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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. ok, so apparently OCAD has a new IP address which no one bothered to post here about: gee, thanks Brushfire.
  2. a question for the directors, how close to finished is the website?
  3. Callum, just how sad is it that I forgot what our collab sounded like?
  4. Well I've made a soundcloud URL ninja switcharoo so I don't have to edit the first post. Speaking of, there's a small update, same link.
  5. You can also cross-reference the chiptune file that OCR is hosting on-site. If you have winamp for PC (or any Mac-compatible chiptune player) then you can check with the .rsn and see what is and isn't on the list
  6. I've had this problem with ASIO4All, but I'm using it on a laptop so that might have something to do with it it seems like ASIO4all wants to exclusively control my computer's sound output, but if it can't it won't play any audio. It's very cranky most days, and so I don't use it often for this reason
  7. ...don't you mean "browser"? ATT is an ISP, Verizon Home and Business is an ISP. Time Warner Cable HSI is an ISP. IE is a browser. Chrome is a browser. But I digress. Yes, DAW is a Digital Audio Workstation, and there are dozens of them out there. So find a couple you might like and take them for a spin.
  8. pretty much. The reason people like Macs for studio is because Macs are popular for high-graphic work and people assume this extends to audio. Personally, if I had a Mac I would install Windows on it. Preferences are personal but I find Windows much easier than Mac (and much less idiot-proof, which is fine by me). To me, a Mac is bad on general workflow, but maybe that's just because I grew up on the simplicity and edit-ability of Windows. However, on to this argument: Garageband was fantastic to use, but it's on a Mac and is Mac-exclusive. However, the workflow is very easy to use, which is why I had to find a "garageband equivalent for windows", which I now use: Mixcraft. Don't get me wrong, other DAWs like FL are great to use and have really cool features, but I really like the workflow of Mixcraft. If you're low on budget, look around at multiple DAW websites. Some are cheaper than others, some have different benefits over others (for instance, Mixcraft can't do the advanced pitch-bending that FL can with some of it's plugins). My suggestion is downloading trial versions of different DAWs. Find a DAW that you enjoy using, is easy to use, but not too easy (and by too easy I mean you can't do some things in this DAW no matter what you try and it's holding you back), and is relatively budget-friendly. Actually, one thing I looked at before deciding on a DAW was the trial mode itself. Does this DAW let you save and load project files again? Is there a certain trial period, day-wise? If so, what happens at the end of the trial? so on and so forth. What I've found out is that some DAWs have funky trial-mode workarounds (FL doesn't let you load trial project files, but you can leave FL open and shut down your computer with "Hibernate" instead; Mixcraft won't let you mix down to an audio file after X days, but you can bounce multiple tracks to waves, then combine them into a single WAV file) that you can exploit when/if the trial mode ends and you don't want/can't buy a full version yet. tl;dr shop around and try different DAWs and see what works best for your budget
  9. I could never get the hang of FL or Live. I guess that's because I had messed around with Garageband one day and decided I liked it so much that I had to find a windows equivalent (Mixcraft). Personally FL is slightly easier to use than Live, but they both have relatively steep learning curves. But I digress. Whatever works for you is what you should use. And I can tell that it works!
  10. double post because I forgot to ask, but what DAW do you use? I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume FL, but as far as I know you're using Live or Cubase.
  11. Of this WIP I am impressed, Chuck's muscle tone however causes distress no, you dirty minds, not like that! If that's the case, good day! *dons hat* Exeunt Stage Left
  12. right now? Other than Acoustica Instruments and the Classic Reverb, none. So far it's all stock Mixcraft samples.
  13. lil Cal I guess jeez I'm so bored
  14. I feel like a cheat for having to have posted something pertaining to a remix album (specifically this one) in the WIP forums, but then again I don't feel confident enough in my musical abilities to not to. (...?) http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=41235
  15. Soundcloud Link (because the fireslash uploader is down) I'm trying to do an orchestral remix of the Blood Relation (or "The beginning of the End" as it's called on the chiptune file) track from Breath Of Fire I I get it, this WIP is, as of now, ridiculously short, but I plan on updating it quite frequently. So, for now, enjoy what little bit there is
  16. Whoa, what happened to ocrwip.fireslash.net? I was going to use that today... oh well, nothing like some good old fashioned Soundcloud links. (I guess what I'm trying to say is that the fireslash site is no longer a WIP uploading option)
  18. this sounds familiar [/offtopic] aaaaand this one is relevant and makes sense to anyone who watches MLP. brb spamming the MLP thread with these same images. Then I'll probably stop with the crossover pics
  19. damnit, I forgot about this. Why am I always reminded at some inopportune time? I'm a very forgetful person, but it seems that I'm always reminded of stuff at the last possible second. (in this case I need sleep)
  20. four-month bump This is a good webcomic. I've wasted so much time reading it
  21. Ah! this thread! oh how I've forgotten you! This reminds me why I need to save my money. I did get a laptop for Christmas (finally have my own computer wooooohooooo), but just because it runs x64bit windows doesn't mean it's built for music. Hopefully I can get the funds for Brad to build me one of his famed magic machines
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