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Everything posted by Tinus

  1. I also bought it as soon as it came out. I'm loving the remake. Dual analog makes this game even better than it already was, and of course it's all about the online multiplayer. Online co-op / counter-op seems kinda laggy, but whatever, the combat simulator is nice and smooth. I remember finishing all of the combat challenges on the N64, I wonder if I can do it again. Also I never co-opped many of the challenges, hopefully the remake will change that.
  2. When I'd finished Killer7 I was surprised to see her name in the credits as the voice of Kaede Smith. She really is a very versatile actor. To keep this post somewhat on-topic: I have just reached disc 2 and the game keeps on getting better. I was surprised that the game already let me control Hope, with Lightning as a secondary party member. I figured she'd remain the only controllable character (as long as she was in the party) during the first half of the game, like Crono.
  3. Rikku was voiced by Tara Strong in both games. Dunno whether she got any awards for it, but she damn well should.
  4. Traditionally Final Fantasy games (and most other RPGs) have most of their FMV around the opening and ending of the game. So I'd expect disc 2 to be quite a bit longer than disc 1. I dunno yet though, I'm like five hours in.
  5. I now have Barret's theme stuck in my head. edit: typo
  6. Well, yeah, exactly. The game used to have an open ending, and now it doesn't. It seems to me that that's a pretty major change to the game's story. Another example: The Matrix was an awesome movie, with a pretty open ending. Then it got a bunch of sequels which were decidedly less awesome. A lot of Matrix fans decided to ignore the sequels altogether, since The Matrix was perfectly capable of standing on its own. What if the Wachowski brothers had somehow been able to patch the original movie, to add another scene to the ending, with a cliffhanger leading into the second movie? Many people would have been pretty pissed off at that. I guess that's how I feel about this "extension" to Portal's story. EDIT: Yes, I'm pretty sure you're right. Also the name Chell eventually surfaced in interviews with the game's creators. I don't really remember but it might also have popped up in the game's developer commentary mode. GladOS doesn't mention it in the game itself.
  7. I'm a few hours in and it seems I've only just finished the intro. So far I'm totally loving it. The characters are really awesome. I especially like how Snow and Lightning hate each other's guts and I can completely see both of their sides to the issue. Can't wait to see more of the game. Between this, Edgeworth and Mega Man 10, it seems March 2010 is packed with ridiculously awesome games for me EDIT: I haven't heard that much of it, but so far I completely agree with you.
  8. Regardless of the precise definition of a retcon, it's still a pretty major change to the game's ending.
  9. Hmm. I don't like retconning, and I really don't like what they did to Portal's ending. The cool part about Protal's ending was that Chell earned her freedom, and now apparently she didn't, she just gets captured again. It feels like everything you did in Portal has turned out to be completely meaningless. If this happened at the beginning of the sequel that would be one thing, but they actually patched the story. Ugh. Also, Portal strongly hinted at a connection with the Half-Life games. It mentions Black Mesa multiple times, and Aperture Science is mentioned in Episode 2 as well. So I was expecting Gordon and Chell to meet up in Episode 3, and the Portal gun to be mixed in with ordinary Half-Life gunplay. That would've been pretty sweet. Instead we're getting a straight up sequel to Portal. I'm not sure Portal needed that. Of course, on the other hand, co-op gameplay and more Portal levels can only be a good thing, so maybe I shouldn't complain and just look forward to this game.
  10. Fair enough I guess. I personally never got the whole HDTV thing.
  11. Off-topic I guess, but: This is nonsense, I played through Bayonetta in SD and didn't have any problems. It doesn't stop you from enjoying the game in the least. From what I've seen from Heavy Rain the game doesn't seem to require HD graphics either, although I'll admit I haven't played the demo. The only game that has been a problem for me so far is Mass Effect 2 on the 360, the text is really hard to read sometimes. That's not just because of the small font though, it also has to do with the fact that they often show white or yellow text on a white background.
  12. The XBox 360 controller is brilliant for most games. It does suck for most fighters though. I'm really happy with my arcade fight stick for Street Fighter 4. I'll try playing TvC with the classic controller for a while, but I only have the one and obviously I'll need another controller for versus play. I expect the other control schemes to suck. So that's an excellent excuse to buy the fight stick
  13. We sort of abused the arcade stick thread to discuss the game itself. I want this game, but it seems no stores are carrying it yet over here. ;_; Just when I was starting to think Capcom of Europe had finally gotten their stuff together. It feels like I'm back in the early 2000s desperately trying to buy the latest Mega Man game.
  14. You're right of course, but then again, that was kind of my point. There are easy games and difficult games, both from Japan and from the west, and this has always been the case. I guess Final Fantasy has just become so mainstream that people expect it to be easy these days. I didn't know that, that actually sounds pretty good! Maybe it's time to start getting excited for Agito after all.
  15. Are you kidding? Japan is where the "bullet hell" shooters were created. More on topic, JRPGs were usually dumbed down for the American release. Final Fantasy IV / II comes to mind. The Japanese do tend to suck at 3D shooters (both first-person and over-the-shoulder), so those games do tend to be easier there. Probably because those genres are so unpopular over there.
  16. yessss Also, Zero.
  17. I just googled around and you're right. What's more, it seems that the genie will also be omitted for the English-language release, due to licensing problems. Dammit, he was the only Tatsunoko character I actually knew and liked Oh well. I suppose there are still plenty of cool characters left on the Capcom side.
  18. Agreed. It really is a shame the Pizza Cats aren't in it. Maybe as secret characters? At least the genie-in-the-bottle guy is in there.
  19. Nice. I haven't seen any evidence of the stick being available in the Netherlands though
  20. Well I'm looking forward to it, from the trailers it seems to be worth playing. It seems that the characters are pretty interesting, and that (unlike in 12) the story focuses on how the characters interact and develop, which is always the most interesting part of any story to me. On the other hand, this game seems to have taken forever to develop, and it's been delayed a bajillion times by now. I'm pretty sure that's not a good sign. And of course, although I like the new battle theme, nobody can really replace Uematsu. Versus 13 seems interesting as well. If FF13 itself is any good, Versus 13 might just be a PS3 system seller for me.
  21. Not that often, but it does happen. I remember hearing the music from Ace Combat Zero's final mission once, without knowing which game it was from. I thought it was one of the best boss themes I'd ever heard. I assumed it was from some JRPG I hadn't played. Imagine my surprise when, years later, I learned it was from a flight sim.
  22. Hi everyone! I'm sure many newbies say this, but I've been lurking OCRemix since back when the site was still orange. Still a big fan, even though these days I tend to wait for a new bulk torrent rather than download every remix as it appears on the site. The Robot Master competition finally pushed me out of lurkerdom. I'm not sure whether I'll be doing a lot of posting besides voting for that. I guess we'll find out
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