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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. So, what I got was a hoodie, gym shorts, a game of "Catchphrase", and $100, all from my grandmother. She likes to spoil us. From my parents, I got some equipment for my car AKA an air compessor, an "emergency kit" that includes tiny jumper cables, a wireless computer mouse with accompanying Duke-University-themed mouse pad, clothing of the variety that I won't go into detail over (besides the two pair of Wrangler jeans - comfy!), and this son of a bitch hell yeah a Blue Yeti USB Microphone you wanna share that candy?
  2. I'm surprised that no one's bothers to make a thread about it, so... What'd you get for Christmas/Hannukah /Kwanza /Kk'nischmas /whatever misspelled holiday you observe in the Holiday Seaso If you want you can post pics, but it's not required. I personally will post later, once I open all my gifts... Whenever that will be!
  3. while I'm not a judge so I can't really answer for the judges, I will say this: The OCR submissions queue length is legendary, and by legendary I mean several months long. You might have to wait another two months before they get to your submissions.
  4. Amen. Glad I have a PO Box (kind of have to where I live). God I wanna do this next year. Why can't December 2013 come fast enough?
  5. somehow this showed up when I searched for "Darkesword cake" close enough
  6. Happy Birthday to two great people here on OCR. Hope it's a good one! I also hope that this isn't a duplicate thread... This is probably the wrong place to post this, so I hope someone (cough cough birthday-dude Darkesword cough cough) moves it if it is.
  7. That's probably due to the fact that, unlike older games, the songs in CoD and other shooters are usually too complex to begin with... Besides, how easy would it be to remix BGC anyway?
  8. that is some seriously awesome stuff you got NinjaN! someone remind me to sign up for this next year, I'm feeling the itch to start buying gifts for people with money I don't have
  9. all this being said, and with all the talk about game "reviews", what about the Gamestop magazine, Game Informer? Real or ad-based bullshit?
  10. You kidding bub, I've subbed stuff in early August still not paneled. Wow... that's... well then I guess that just shows how much work the Judges have to do with the submissions. Wow. How helpful would it be for the length of the judge panel submission queue if all of the judges, for some reason, managed to have a whole week off of everything else, and had a whole week just to judge submissions? Just how much would theoretically get judged?
  11. Time to join on the Tuberz McGee praise bandwagon. Actually, I've already done this using that new bandcamp fan thing, so instead I'll just reproduce my own copypasta.
  12. how have you been recently Shinny?

  13. ...fuck Hey Tuberz, I can't seem to find it right now, but which one is the Inn theme again?
  14. God damnit you guys how the hell do you haiku with Mexican food?
  15. Tomorrow as in tomorrow or as in 12:00AM EST Dec 3, 2012? Because if it's the latter, then I know what I'm doing at midnight tonight.
  16. What gets me is the fact that he's so worked up over the "Nelly Wafer" line. From what I've read so far, especially in this thread, Disney wanted a movie full of puns, and they couldn't use "Nilla Wafer" due to copyright issues (which I don't think Disney was really prepared to go hunting down a copyright license for a food product). Personally I think he's over-analyzing things.
  17. Have you heard Although I don't think it's a cover, maybe he was the featured vocalist. Whatever. Anyway, his voice is great
  18. I guess you could say he was a bit Butthurt YEAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  19. damn now if only the planes could actually move. that'd be fucking awesome.
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