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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Doesn't really matter anyway since Status Quo is God and everything goes to exactly the same way it was before the episode started every time.
  2. It's that excess gas from McRib consumption.
  3. I blame Larry. Then again, I always blame Larry.
  4. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that bio was written before New Vegas was released.
  5. Link's broken, but it wouldn't surprise me. SEGA's community team has been supporting OCReMix for awhile now.
  6. Hold onto your dooky, 'cause it's gonna get spooky.
  7. I had a lot of behind-the-scenes access to the production of this song, and I can attest to the fact that every single person involved with the OverClocked Plaid Muffins poured their heart and soul into this remix. Absolutely stellar, and very exciting to hear some real GOOD ska on OCReMix. I've been looking forward to hearing LuIzA sing in a remix again for some time, and she knocked it out of the park here. MOAR VOX PLZ LU All in all, a fantastic remix that is a prime example of what video game music arrangement is all about. Thank you Stevo, Luiza and Co. for what is unarguably one of the finest pieces to come out of anywhere in the VGM scene.
  8. That's formerly you.

  9. Uematsu sez: "Hey dudes, thanks for Liking me! Let's go for a burger! Ha ha ha ha!"
  10. Got a kickass GameFuel lined up for tonight, starting at 9PM ET (so 10 minutes from when this was posted.) Get in the chat and add to the kickassness with your requests! Listen: http://bit.ly/eNJQOe Chat: http://bit.ly/dVb1hd
  11. The "loss" found in MP3s and other compressed formats comes from the digital conversion and compression from a large .wav or CD file down to the compressed format. This loss is always constant and is always there, but it shouldn't result in massive static (and it's arguable that there is much of an effect at all on most music, depending on bitrate settings and the like.) I have MP3s that I've been holding onto since at least 2001 and they have no problems. I've never heard of digital files "degrading" over time like that, so this is interesting. Do you have bad hard drives, or were the old MP3s copied from bad hard drives or old, badly-burned CD-Rs? Those are the only causes that I can think of.
  12. They pretty much just got pwned at their own game.
  13. We'll be having a secret guest co-host tomorrow. He's a pretty cool guy. eh writes classical-style remixes and doesn't afraid of anything.
  14. How do FLACs confuse the n00bs any more than gigantic WAVs taking up the last little bit of their hard drive space would? Instead of asking what FLACs are, they'll just be going "DEAR GOD WHY IS THIS TORRENT SO GIGANTIC?!"
  15. He's done that twice so far on days when I want to do my show too. It's totally cool to take over the stream when people aren't using it, but anyone who does needs to check the schedule before they start so they can be sure to not be running over someone elses time slot.
  16. Ah crap, I hate when he does that... If only I didn't sleep through showtime, I could've fixed it. Sorry, Cyril.
  17. Click the link Larry posted. There's been some genre tags in place for some time now.
  18. That's what I used MP3Tag for. It is an extremely powerful program.
  19. The good news is, Larry's tagging will probably make it easier to automate this sort of renaming scheme with MP3tag.
  20. Damn. Kind of sucks that you're just going to have to do all the file renaming again when the new torrent with Larry's super-badass complete ID3 tags is released (which includes several re-encoded tracks for higher quality, more consistent formatting, notes from the artists, embedded album art, and all sorts of other cool stuff.)
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