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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. This just in: 5 new people run very, VERY far away from Virginia.
  2. Do those of us who had donator status on the old server still receive the extra privileges, or do we have to donate again? (which I'd gladly do when I get the money anyway, but still.)
  3. When they build teleporters and let me use them without paying the ridiculous cost of flying, I'm in.
  4. Some updates: For the last couple weeks, we've had some HUGE composer interviews on NGI. First up, we dedicated an entire episode to the 20th anniversary of Frank Klepacki, the legendary composer behind the Command & Conquer game series, as well as Star Wars: Empire At War and the upcoming End of Nations. Check it out! Just this past weekend, we put together a special episode for Commodore computers and the C64 arrangement community, and had the opportunity to sit down with one of the most renowned composers EVER, Chris Huelsbeck! Turrican, Jim Power, Gianna Sisters, and R-Type are just some of the well-regarded franchises that he's made his mark on, as well as composing for new iOS projects like ZombieSmash! and the upcoming browser-based Star Trek: Infinite Space! Listen to it! This week, we will be welcoming the lovely and talented Laura Intravia on the show, who you might know better as She is a classically-trained composer, arranger, and vocalist, currently working with the awesome Video Games Live concert series, as well as contributing to her first game soundtrack: Otomedius Excellent. Don't miss it this Sunday!
  6. Great performance, but I just knew they were going to end it with FF7. At least they didn't break into One Winged Angel.
  7. I didn't really care for Avatar either, but at least it wasn't offensive in almost every way, shape, or form. I understand the third one tones down the incredibly stupid and offensive jokes, but apparently they're still there in some form, which is one reason why I'm not going to go see it. I'm someone who was never really a Transformers fan but watched a bit during the Beast Wars era, so it would be perfectly fine to me to have jokes in Transformers (after all, Transformers in general is a pretty silly concept to begin with) if they aren't amazingly abhorrent. Oh, and if they are actually funny. As for the humans: They should NEVER be the focus in Transformers, especially if your human characters aren't worth focusing on. I understand the inherent need to give us someone to relate to (though how anyone could relate to Shia LaBeef I'll never know,) but your main character doesn't have to be human for us to relate to them. It's really like the Transformers are nothing more than co-stars in their own movie series, which doesn't make any sense. I know it's expensive to render the insane CG (which would be impressive if I could tell any of the characters, especially the Decepticons, apart,) but how long are these movies? Two and a half hours or more? Cut it down to 90 minutes of giant robot fighting with some witty one-liners and badass visual effects that aren't filmed in shaky cam and you got yourself an awesome action movie spectacle. That's all we really want.
  8. My name is KyleJCrb and I endorse this product and/or service. It's kind of funny how it works, but yeah, Chernabogue pretty much has it. Being a posted remixer and running a project definitely helps in gaining approval for official status. Also, VROOM has two proven co-directors (Level 99 and myself,) so there is very little question that it will get done and be to par. Still, I foresee great things for Vampire Variations. That tracklist with those badass names next to the songs has me EXCITE.
  9. All done and ready. Check your KNGI PMs.

  10. Poor Yahtzee. He sounds more deathly ill than usual when he gets sick this week.
  11. I'm quite amazed that there isn't more backlash from the Sonic fandom, considering these are the same people that bitch about the fucking color of Sonic's eyes in newer games. Personally? Loved it. Couldn't ask for a better tribute to the game that started it all.
  12. Sure, we could do that. Might need a reminder, though.

  13. So, uh... Hey guys, what's going on in this project?
  14. Is this in the MP3 tags? That's one inconsistency Larry is working on fixing with the new tag versions.
  15. Actually, Darke would pretty much be the authority on things like that. djp has other things to worry about.
  16. Why don't you just make me stream it on a certain Arecibo stream?
  17. I'm going on Saturday and Sunday, because I'm too broke to afford a room for more than one night and don't have anyone to room with. I also know Kureejii Lea is going to be there, since her husband works on the Mega Man and Sonic comics for Archie. That's all I can confirm, though.
  18. They've now almost met their goal three times over. This outpouring of support for this great show has been heartwarming, and I'm looking forward to Allison getting the medical attention she needs, recovering and returning triumphantly to Extra Credits.
  19. Probably the best battle theme in the entire series. Or at least my personal favorite. I was about to say there's a ton of remixes of it already, but if you don't follow the doujin and arrange album scenes like I do, then you probably don't know that. INCOMING: http://www.kngi.org/miscstuff/ff5/ That should be more than enough to last you for awhile.
  20. Sadly it is underremixed. I've always wanted to hear someone tackle the boss theme. There are a couple, though: This old WIP from EonBlue, who sadly never finished it despite huge potential: http://www.kngi.org/miscstuff/EonBlue%20-%20Sonic%20Spinball%20-%20Toxic%20Caves.mp3 A DoD entry from tibone, which isn't the greatest thing out there, but it's still pretty cool: http://www.dwellingofduels.net/searchresult.php?search=Spinball
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