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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. Somebody kill it with fire. Please. https://soundcloud.com/anoraxworkshop/blurred-clarity
  2. What? You didn't know that Callum is a guitar-toting superhero of awesomeness? He never messes around (mostly)
  3. I'm going to go full retard for a minute here, but is Kontakt available on Mac? If so, maybe there's a good Taiko library/patch for you to utilize.Or someone could sample this VST and program a taiko patch from it I dunno Sorry for the useless comment, that's just my specialty
  4. How is it by the way? I'd buy it if I had the money, but I can't even afford the lowest tier of ISW's Modern Composer Bundle
  5. I want to, but... Agh, I don't have the monies for it! D:
  6. how does one "custom thumbnail" on YouTube? I still haven't figured that one out
  7. While I don't know how well posting covers in the remix workshop forums will go, you can always try posting any original works of yours in the Workshop forums (Post your originals!). You can also ask any questions regarding mixing and whatnot in the Music Composition and Production subforum. Cheers, and welcome to OCR!
  8. and I'm guessing you selected the wrong chunk for deletion in the process.
  9. CLOSE ENOUGH Thanks guys! And to the other two amazing people who share my birthday (much more amazing than I, that is), I'll share something Level99 left lying around on my facebook page.
  10. question is, what on earth were you doing?
  11. just in case clarification was needed
  12. FUCK If Phanto came back... oh man. That would be the day. But yeah, Phanto aside, chargin' chuck is the worst. Scared the shit out of me in SMW as a kid. EDIT:just in case someone forgot:
  13. Agreed. The SMG games were so fucking magnificent, music and all. (Dat SMG1 storyline!). Why didn't they add this much imagination and design into NSMB? Would have taken too much time to put together. AFAIK they just tossed together the code from NSMB Wii with small, easy-to-insert updates (cat suit, anyone?) and called it a day. real quick quip about this I think part (ok, most) of the reason for the removal of Nintendo's Product Lifetime Warranty is the fact that they can't build their consoles like tanks anymore. Not won't, but can't. Too much delicate hardware. Take an SNES and a Wii. Chuck both at a cinderblock wall. Which one is more likely to start up afterwards? Point is, they could offer a lifetime warranty because the older products were much less likely to break, and thus less costly to fix (fewer incidents = fewer repairs = less $$ spent). Nowadays such a warranty wouldn't be cost-effective.
  14. I'm pretty sure if I had been drinking a glass full of water it'd be all over my computer monitor right now
  15. wow, they took that video down fast [dead link]
  16. :C Got to keep an eye out for the next round. Now that school's out I can hopefully put more time into these competitions. Speaking of, when is the next round?
  17. so, basically Sonic-meets-mario-galaxy? Sounds awesome to me edit: I spoke too soon holy shit. Even more awesome than I anticipated
  18. I've seen it done both ways (and apparently, incorrectly). Thanks for the clarification
  19. Welcome, every one of you guys! I know this thread has kind of been a bit dry, but I do hope you enjoy your stay here at OCR. If you've been looking around I'm sure you've noticed the workshop forums, which is a great place to put up works in progress as well as discuss anything related to music production. Then of course there's the general forums for anything really not-music-production-related but still related to this site (as well as off-topic, which should be self-explanatory). Then there's the comments and review section, which deals with comments on posted remixes and OCR projects, as well as the Judges Decisions. For those of you interested in a)working on your own original music or remixes, or wanting to listen to people's works-in-progress, a good place to start would be the workshop forums. So, without further ado, welcome to OverClocked ReMix!
  20. ...damn. When you look at it that way, it looks like PSN is going to burn out soon. Who knows what the hell Nintendo will do in the future, but if catering to the hardcore gamer is a dying business, then maybe Microsoft has got a [somewhat] good idea (and I say "good" cautiously).
  21. found an interesting opinion article today about the XBox none today
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