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Everything posted by CJthemusicdude

  1. I submitted this. Thanks to the WIP peeps for Feedback.
  2. So I've been working on a remix from the game Elseword. The source track is "Banthus Attacks." Had to transcribe the track by ear since I couldn't find a midi. Remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/zvox Any and all feedback appreciated.
  3. GDC was awesome! Got to hobnob with all sorts of industry pros, got to hang with Mirby and chatted with Zircon. I saw Virt and his crazy hair but didn't get the chance to say hi.
  4. I will be going Thursday and Friday. I'd like to meet all sorts of OCR people so if you wanna meet up with me, send me a PM or something and we can hang for a bit
  5. I've been a huge fan of the sennheiser PX 100's for a long time now, but mine broke and this brand is very hard to come by since they are no longer produced, so i figured I'd hunt for a new pair of headphones. I'm looking for a similar type, something I could travel with, but still has a terrific sound. I tried the PX 100 II's but those are inferior in my opinion. Basically, I'm looking for any sort of on ear headphones that deliver great sound. Let's pretend price is not a problem. Any suggesstions?
  6. My own thoughts on the mix: I love me some brambles so I know I had to come listen to this. Overall I really enjoyed it. There's enough going on to listen and enjoy. This is just my opinion so take it with a grain on salt. =p Things I loved: The ending, around 1:38 - 1:47 this part is really crisp and awesome. Things I didn't love as much. The intro. I'm not a fan of those off-tune distorted bells. They almost made me turn off the mix right there. I dunno, personal taste I guess. The mellow bit in the middle starting around 1:08 seemed to drag on for a while. It was kinda cool at first but I lost some of the momentum from the mix there. Again, just my two cents, overall I think it's very neat :]
  7. So this is sort of a branch off a submission I did a while back. You may be wondering why I'm combining these three sources. Well, all three of these sources share the same progression at some point = i -VII - VI - V I've got it most of the way done. Remix: (I submitted this.) Sources: Ninja Gaiden "The Decision" - (Starting at 0:22)American Gladiators (Snes) title - Ice Cap - (Haha no, but seriously)
  8. So I've decided to buckle down because it's obvious that I really need to get my production improved before I can go anywhere. So I'm starting with some very bare and basic drums, which are my weakest point. I attached here just a simple beat I created, with a kick, layered snare, clap, and a couple hats. I want anybody willing to tear this tiny beat apart and tell me ways I could improve it. All I've done so far is what I know, some reverb and some variation in the velocities. Beat: http://tindeck.com/listen/rvkd
  9. I've never really collabed with anyone before, but if you're interested in doing some bass for this mix then be my guest, maybe we can work out something cool. =p
  10. One of my Many WIPs I've been working on. Production Crit appreciated. Source: Remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/eojv
  11. Here's one of my many WIP's I've been working on. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUg4SOeNk5c Remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/gbjf
  12. Hmm alright, I see what you're mean. Same thing guifrog was sayin. I guess someday I'll work to make the mix more cohesive at some point. But I don't really feeling like overhauling my arrangement right now so I'ma work on another remix and let this sit in my WIP folder for a while.
  13. Yea, I'm actually using 3 sources form the game, which I suppose is why there's 3 differen't "styles." The sources are really short so I wanted to combine them and capture the feeling of them if I could. I could probably spruce up the drum arranging a bit, throw some fills etc in there.
  14. Alright, I've revamped the bass in the upbeat section. I also touched up bits and pieces of the rest of the mix. Any more feedback is appreciated, I think I got a better idea of what the bass needed, thanks DarkSim. I'm making the thread Mod review because I'd say this mix is about 99% done
  15. Yea, in the intro I used a guitar sound mixed with the piano. Hmm, rounded you say? Does that mean muddy> I can sharpen the bass up a bit if needed, I'll try to give that section a little more clarity.
  16. No, I definitely appreciate the feedback Dark, it gives me more room to improve. So I changed a large amount of the synth work in that middle upbeat section, overhauled a couple synths and automated a bunch of goodies. I'm not usually a fan of the program Dblue glitch because usually it's really obvious when someone is using it. However, I did add a TINY bit of Dblue in that par. Let me know what you think!
  17. (I cleared this post for now until I decided to come back to this mix with an arrangement overhaul.) Remix: (to be continued)
  18. Whenever I finish listening to this mix, I'm surprised that the audio world around me doesn't sidechain.
  19. I love me some FF8 mixes so I thought I'd take a listen to this. My thoughts: The good: Arrangment is very thorough and I enjoyed listening to some of the neat little changes to the melodies you did. Piano playing was a bit spotty at moments but was very nice throughout with plenty of dynamics. The not so good: I agree with Kuo on two points. The first being that violin the beginning. Since you don't use it in the rest of the mix, it's probably better to just get rid of it. It doesn't really add to anything. Also I agree that the piano panning is awkward. I get that idea that the lower notes on the left and the higher on the right, but it feels now like the piano is a mile wide. Maybe you could skooch the parts closer to the middle. Looking forward to hearing how this turns out
  20. Gotta love this classic source, your remix syncs up very well with the style of the original, that sort of calm, underwater feel. My take on the remix: Production wise I think this is really spot on, there's nothing bad that really pops out and everything blends together nicely. The tonality and sense is very good. The only small gripe I have is with the arrangement. The first 2 minutes of the remix are nice and original while being thinly tied to the source but from 2:00 on it sounds more like it's a cover than a remix. There's very little variation on the main melody or themes at this point. Maybe down the road you could spruce up some of the melodies or put your own spin on some of the chords.
  21. Suicide Slide and Quake Zone rumble are two of my favorite VG tracks of all time. I've never been able to even start remixing suicide slide though because I'm not sure how you could even improve on that, it's so good. I may try to mix Quake zone some day, who knows.
  22. Looks like Jarski is taking a swing at MM2. :] My opinion is that I enjoy 90% of this mix. The chippyness and soundscape are really good in my opinion. My favorite part was 3:12 - 3:22 Only a couple things I wasn't really a fan of. I agree with Ecto that 3:23 - 3:26 is realllly awkward. And the sound effect at :19 is very unnecessary imo. Other than that hope to see this mix polished and up on the site.
  23. I love the first 50 seconds of this so much =w= I'm don't know much about making orchestral sounds real so the only advice I have for you here on OCremix is expand on the themes. Orchestral music is great for exploring the various modes and melodies contained in classic tunes like this. I believe what you have right now would serve as a great beginning, followed by a few more minutes of diversion, expansion and awesomeness. Hope to hear more from you.
  24. So here it is, my "final" WIP draft. At this point I believe I've got the arrangement done so I'm just looking for any and all feedback to improve this before I submit it in a few days or so.
  25. So I'm gonna record the last verse vocals on monday as well as smooth over some of the elements. I am gonna work on the drums at the beginning so they aren't so mechanical, also gonna mix up the drums a little overall. I'll probably try and tweak the bass at 1:50 by adding perhaps a sub and some slight EQ and compression. And of course an ending.will be done by then.
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