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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Yeah, the place is huge. MAGFest will only be taking up a part of the available room space, from what I understand.
  2. Capcom legally gave OCR the rights to arrange the music from their games when they did the Street Fighter 2 HD ReMix soundtrack. We're safe. Sounds like another bullshit C&D sent out by a law firm that was too hasty and not knowledgeable about the material (if it's even a real C&D which I'm weary of given the vague language and mispellings.) It makes no sense for Capcom to attack The Protomen, especially since they create original songs based on the world of Mega Man, not remixes of songs from the games. EDIT: It's fake. http://twitter.com/#!/Protomen/status/94575844370034688
  3. http://www.dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/05-06-Free_Month/16-Rexy-Crash%20Twinsanity-The%20Final%20Threshold-DoD.mp3 http://www.dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/06-11-Free_Month/ZZ-Rexy-Crash%20Bandicoot%203-Pura%27s%20Alehouse-DoD.mp3 http://www.dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/11-05-Sony_Month/04-BrandonStrader,Rexy-CrashBandicoot-Hogging-DoD.mp3 http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC126
  4. If you happen to be home from work and bored, we're live! Listen: http://bit.ly/eNJQOe Chat: http://bit.ly/dVb1hd
  5. As you probably know, KNGI.org has been down for a few days now. Rest assured I've contacted BLue about getting it back up, but I haven't heard anything yet. I will be updating you guys here as things develop.
  6. Well, the existence of Ultimate MvC3 has been justified in that the Japan earthquake several months ago threw off their development schedule. They originally intended the additional characters to be DLC for the original game, but since that didn't happen, they instead decided to bundle them all together and refine the mechanics and balance and release it all together as a new edition. It's not that great of a justification, and it sucks for early adopters of the original, but that's the excuse Capcom is sticking with. Still doesn't explain the lack of Mega Man, though.
  7. According to the leaked roster, Mega Man didn't make the cut for Ultimate MvC3 despite being the highest-voted character on a fan poll: http://protodudesrockmancorner.blogspot.com/2011/07/why-mega-man-isnt-in-ultimate-marvel-vs.html
  8. I thought she sued Ark Music Factory and went independent.
  9. OH GOD SIXTO DOING BIG BRIDGE ...I think I need new pants.
  10. It's funny that OCR staff has been supporting this project, yet it's completely unofficial and the first post even trashes OCR by claiming they'll "take credit" for it if it's released as an official site project. I don't really care what happens to this thread or this project or not at this stage, since yes, it is almost complete, but this argument doesn't really help your case. Saying that this non-OCR affiliated project with no intent of being released as an official site project has been able stay here and use OCR resources while in production because OCR staff is involved (instead of being locked, moved to Site Projects or the WIP forum like other project recruitment threads in the past) just makes the double standard even more obvious and has fostered discriminatory and unfair treatment between projects that do have staff support and those projects that don't.
  11. Neither was the Dynamite Headdy project (it was never official and as far as I know has no intention to be,) and that got locked right quick until Mokram begged for it to be reopened. Official status or not, every project thread in this forum is supposed to abide by the same rules. I have to question why this gets a free pass and other unofficial project threads have been locked down previously.
  12. I may do a lead-in to you guys on Friday with a GameFuel Bonus Round episode. Just so you know.
  13. We're on! Listen: http://bit.ly/eNJQOe Chat: http://bit.ly/dVb1hd
  14. The Content Policy outlines broadcast use and public performance: http://ocremix.org/info/Content_Policy In a nutshell, it is absolutely fine. The only requirements are that you credit the remixers and mention the site on-air. There are a number of shows around that air OCReMixes (I'm host of two of them,) and so long as you credit the remixers and name the site, you are clear to air them.
  15. That is really cool. Nice job! Photobucket drops the size, though. Try putting it up on Imageshack.
  16. They're doing a whole series of videos with guest artists, so get in on that!
  17. Hey guys, if you aren't listening tomorrow, I will be very sad.
  18. Okay, because I logged in yesterday and didn't have donator status.
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