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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. You know this is a very active subforum when it takes almost a month to get a response, if you get one at all. EW makes very good libraries, and I really like what you've done with this! I really love what you've done with the percussion. I think when it comes to authenticity, the hardest part to fake is the strings, especially in the beginning. Beyond that, I think you pulled it off pretty well.
  2. Hey everyone! I know it's been a while since I was last routinely active on OCR. Let's just say that the past four years of university have been, well, distracting at best. However, I do have a favor of you to ask: An ensemble at my university that I'm a member of has been invited to perform at the Jazz Education Network annual conference this January in Reno, NV, which is an incredible opportunity. Unfortunately, our School of Music is not currently able to fund the entire trip for us to travel from North Carolina to Reno and back, and so the students of the ensemble decided to set up a gofundme page to help tackle the funding issue. I know this may be a stretch, but any little bit you could give will go a long way in getting our ensemble to Reno for this amazing opportunity! For more, visit the link above and to watch/listen to a recording of an original work we hope to perform in Reno. Thank you for your support!
  3. Touchstone hasn't been online in a year and a month. Take that as you will.
  4. If it shows how long it's been since I last actively lurked OCR, I didn't realize that Nabeel had changed his handle. Here's a fun escalation of this case: The computer does not boot with said drive connected (BSOD error "Bad_System_Config"), but will boot just fine if I disconnect this storage drive. I can even hot-plug the drive in after boot and access files just fine, but as long as the HDD is connected during the windows boot sequence, I get a BSOD error. I called microsoft custserv, and they recommend running chkdsk but only after I back up the drive, which means I need to find a 3TB disk in the near future. They also sent my case to a seperate MSFT tech support team, who I won't hear from until later this week. In short, I have no idea what's going on. My deepest sympathies. I'm almost too scared to touch that realm, for that very reason.
  5. It's a WD Black 3TB, and it looks like I have 0% fragmentation on this drive. And yet: Would it be safe to assume the drive may be in the process of failing at this point?
  6. Storage drive; this is all on the machine you built for me a few years back, and I still have the 950 EVO as the boot drive. Specifically, I'm getting disk errors and dropped samples in Kontakt when reading off of my HDD in larger projects (honestly it wouldn't surprise me if this is a defrag or file location issue). I suppose if push came to shove, though, I could get a 1TB dedicated SSD for samples, although I think I'm close to pushing 1TB of samples as it is.
  7. This is a score I did for a student thesis film. You can find the film (without post-production audio and score - it seems the school of stage and screen doesn't care that they share films without final audio) here. On an unrelated note, the film won best picture at the Controlled Chaos film festival that my university puts on every year, so that's a plus.
  8. Brad, I have to ask - what are your thoughts on Intel's optane memory, especially in regards to secondary HDD acceleration? Only resource I can find that talks about this is this linus tech tips video.
  9. Late to the party, but I've only really noticed stuttering over Bluetooth with PC speakers if the speakers get too far away from the master device. If said device is your PC under the desk and the speakers are on said desk, then you should be fine as long as your desk isn't made of lead On a side note, Brad should I worry about power usage if I want to add additional items to my PC (e.g. swap or add GPU, a third storage drive, etc)? The computer you built for me is a MSI Gaming 5 (i7 processor w/Cooler Master hyper 212 EVO), GeForce GT 730, ASUS optical drive, WD 2TB HDD, Samsung EVO 250gb SSD powered by a CX600. I'm woefully unaware of how much energy this setup is using and what the general rule of thumb is for computer power units. :-/
  10. I can't find the image now, but I saw one of those "who will win" t-chart memes about E3 where on one side you had Microsoft, Sony, Bethesda and other developers with vast marketing spending vs Nintendo with a 24 minute video hashed together by interns that was live streamed during peak business hours (paraphrased but it's as close as I can remember) Also +1 to the Super Mario Odyssey song. That was quite literally my favorite part of their main E3 reveal.
  11. I'm just impressed this went unnoticed
  12. Hi, When I download OCR torrents that include FLAC files, I keep getting notifications that the FLAC.exe file contains the trojan Vigorf.A. Should I be concerned?
  13. If you do recreate the Ludomusicology page, you can always go into the Video Game Music Academic Study section and add a callback to Ludomusicology (that's probably not what it's called, but whatever) and have the section say "part of this has been pulled from the Ludomusicology article." Don't know how that's done, but I've seen it a few times, and you can probably get away with it if the Ludomusicology article is high-quality enough.
  14. Does not compute Also, due to many circumstances beyond my control, I fear that I have to concede this round, and furthermore I may have to completely withdraw from RvK. Not that it really matters, as for all intents and purposes I might as well have effectively not signed up, seeing that I couldn't produce any material for the first rounds.
  15. Hey Brad, I hate to bother you about this, but my ASUS optical disk drive (DRW-24B1ST) is no longer recognized by my system, even though it has power and all connections seem to be fine. I can't find any drivers, so I'm not sure how to approach this issue.
  16. That black theme is sexy
  17. I'm not gonna lie, I was half expecting the knight sources to have been pulled from their battle themes, rather than their level themes. Whoops.
  18. My shovels have been steeled.
  19. I think you forgot about Splatoon 2.
  20. looks like I need to start saving up some cash then
  21. GET HYPE
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