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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. http://kngi.org/private/miscstuff/battletoads/ It's pretty amazing how many Battletoads arrangements are out there, and yet how few have made their way onto OCR.
  2. After kicking several ideas around for months, I've officially settled on a name for this project: SHELL SHOCK. Now my artwork plans can hopefully come to fruition! EDIT: And so they have, with the amazing FoxxDragon joining in to provide some truly METUL artstyles!
  3. Nobody made any songs for it. You're just telling lies as cover!
  4. Wouldn't it be hilarious if the entire existence of this album was a highly elaborate hoax? In fact, I'm almost certain it actually doesn't exist and Bahamut has, like Capcom, just been trolling Mega Man fans.
  5. You'd think I'd get banned before he would for dragging up this old crap.
  6. The best image I can seem to find of the sidebar is this old screenshot of EA ReMix I capped back in '05. I thought djp kept a page of OCR design history with screenshots, but it seems to be long gone, or I'm just dumb and can't find it.
  7. There were a few mistakes made with the sidebar and how the response to it was handled (on both sides.) I think it was about this time where more of the underlying feelings of the rest of the site vs. UnMod really began to come to light. Here, let's allow The Coop to explain.
  8. So how does a complete dumbass like me get this script working in a Windows environment? I've installed Ruby and tried running the script in a command prompt but it keeps spitting this back at me: ocremix.rb:4: syntax error, unexpected '<' <!DOCTYPE html> ^ ocremix.rb:5: syntax error, unexpected '<' <html> ^ ocremix.rb:8: syntax error, unexpected '<' <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> ^ ocremix.rb:8: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expect <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
  9. NOTE: NGI will be moving to 4PM Eastern today due to Super Bowl festivities. That's less than 25 minutes away, so BE THERE! http://www.areciboradio.com
  10. GameFuel is on right now! Hop into the chat and make some requests!
  11. Apparently nobody likes the multiplayer music from Turtles in Time, since it's the only stuff that's still unclaimed. That's a shame, as it was some good stuff!
  12. Eww, the OCR server has Abadoss cooties all over it.
  13. Removing the filesize limit? So that means Crystal Flash could very well become an OC ReMix now? WAT.
  14. Right now SnappleMan is on Dark Messenger on that project. If it's not sufficiently badass, something will have gone horribly, HORRIBLY wrong.
  15. It's not. I've talked to the directors of that private project from several years ago and it would seem to be dead in the water.
  16. If he isn't represented here, he will be more than covered on the FF9 project.
  17. Too bad entries are due tomorrow. Though we did have a thread about this awhile ago...
  18. If you missed our interview with Jay Pavlina today, the archive is now up: http://kngi.org/p=2965
  19. Except Colors and Generations were actually good, and Unleashed had some fun elements as well. The main problem with Sonic 4 (other than the broken physics) is that everything is just a rehash/remake of stuff that appeared in the original trilogy. The three Genesis games were fresh and new and showed creativity between installments. Sonic 4 just went back and pulled stuff from the old games in the name of playing up the nostalgia, and as a result it's pretty forgettable. Granted, Sonic Generations did much the same thing, but it was much more fun and just felt a lot better.
  20. We're hitting the internet airwaves in an hour (5PM Eastern) with special guest Jay Pavlina, developer of Super Mario Bros. Crossover!
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