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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. For all your Rebel Army and Castle Pandemonium needs!
  2. Open Minecraft. Create a single-player map and play it for awhile. That's what the server would be like without bukkit.
  3. Sorry, never going to happen. OCR has been strict about filesize in the past and will likely never lift that limitation, and they probably won't accept any song encoded any lower than 128kbps. Also, most of the judges likely won't let you get away with a remix that's much longer than 8-10 minutes before they NO it for being too long. You could try splitting it up into chunks and submitting it, but you could only submit one piece at a time every two weeks. That's pretty much the only other alternative outside of sharing it on the Game ReMixes forum. (which I see you've already done.)
  4. No, I think Gollgagh was referring more to the fact that you could hit Print Screen, open up Windows Paint, click Edit and Paste, and have a postable picture much quicker.
  5. As the one who has released the largest OCR album project to date, I have only one thing to say: Both you guys and the MMX project are insane.
  6. The music boxes at the beginning are possible. A full remix while flying through space on a pig? Not so much.
  7. Not enough Mega Man 7 remixes going on around these parts. I know brentalfloss described it as sounding like someone's birthday party exploded, but that doesn't mean you can't remix it.
  8. Bump N'Jump: A true arcade classic where you have to rescue your girlfriend by chasing down the perpetrators with a ridiculous jumping truck on poorly-designed roads. The NES version in particular has a couple of pretty fun tunes ripe for remixing. Exhibit A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kzb1zr0oJkw Exhibit B: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVUowHwsEI0 Exhibit C:
  9. Sounds like a generic chiptune/trance song to me. Don't recognize it from any game.
  10. Actually, it's all up to you guys now. I'm not in charge of evaluation. That's what she said.
  11. Holy crap, that gameplay footage looks fantastic. I haven't been excited about a Sonic game in years, but this is definitely sparking my interest. Classic Sonic's gameplay is what Sonic 4 should have been. Also, one very nice thing: Classic Sonic is QUIET. Not a peep. Awesome.
  12. Oh, and you have to wait for that Super Dodge Ball crap.
  13. Also, Duke Nukem Forever. It really is amazing. There's so many incredible tracks on this project. You guys are in for a real treat.
  14. Y'know, I could totally see it working as a chill hip-hop track.
  15. Only some? Oh wait, you've already heard at least one track from it. (thanks for pushing Ari to finish his track, by the way)
  16. While I'd love to see a remix on OCR, what I like about this theme is that there are already a ton of remixes for it, by the original composer. Check out Angry Birds Seasons and Rio for some awesome renditions (including a salsa version in Rio).
  17. It starts again... http://kotaku.com/5803050/sony-playstation-network-password-reset-page-exploited-customer-accounts-potentially-compromised
  18. Bumping this because we have some awesome guests lined up this weekend on Nitro Game Injection. Ian Flynn, who has probably made more appearances on the show than any other non-co-host, will be coming back as a guest host to pimp the new comic book series he's writing: Archie's Mega Man, out on comic stands now! Also, Larry and I sat down with Bassil, the drummer of Powerglove, this past weekend while the band was on the road. We will be playing back the great interview we had with him, talking about Powerglove's past, as well as their touring experiences. It's definitely an insightful and entertaining look into an incredible band.
  19. That just fits OCAD.
  20. GameFuel is on now and taking your VGM requests! Listen: http://bit.ly/eNJQOe Chat: http://bit.ly/dVb1hd
  21. Dear GTAHater836: Stop posting in project threads attempting to show that you know what you're talking about. Because you don't. At all. Love, KyleJCrb This project is officially complete and has been under evaluation for awhile now. Website and artwork are progressing along. We're probably coming out in June. In fact, I'd hope we're coming out in June because NiGHTS is scheduled for early July, soooo...
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