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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. are you sure it was Darkesword and not me? I had that issue a while back, before I realized I had changed my email address and hadn't verified the new email address.
  2. bless your face If you sneezed while reading this, bless you. Peace off.
  3. My advice? save that preset for a rainy day and a very dark remix
  4. Welcome! Whenever you're willing to share your works, in whatever stage of completion they are in, don't forget to take a visit to the Workshop forums! be seeing you around! Anorax
  5. ok, whoever programmed Partybot deserves a prize. a big one. is the stream if it's still up
  6. Nah, I'm with Rozo on this one. The learning came first, mainly because this was an attempt for novices to learn techniques of some posted remixers. Yeah, it's a "contest", but still the main idea was "learning".
  7. when I have time, which I won't have much for quite a while
  8. Ugh, we have to judge? UUggghhh, fine. ENTERING JUDGE MODE I'll put up my eval here, but I'll judge in PM. However, it's late at night, and I might not send in the judging PM until later. (I'll probably edit this post here as people begin posting their sources) I remember this source! Ah, sweet nostalgia. I'm not a fan of the synth used for the opening notes, nor the slowing down/speeding up of the opening arpeggio like that. However, it's a clever re-instrumentation of the opening, and I feel like the guitar parts are well-written and performed. The mixing is good. No muddiness or anything like that. aaand I still can't get used to that sudden slowing down of that synth. Oh well. I'll fill these in when all the sources are posted
  9. Whenever that is. I'm really liking these tracks. You all did a wonderful job on these!
  10. this this this this aaahhh. Maybe I should try this? I'm not sure how well it will go, but ok
  11. Aw Can't believe I didn't know about this until the day of the deadline. Would have liked to try this if I'd known about it
  12. If you need anything, don't forget to PM me

  13. ... I feel sorry for you. (shudder) In the meantime,
  14. Well, this confirms that I do need a larger computer monitor. I'm sure someone's already mentioned everything I'm going to say, but I'll say it anyway. I listen to a lot of music, and the few times that I'm not listening to music is when I start playing it in my head. I usually get all sorts of ideas that never survive the trip to my DAW, and if they do I can't seem to visualize them properly before they mutate into some other idea or disappear entirely. Composition is another thing I'm not-so-good at, but mostly it's sound design that gets me. I think my problem is that I always try to do sound design before I actually get the melodies down, which usually gets me nowhere.
  15. Here's the thing. They are, of course, your tunes, so when you're running, your body is operating faster, so to speak. Heartrate is up, Alpha and/or Beta waves in the brain are in motion, and because they are your tunes, you expect them to be as fast as your body feels in motion. In your head, the song will play back 'faster' because your body is well, operating faster. So when the song plays and it's not up to the subconscious expectation, it seems slower, and the 'slowdown' will be more pronounced the more intense the exercise is. I know what you'e talking about because this happens to me from time to time, albeit very rarely. Adrenaline does have a part in this, yes. But it's mostly a mental thing. Now, as Rozo is hinting to, running with a metronome? I believe the metronome will match your song tempo either way, although I've never really tried it and I'm not sure what the result would be. And Modus, you're not magical. One of the effects of adrenaline on the body is that time seems to go a little slower. This is usually a part of the fear auto-mechanism ( for example with a poisonous snake: snake hisses and rattles tail, fear rises, adrenaline begins to flow, heart rate speeds up, body's reaction time speeds up, perception of time slows down slightly). Those last two are closely connected, and is affecting the 'tempo' of your own work. The reason only your music is being affected is because, well, it's yours. You "know" how it's supposed to sound in your head (because it's your own creation- you made it from start to finish), and when the adrenaline starts pumping, your internal metronome speeds up but the song doesn't, so it plays back 'slower'. I think I just reiterated myself somewhere. tl;dr it's all in your head. your body's chemicals are screwing with you
  16. Yep, I sure have. However, that tutorial is Garageband-exclusive (refers to certain patches within Garageband) and seeing as I use Windows, I obviously can't use Garageband or the tutorial.
  17. ...Wow. Rozo should publish this and make bank off of it
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