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Everything posted by TGH

  1. beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean

  2. Thank you guys for the feedback Damned, I was way ahead of you on that one I rendered a version last night with a bit less compression on the drums and lowered snaps. Here's the update http://tindeck.com/listen/pdqn
  3. Would you care to tell me what you're talking about, sir? EDIT: I just realized I forgot to post the source. Lol sorry Also, probably about 75-80% of the mix is based off either the chords or the melody of the source. ANOTHER EDIT: Here's another update: http://tindeck.com/listen/wbso Btw, for some reason I can't switch to mod review at all. Does anybody know how I would be able to this?
  4. Here's an edit, in which some parts of the drums have been lowered in the high end: http://tindeck.com/listen/drjq And btw here's the source lol:
  5. Really, really experimented with drums on this one. I like the result, myself. http://tindeck.com/listen/pdqn (This is an updated version) And what other genre could you possibly remix this this song in but chillout? (I don't expect an answer to this question) EDIT: Also I forgot to mention that the drums were inspired by AE's Bubbleman remix, "Soap and Water." Thanks, -TGH
  6. You have no idea how happy it makes me to get a compliment like that :DD Thanks a lot!

    Anyway, actually the only midis that I have (for piano) that for whatever reason weren't lost are "The Greatest Loss of All" and "Dreams of Heroism." If you want, I can send these both to you if you PM me your email address. :D

    It's people like you that inspire me to make more stuff. Thank you so much! :DDD

  7. I'm about to submit this now. http://soundcloud.com/theguitahheroe/dreams-of-heroism But still, even though it's submitted, I would like feedback if you could afford to give it. . . I'd like to know what you guys think Thanks, -TGH PS. I don't feel like posting the sources of all seven tracks remixed here, so I'll just tell you this. . . I don't think source usage is a problem with this one hahaha
  8. Hey thanks for the feedback! Ok, I want this as a mod review but for some reason it won't let me edit the first post for a mod review. . . That being said. . . If a mod happens to see this, could you please consider this a Mod Review thread? And here's an update: just some EQ adjustments http://tindeck.com/listen/cuwn Thanks, lol I'm such a noob :\
  9. Haha thanks for the feedback guys, much appreciated Anyway, here is an update for this: http://tindeck.com/listen/rwlt I mainly just changed some EQ and stuff, made it less grating to the ears. . . Thanks a lot, -TGH
  10. Wait. . . wat? No Mystery Dungeon this time? WTF HAX Anyway, something different this time. . . a remix of the Southern Face Shrine theme from LOZ: Link's Awakening. I started it last night, finished it this afternoon. Besides for the low synth being panned too far to the left at times in the intro and at other times (I'm in the process of fixing this now), let me know what you think. hahahahah EDIT: It's been fixed. http://tindeck.com/listen/wlzs The name of the remix itself is "Castaway, You Should Know the Truth." Source if needed: Thanks, -TGH
  11. Velcome to dis here OCRemix my frend. Commence le enjoymontt

  12. I actually submitted this a few weeks ago to the judges http://tindeck.com/listen/mtrg
  13. Welcome to ocr!

  14. I really enjoy that sliding synth, although at some times later on it can become rather piercing just because of how solid it is. . .try adding some mod to it later on. . not a lot, just a little. And I like the overall texture you have going on here. That piano in the beginning could use some more dynamic articulation. But other than that, that soft distorted synth you have going along with the bass is just excellent, and so are the swelling pads that come in every so often. From here, might I suggest a piano solo break, and then picking back up the main thing you have going on? Remember that I am no professional and am just giving advice based on what little I know about music compared to everyone else here. I think you have a great base here.
  15. Man, I feel like I'm just spamming the WIP board with this crap. . . and from the same game, too. You guys must be getting annoyed. But anyway, I was inspired by one of Willrock's latest remixes, "Above the Sky," to make a solo piano remix. And not only that. . . a remix MEDLEY. From the game--what else?--Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. This was actually made for a medley contest on a small forum. http://tindeck.com/listen/gpns If you have criticisms on the arrangement, save them. I'm not changing this arrangement. XD I'm looking more to see if production is what I need to better, or if it's fine as is. Thanks a lot! -TGH Oh yeah, the songs are as follows: Mt. Blaze Questionnaire Run Away Sky Tower Sky Tower Summit World Calamity Staff Roll/Main Theme
  16. Ooohhh, I understand why. It's because of the key change from the original. I changed it from a major to a minor key and because of this, I changed some notation so that it fit into the minor scale. And I realize that last measure before the drum break sounds very different as well. That last chord (B flat dom7) was inputted accidentally at first, actually, but I like the way it sounded since it gave kind of a calm transition into the break. As to why I changed it to minor as opposed to keeping it in major. . . . . Idk. That's why. Lol, I guess I have a unique taste in music, and thus a unique style of remixing. And that therefore gives me the ability to make the most horrible of abominations and pass them off as remixes. Artistic license ftw But in all seriousness, thanks a ton for all the feedback, Snow ))
  17. Snow, I appreciate your feedback and the criticism. What I wanted with this piece was for it to be very simple with a metallic feel to it. When you say some things are "missing," What exactly do you mean? Do you think that fading out with the drum track at the end would erase belief that there's more to the song? Because I think adding more after the end would just be extraneous and repetitive. What's "missing" from the samples? Fullness? Presence? Or something like that? I'm afraid there's really nothing I can do about them, since these are the best free samples I can find anywhere. Can you elaborate on where exactly you heard "off notations?" I'm not really sure what you mean here. Thanks again for the feedback, -TGH
  18. Sorry for not posting a link to the source. . . that didn't occur to me for some reason. . . Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk_yTNr8cyU&playnext=1&list=PL813A14F7A05884BA&index=9 Remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/pkhh Thanks, -TGH
  19. Alright, so I sent a submission email the other day and I just realized now that I. . . posted the wrong link to the source track. It's a link to a completely different source. I'm an idiot X( Does anyone know how I would rectify this situation effectively? Or if I even can? Thank you, -TGH
  20. I just subbed one yesterday. I have to wait 13 days And thank you so much
  21. Thanks, man, I appreciate the feedback I agree; this morning I was blasting it in my car, and the high tones were hurting my ears as well. I can't really hear this through the headphones I use tho. I'm sorry for the ear-bleeding So I lowered the highs and basted the boos. . . I mean boosted the bass. http://tindeck.com/listen/pkhh Updated version I'd like to change this thread to mod-review, if only I knew how. . EDIT: I figured it out. I'm such a genius X) Thanks again!
  22. I tried some new stuff with this one. http://tindeck.com/listen/lzlb Please tell me what you think! Thanks, -TGH
  23. I'm sorry to keep bumping this thread. . . but I noticed today that the equalization of the remix hurt my ears a little bit. . . I subtly increased the mid-range, did some more panning with the square in the last verse. . . and screwed around with the ending some more. http://tindeck.com/listen/mtrg Thanks, -TGH
  24. Thanks a lot! Hahahaha, wow, I just thought of how slow that game would be without L for set moves. . .
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