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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. http://remix.thasauce.net/song/RTS0191/
  2. http://www.kngi.org/miscstuff/Hooray-RomancingSaGaMinstrelSong.rar
  3. I'm down with this. Everyone seems to always cover the first level, which is an absolutely amazing tune, but let's see something else from this game.
  4. Blam: http://dod.vgmix.com/past/mar07/07-CHM-MrNutz-Wolf-DoD.mp3
  5. I'm honestly surprised this is still here, considering one of the guidelines specifies that "complete inactivity for extended periods of time will warrant removal from Site Projects." OSNAP I WENT THUR
  6. If you want to make and maintain your own torrent of OCReMoved remixes, I'm sure they wouldn't mind that. Just don't expect any official recognition of the torrent by OCR. As for hosting: Consider for a second that many webhosts these days offer unlimited bandwidth, even for shared servers. Sure, they do have a problem if you're using too much bandwidth too quickly, but unless you have huge bandwidth needs, (which I'm fairly certain Doulifee's site does not) then hosting the OCReMoved archive is not a major issue (hell, I will gladly host it myself if Doulifee is having bandwidth or site space issues). Bandwidth and space have become cheap and plentiful. It's really a non-issue these days.
  7. Sorry man, but OCR here is a dictatorship, and whatever the judges and djpretzel say goes. If they want certain songs removed due to standards issues, then it is completely their call to do so. If you want the removed remixes, I suggest you check out OCReMoved. Edit: DAMN YOU GOLLGAAARRRRGHHHH
  8. Walan and I are currently brainstorming a few other ideas for the blue-haired Dodgeball Chick, aka ATW-tan. (Yes, the first remix project with a -tan! Take that, other remix projects!) It'll be awesome.
  9. SEGA be doing a PC release, yes? That'd be the only way I would be able to play it.
  10. But considering who he gave it to, I don't think you should complain because it will be amazing.
  11. I don't know if you've noticed, but OCR is a dictatorship. That's kind of the idea.
  12. My interest is slightly piqued. I just don't have any video ideas, or any video equipment. I can capture game footage, though.
  13. Considering project development could take several years, I think this is just about as good of a time as any to start this.
  14. The balls in the game are volleyballs, and therefore are white. Hey, at least they aren't blue.
  15. BAM. As requested by Oinkess: http://kngi.org/phpbb3/viewforum.php?f=52 Also, I approve of this development. Especially Luiza on Dark Messenger. RAWK.
  16. As good of an idea as this may be, OA has already been working on the cover art.
  17. Bump. With all the guitarists who've come to prominence in the last several years, you'd think this would've been covered a dozen times by now. LETS GO DOODZ
  18. Wasn't he also Count Dookie? He's a badass. Looking forward to this.
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