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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Mae made me one (not in the shape of Mega Man though, but that's okay,) so I did get a cake!
  2. Hahaha, they're on Facebook now: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Legal-Sounds/247555928603692
  3. For those of you who think Capcom is doing this to wreck Mega Man because Inafune left the company, this was pretty much his idea.
  4. Funny, I still have all the stuff from that...
  5. I should mention there won't be a GameFuel this week. Family coming into town and all that, you know. NGI is still on, however!
  6. Careful, this thread might start drawing out the old guard!
  7. Sadly for yooooouuuuuuu! (Seriously though thank you guys I love you all)
  8. Yes, and this is why I always laugh when people say it's "un-American" to not support the government. Doesn't get much more patriotic than following the words of the second paragraph of the Declaration, I say.
  9. Lame, they aren't selling Around the World.
  10. Our guest yesterday was Nick Burgess. Some of the old guard around here may remember him as the host of Super Radio X and one half Mega Man remixing duo Project X: http://bit.ly/AquWrH Our guest this week? Jay Pavlina, creator and developer of Super Mario Bros. Crossover. It's gonna be awesome: http://bit.ly/yqw9SI
  11. Yeah, it was handled really well, though it's kind of a shame that Turntable is only available to US listeners. If any OCR projects ever want to host a truly live listening party (as we did with Around the World), Arecibo Radio would be more than happy to help with that.
  12. For you international listeners who want to get more of the experience of the Turntable listening party (or otherwise can't get on Turntable for whatever reason), I'm mirroring it on Arecibo Radio. Listen at http://areciboradio.com or with your favorite music player using or http://www.kngi.org/NGI/arecibo.pls.
  13. I just realized this project would've been a great opportunity for a Phantasy Star remix, yet there isn't one. Oops. Regardless, it looks and sounds fantastic! I am ready.
  14. Great, now you've just set Larry's MP3 tagging back another 9 months!
  15. Not every song on the site has been tagged yet, but these should get you well on your way to amassing a vocal collection: http://ocremix.org/forums/tags.php?tag=vocals-female and http://ocremix.org/forums/tags.php?tag=vocals-male
  16. "Inside Shredder's Hideout" taken by... Joshua Morse?! Oh yes, the man CAN rock it. Welcome aboard, sir!
  17. Finally, some Secret Bonus Point representation on the site! Flexstyle's track is amazing, but it's just the tip of the iceberg from Dj Mokram and Co., so I suggest you all go check out the album for more Dynamite Headdy goodness.
  18. Yeah, the Sonic commercial is awesome, if a bit weird. He doesn't even talk, so you can't use that tired old "SONIC SHOULDNT TALK OPENING HIS MOUTH IS THE WORST THING THATS EVER HAPPENED IN THE HISTORY OF EVER" argument.
  19. Larry is tagging the HELL out of these remixes!
  20. Just go read TVTropes, unless they black out too. Then we're screwed.
  21. According to the closing ceremonies, they are moving the main stage to the Potomac Ballroom next year, which has a HUGE built-in stage and is about 20,000 sq. ft. larger than the room the concerts were in this year, so that should take care of the problem for most of the shows.
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