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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. I don't know yet. Maybe someone can add in some awesome vocals and can use your services.
  2. Considering we were overrun with bots at one point, I consider this a win. I did adjust it to make it a little easier, however. Hopefully that'll help you guys out.
  4. Working on it right now. EDIT: And they should be good to go.
  5. I'm pretty sure you're physically capable of listening to the show and eating spaghetti at the same time. Hell, I can DO the show and eat spaghetti at the same time!
  6. GameFuel returns tonight, and NGI returns tomorrow! You should be there because I highly doubt any of you have anything better to be doing.
  7. My most played OC ReMix according to Last.fm is from Sixto. Yeah, big surprise there: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01850/ My most played OC ReMix according to Winamp (which only goes as far back as my last reformat, which was about a year ago) is this little slice of awesome: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02167/
  8. Lidawg has now joined in, tackling one of the more awesome Hyperstone Heist-exclusive tracks, Outside Shredder's Hideout!
  9. So, Ailsean revisited this one and made it even more amazing: http://www.ailsean.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=59&Itemid=26
  10. Pros: +Meeting awesome internet friends in person, 99% of them for the first time. Seriously, every one of you was super nice and amazingly friendly. Every single one. +It was a very positive atmosphere. I didn't feel anomosity or judgement. I always felt like I was among friends. +MAGFest was the first time I had ever seen almost all of the performers playing there, and while I couldn't see everyone, everyone I did see was mindblowing. +Having Stevo Bortz and Larry Oji be the very first people I meet after walking into the hotel. That pretty much set up the weekend as being mindbogglingly amazing. +Meeting Arecibo Radio and 8bitX show hosts in person, and having the pleasure of hosting a podcast live from the show floor with them. Check it out if you haven't: http://kngi.org/p=2879 +The Arecibo/8bitX panel. Thanks to everyone who came and made it a much bigger turnout than we expected! +Staying alive during the absolutely insane moshing and crowd surfing during the Metroid Metal show. Some kid almost fell right on my face. SO WORTH IT. +Speaking of, watching Danimal Cannon give it his all during THREE performances on Friday. The man is a machine! +Hanging out and meeting Shizzies and legendary DoD musicians during the DoD listening party. norg gave me the biggest hug I think I've ever gotten from anyone. +Running into Tony "Prince of Darkness' Dickinson in the elevator. +Chilling with like 30 OCR folks and walking with them over to Baja Fresh. +Reckadam dropping a drumstick during the Disasterpeace show and STILL managing to tear it up. So killer. +Meeting all of The Megas, getting them to sign my badge, taking a picture with them, and FINALLY seeing them perform a full show. I'm more pumped than ever for Mega Man 3! +Seeing Channel Awesome/That Guy With the Glasses people wandering around. They weren't the reason I was there, but it was really cool to just be walking around and seeing Linkara, JewWario, Sage, Phelous, Obscurus Lupa, and others. Kind of weird that I didn't see Doug at all, but he probably does tend to attract a crowd, so... +The MASSIVE game and arcade room. The best part? All of the arcade games were totally free to play! +Playing through the TMNT arcade game with Suraida, some random dude, and Rob-PK (who joined in during the Shredder battle.) +Playing the Super Mario Bros. arcade machine and spotting the minor differences in item and enemy placement compared to the home version. It was kind of surreal. +Watching some guy dressed as a Jabbawokkee play DDR and make it actually look like dancing: +Seeing the Earthbound Papas/Black Mages perform in person. HOLY SHIT. +Uematsu himself doing the Colossus Roar. Pretty much the only time during the entire weekend where it was actually funny AND awesome. +n0c letting me stay with him and being a great roommate. It was a pleasure, sir. +Watching a huge bidding battle for an Uematsu-signed Final Fantasy Famicom cartridge during the Child's Play auction before Closing Ceremonies. Bidding started at $20, and it managed to go all the way up to $1525. There was a LOT of tension in the room! Cons: -Missing all of the Thursday shows. Not a huge deal, but I would've loved to have at least seen Descendants of Erdrick. -Missing brentalfloss. Damn panel scheduling... -Missing most of This Place Is Haunted's set. I was just too wiped out and needed a break, unfortunately. -Missing the Minibosses. I had to weigh my options, and unfortunately I can't be in two places at once. -Not getting the chance to meet and/or hang with more people that I knew were there. Especially djpretzel and Uematsu. -Having to leave. It was over way too fast.
  11. Holy shit. BEST. WEEKEND. EVER. You are all awesome. Yes, every single one of you! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!
  12. Bags packed, flight confirmed and checked in, weekend schedule and OCR phone numbers set in my phone... LETS DO THIS SHIT.
  13. Threw my number in there because what's better than getting text messages at 3 AM at a con when you're trying to sleep, right?! MAGFEST!
  14. I may need to be taking advantage of that, lest I be Patient Zero of this years' MAGFlu epidemic...
  15. Good coverage of the last year, though you missed a few notable albums by OCReMixers: brass 2: mouth and Lonnie... Get Your Brass Away from Here from minibosses, Mega Ran's Black Materia AND Mega Ran 10, The OneUps' Intergalactic Redux, Stemage's Frets of Valmar, Zero Over Zero and the Alpha Squad Soundtrack, and a bunch more that are slipping my mind right now. It was a pretty huge year for albums, so I can understand missing some of them.
  16. We are totally gonna ROCK this place. Seriously, best playlist EVAR.
  17. It's not fully implemented, but you can take advantage of the tag system right now: http://ocremix.org/forums/tags.php
  18. Sounds like you're better off using an SNES emulator and just playing the original.
  19. It's been slow for a lot of radio shows lately. I'm hoping a break for a bit with the upcoming holidays will get more people interested when the shows come back.
  20. Well, it's the 20th and there is no album. I bet there never was an album, just like there never was a Tales, Super Dodge Ball, or Boss Themes album! It was all lies! AN ELABORATE HOAX!
  21. Sounds like someone needs to go watch all of brentalfloss' videos. Right now.
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