  7. Time to switch back to "prophet of mephisto." Or "mephistik."
  8. How many places DO offer oversized clothing? Not many. This is nothing new and hardly exclusive to OCR. It probably boils down to low demand, the higher cost of larger clothing, or the printing companies not offering sizes that large in general. Isn't this the second time you've made this post? Besides, I thought you didn't like this place anyway. Why do you want to wear its logo around on yourself?
  9. Why is this guy "Andrew" in one email and "Andreas" in another?
  10. If you need an answer as to why this is so different from the original Hard Corps and from Contra in general, Yamamoto explains in that interview:
  11. Any game that can be compared to Metal Slug is A-okay in my book, considering Metal Slug is one of the greatest shooters ever made. This game is amazing and Daisuke Ishiwatari's music fits the Contra universe like a glove (of course I may be biased since he's one of my top 5 favorite guitarists of all time). There's only two original Contra music covers in the entire game, and one is only accessible with the Konami code so you never have to hear it if you don't want to, so I'm not sure what the big deal about that is. I like Contra: Hard Corps, but Uprising seems to be kind of distancing itself from it (notice the lack of the word "Contra" in the title) so it has a bit of a different, Guilty Gear-esque style that I like a lot. Now if only the game weren't so balls-out hard...
  12. Splash Woman is EVERYWHERE. It was even used during a TNA wrestling promo.
  13. Now taking bets on a beach episode happening in this shows' future. After all, gotta work in that fanservice somehow.
  14. Relevant: http://bitmob.com/articles/10-ways-to-prevent-your-username-from-sucking
  15. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA you're the best, JH.
  16. If this place could survive the memes of UnMod, it can survive anything. This is probably the best one yet.
  17. Dohohohohoho! SO CLEVAR!
  18. Don't make me start the After Burner project.
  19. I will do ALL THE PROJECTS. Starting with MM7. (well actually starting with TMNT4 and then MM7, but still)
  20. Preaching to the choir, my boy. Still might do an MM7 project. DAMN THE TORPEDOES LETS DO DIS SHEEIT
  21. Yeah, a technological theory is much more sound than something silly like voice bending. However, I don't think this theory really works because we've already seen that the "public speaking Amon," "takes bending away Amon," and "I will fight you now Amon" are the same person. Unless there was a scene where he was shown leaving and then coming back out again on stage during the rally, which I don't think there was.
  22. You gonna make one, then? I've done 2 projects, am working on a third, and am somewhat co-directing a fourth. I'm only a little burned out. I might have one more in me. The only problem is rallying excitement and recruiting for a project focusing on Mega Man 7. If this thread is any indication, there isn't much love for this game except from a small group of people. It's not a hot property where folks will line up to remix it, unlike the earlier games in the series.
  23. Okay, this is just getting ridiculous. Do I need to start a Mega Man 7 project or something? Because I'll do it. Don't doubt for a second that I'll do it!
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