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Everything posted by Tinus

  1. I already have SSF2THDR (of course ). Age of Booty and Lumines might be interesting... I remember liking the Age of Booty demo but not enough to buy it at the time. I'll try to take another look at it tonight. Thanks for the heads up!
  2. I liked Dragon Age. Too occupied with other games to get into Awakening right now though. I'll probably get it someday. Anyone know if there's a difference between the retail and DLC versions of Awakening?
  3. It seems that in the video game community the word "casual" has lost all meaning and instead been turned into a generic insult. I've always really disliked the use of the terms hardcore and casual, for precisely the reasons many others have already posted here. It's pretty cool to see I'm not the only one who thinks this.
  4. It's pretty annoying how you guys keep saying that we remember FF7 being better than it actually is. I didn't throw my copy away, and it hasn't been ten years since I played it. In fact I'm in the middle of replaying it right now and I'm still enjoying it tremendously. You're completely entitled to feel that FF7 has aged poorly (although it seems pretty clear you're the ones who haven't played it for ten years), but I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell me my opinion. I'm capable of forming my own.
  5. As people have pointed out, 3D is becoming less of a gimmick and more something that's just "there" to add to the immersion. Like in Avatar. I guess it's comparable to colour, stereo sound, widescreen, HD... It's not required to enjoy the movie but it's a nice addition. $20 for a movie ticket does sound ridiculously expensive to me. Out of curiosity, how expensive are they now in the USA? Tickets for 3D movies (IMAX) already are up to $15 over here in the Netherlands. Edit: I looked up current movie prices at the Pathé site and converted to dollars using Google... The $15 does include tax (which I'm told US$ prices usually don't).
  6. I don't really understand this reasoning. Is Super Mario Bros. remembered as a subpar game because Super Mario Bros. 2 and 3 take more advantage of the NES's graphical capabilities? No, Super Mario Bros. is remembered as a timeless classic. It's the same for me with Final Fantasy 7.
  7. Same for me and Lufia 2! I'm definitely interested in a more action-oriented new entry in the series. The first trailer looked really good too, haven't watched the second one yet. What.
  8. Punk is supposed to be the final boss of one of those add-on stages. Also there are three of them, not two, the other bosses being Enker and Ballade. Source: Capcom Unity.
  9. To be fair, lots of people complained about this at the time. Not that that makes the complaints valid.
  10. Pure awesome.
  11. I didn't know that! ... Now I feel even more left out
  12. I am reminded of this old comic.
  13. Awesome, thanks for the heads-up. I'll watch these when I get home from work.
  14. That's a good point. Although there are still many similarities between the different entries in the series. In particular the stories tend to have similar themes, such as how much a person is defined by their past actions and their memories, memory loss in general, friendship vs. family etc.. And superficially of course there are the obvious things like chocobos, moogles and the standard summons. Yeah me too.
  15. FF4 just got remade for the DS, do we really need another one? Also it's kind of a shame how quickly every Final Fantasy discussion on the internets devolves into: people telling each other which Final Fantasy is the best hating on Nomura for using too many belts in character designs
  16. Agreed. Even though most of the sequels, spinoffs and remakes are pretty good, I'd prefer actual new stuff. I'm very happy with FF13 so far, but it took forever to come out. I wish they were already working on FF15 right now.
  17. Now if only XBox Live Indie Games were available in Europe.
  18. Um, no.....
  19. Yes I can. We have already seen this in AC, BC, CC and DoC.
  20. This again? I can't remember how many times I've heard this rumour.
  21. I'm not yet sure how I feel about 3D TV, but I liked it in movies like Avatar. I'm curious how well it'll work with video games. I'm pretty sure there are already some PC games that support it, maybe I should get myself some 3D glasses and try it out.
  22. Sorry to bump an old thread with a kinda off-topic post, but I just noticed I never responded to this question Nope. Most of my friends do and I've seen plenty HDTVs in stores. Based on that I've decided that HDTV isn't so much better that I need one right now. Also while watching DVDs or playing last-gen video games, I never even once had the feeling that I needed a higher resolution, so it's really not worth spending lots of money on. I guess whenever I'm going to buy my next tv it'll probably be an HD one. I was kinda hoping to see other innovations for television. Like 3D (which seems to slowly be coming our way now), or being able to switch between different audio and subtitle tracks on television programs. I'm kinda disappointed that HDTV is the only "innovation" we've seen.
  23. Played some challenges in three-player online co-op last night, but it seems the game doesn't count them if you're not the host
  24. Ran into an 11-year-old on Perfect Dark yesterday. On the one hand he had a pretty grating kiddie voice, he was pretty bad at the game and kept blaming everything but his own skill, and for a while he kept disarming me whenever I was on his team. On the other hand, he did seem to have a decent sense of humour and he seemed to be enjoying the game. And ik kinda brings a tear to my eye to see the next generation enjoying classics like Perfect Dark.
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