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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. Speaking of, here's a (really) quick re-cap.
  2. oh snap. Don't care if it's Kotaku, that's pretty damn awesome on Nintendo's part! Obviously it's never been done before, so that in and of itself should bring in interest for Nintendo. Plus the fact that they're unreleased games, which the public can access to decide on whether or not the games are worth buying, is huge. Makes you wonder if you'll see Sony and Microsoft trying to pull this off at next year's E3 - or even this year EDIT: and with the Metroid thing, I've personally never played it. I probably should. However, let's not turn this thread into another episode of "This Week On Tumblr: Opinions Edition"
  3. Well, we all know what Brandon's issue here is: I kid, I kid... mostly
  4. Can't believe I'm going to say this, but Brandon, calm your tits
  5. you're going to have a hard time trying to sample electricity.
  6. oh crap, Lumas <3 no idea, but if someone finds out please let me know
  7. ok. I don't know for sure if I do want to do this, but if I do decide to take you up on your offer I will keep in contact, mostly for the purpose of quality assurance (basically, whether or not you think the theme is fitting, too fast/wrong feel, etc. You know, the nitpicky stuff). Again, I'm not sure whether or not I will take you up on your offer, but I will think about it and let you know.
  8. Judging by the OP I assume you also are looking for two separate themes, one normal and one battle. Do you want the themes to be similar in base melody and differ only in style as needed?
  9. Question: do you want the theme to be "loopable", as if there are certain points in the themes that make it clear that this track can be looped as if it were in a videogame soundtrack, or does it really matter or not?
  10. you really think so?

  11. Well, here's a six-month bump. Apparently, Acoustica is now working on Mixcraft 7. They are apparently in the design stage now, and there's a feature request thread open for MX7. So, if there's anything you wished MX7 could do that it currently doesn't, that's the place to post about it. MX7 Feature Request/Suggestion Thread here. I'm honestly excited to see what they come up with for MX7, although I'm sure it'll take some time before they're ready for the beta.
  12. Looking at the "technical information" if that doesn't make it obvious it's fake, I don't know what does.
  13. I think he was referring to the odar midrashim part, not the Canon in D part
  14. I own a Yeti. While I haven't extensively used it (I really should though), I'm pleased with what results I've gotten so far. I really like the fact that it has multiple polar patterns. That's always fun. For that price, I say it's worth trying it out. That's about half-off, definitely NOT a bad deal at all. Only downside that you may encounter is that you can't plug in an analog mic cable - you'll have to get the Yeti PRO for that. However, I don't know if you'll need it for that (doubtful).
  15. DusK? Who dat faget? (Happy Birthday man!)
  16. You Must Dance! the source for this song is listed as "Clumsy Dance", also known as "Crazy Dance" in the ChipAmp OST. However, when listening to the ReMix, you do not hear Clumsy Dance at all; rather, you hear (which would help explain the ReMix's title, a simple switch of one word)
  17. Happy Birthday

  18. ADSFASDFADFASF F*** I'm still not sure how I won lol, I certainly felt as if there were more original/creative arrangements than mine. Then again, I was style-copying again, so shame on me (emulating Zedd)
  19. Ok, so here goes, in alphabetical order by song title Calm of Sweden - It's not easy to judge your own track for quality, because it's your own track. However, I'll try anyway. - - - - - The high reverberation in the beginning is a bit much, but not really overkill. From a listener's standpoint, I like how the piano and the pizzicato strings have the reverb applied. The Rhodes piano could probably use more work on the bass end, and the the cello in the background adds a solid sound to the intro. 1:21 - The bass needs more sound to it, unfortunately. Probably should have applied a sine an octave below the bassline here to round it out. Kick could use some mixing magic to bring it out more. 2:30 - the strings are relatively well mixed, IMO. The reverb is back, and this time it may be a bit much - it sounds too open and the reverb tail is too long. The drums sound a bit awkward at the beginning, but then it blends in nicely when the strings all come in. Overall, the use of source is rather uh, generous. However, it holds itself together well. ...jeez it's so WEIRD to critique your own work like that! Freedom Of Youth Opening pads are nice, although the kick seems shallow, like it's missing some highs or something. I don't know. I like the progressive feel of the track through and through. So far, there aren't any real glaring obvious mixing mistakes or anything like that. The mix as a whole is pleasant to listen to, even if you're unfamiliar with the source. (me!) I like what Esperado did with this song. After going back and listening to the source, I can DEFINITELY hear in the track. Well done. Godda Go Faste Guessing by the title, I'm assuming it's a Sonic source The oriental instrumentation at the beginning really adds character to the song, and when the guitars come in it's amazing. Just goes to show that Tuberz really knows his way around a guitar. Of course, I don't know what hakstock did to help him out, so I'm just running on assumptions here. Around 1:40, there are parts where it sounds like the bass is playing non-chord tones. That really stood out to me, almost like a sore thumb. To me, it kind of pulled the mix apart for a bit. However, it didn't last long, and the song came back together well. The ending was kind of cool, gotta admit. Again, unfamiliar with the source, but hot damn this is a cool arrangement! Especially when you go back and listen to the source. Mario! The Galaxy Awaits Clicked play and immediately spaced out. *shot for bad pun* very nice, spacey arrangement. To me, it sounds a bit negative, considering the source. Sounds more like a boss theme than a file select theme. 1:40 - 2:20, the mix relaxes again, back to a more spacey soundscape. Then at 2:20 - 2:38, you have bass-heavy, boss theme feel again, which isn't bad, but doesn't match the source in my opinion. THen the song relaxes back into the calm space atmosphere until the end. A very interesting take on the source. Overall, I like it, but there are times when I kept the source in mind as I listened, and it sounded off to me. One Final Prophecy Don't know the source, but I like this mix. Really cool. Not much to say about this. Really nice and enjoyable altogether, although there are some spots where the transitions seem off, like around 1:42. Other than that, really cool mix, and I can't find much to say about mixing issues or anything. You guys did a great job with this mix! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I think I was more harsh on my own mix, but I kind of figured I'd do that anyways. You guys all did great. Now, to go vote!
  20. Listening back through for judging, and holy crap, was my EQing really that bad?
  21. I like this idea, very unique. Let's do it!
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