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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. Well, this new info on NiNID really makes it sound a thousand times better. I just hope that Nintendo America doesn't, for some strange and half-assed reason removes this for the US market. I doubt that will happen. my question is whether or not purchases can be shared cross-system, like the PSN purchase system or maybe even like the Google Play system. I hope so, it'd make things easier. The only thing that'd be difficult to manage would be transferring save data between systems due to the separate savedata per username.
  2. I was about to mention Broadcast, but I see you found it first. http://www.jeroenbreebaart.com/audio_vst_jb.htm Of course, it's in a bundle of other plugins which I haven't tested yet. As of how the Broadcast Multiband Compressor performs, it does a pretty decent job across all three bands, and it really brings out a mix. However, I noticed yesterday that when applied to my drum track it added a latency of a few milliseconds, just enough to make the drums sound like they were on the back of the beat, instead of the front I'm kind of surprised that Terry West didn't make a multiband compressor yet...
  3. Kick, eh? Ok, so for one thing, don't use the generic FL kick. It is teh sucky. You'll be better off finding kicks from sample packs. Even if you want to keep the FL kick, you will probably want to use multiple samples in the same kick (to give it a "fuller" sound). You might also want to work on sidechaining as well, to give the kick more presence, if you don't do that already. Also, you might want to consider adding in a "airy" snare in the kick sample, but at low volume, to give the kick a higher presence.
  4. Why, hello Captain! I like what you did on BP:AP. Didn't know you had an interest in OCR! By the way, considering your, erm, interests, I think you'll like this thread. It's nice to have you on board! And welcome to everyone who joined recently! It's great to see so many people interested in OCR! Make yourselves at home, and, if you ever want feedback on music, head on over to the Workshop boards!
  5. Ok, let's see here... Check out this thread, I pulled most of the following from it. Apparently, AMD is a baaad choice. According to Neblix, AMD sucks. That's what my laptop is running, and it can't do worth s*** when it comes to music. Back to what was mentioned in the thread {link} above; if you can help it, go with 8gb RAM, but I guess 4gb is permissible, if barely. Soundcards are also discussed quite a bit, I'd go explore that thread, because I don't know what's what when it comes to soundcards. Overclocking? You'll have to talk to Brad about that. Power requirements? Neblix mentioned this, I think he said 600w minimum, maybe 550w minimum if you don't plan on installing a graphics card. Right now I'm literally parroting other people's posts on OCR, because I don't know worth crap about computer building, but hey, when you hang around here long enough, you learn fast
  6. ok, thanks anyway. I was kind of afraid that this might be the case. At least I know now that I have to save a whole lot more money to get a music computer now. Maybe I'll have a talk with Brad about getting one made for me.
  7. so much this which reminds me, I need to find some money to preorder one if that's still possible
  8. Depends on the glasses I guess
  9. Brushfire picked it up and broke it over his knee. "oh, hey! look at this! look how not durable this controller is!" loljk. It's kind of like the DS screen, you can't whack at it too hard or you'll break it (duh)
  10. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Startech-7.1-USB-Audio-Adapter-External-Sound-Card-with-SPDIF-Digital-Audio/14291558 I am in need of an external USB soundcard because I can hardly work with my DAW on my laptop without audio buffering. I know getting an external sound card and then routing my DAW exclusively through that would be very useful, but the question is, would this specific card be a bad purchase in the long run? My laptop is an Acer Aspire, running Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64bit, with an AMD Dual-Core E-350, AMD Radeon HD 6310, and 4GB DDR3 memory. I guess my main concern is, would this be a bad purchase price vs quality (should I buy it or save money for a more expensive one that will probably last longer)?
  11. A client cannot infect files by itself, not unless it's been modified. A client's job is to download whatever files you've told it to download. uTorrent will do that without problem, so will BitTorren and other torrent clients. The only virus you can get is from downloading a torrent that's been infected. If someone else is seeding an infected file, then you could get a virus, otherwise it should be safe. This sounds more like a rant of paranoia than anything. And no, there's no place to download the files without a torrent. Too much bandwidth, and that'd be close to 10 or 12 gigabytes of data trying to be downloaded as a single file (or three). Not smart, and almost impossible to complete without complications in some form or another. Using uTorrent won't kill you, we promise. Just be careful of the .torrent you use.
  12. Great Job Aviators, glad to see you working on video game stuff again. From what I hear so far, this will be a great addition to the OCR remix library. However, I kind of have to agree with timaeus and the percussion comment. It sounds a bit repetitive, and I'm almost certain the judges will call you out for it. whether or not it'll be a deciding factor or not, I'm not sure. That lead synth... dayum. You've definitely had practice with leads You will definitely want to go ahead and mark this as Mod Review - this is more of an "Advanced WIP" or "Almost Finished WIP", so go ahead and get a Mod's opinion on this.
  13. I think what Neblix is trying to say is that general and audio processing power comes first. If you have the money, then use it. In the computer hardware world, price is usually a good indicator of quality. Not always, but usually. An i7 may not have integrated graphics (I haven't checked up on its specs like a moron), but that's not the end goal. If you're going for MUSIC, you don't really need GRAPHICS to go with it. You want processing power.
  14. ...wow. How did I manage to not see this for this long? Really good job Callum. If I could find $5 I know where I'd spend it... That being said I'll just have to keep opening bandcamp and streaming it instead.
  15. Damnit bleck! I hate spoilers! especially when it comes to these kinds of questions! It's kind of like shouting "I lost the game" in a crowded room (or posting it on a public internet forum like so) Spoilers suck. Anywho, back to the topic at hand.
  16. glad to help. There's also some pan editing stuff in there somewhere, in case you want to do some kind of stereo-pan-EQing or something like that
  17. oh man oh man oh man where did I find this one plugin and what was it called... shit. Oh! Found it! http://www.terrywest.nl/equalizers.html These are pretty damn high quality considering they're all FREE. There are a lot of M/S procssing plugins here, some more complex than others to suit your needs, whatever they may be. There are a lot of good plugins here to use, there's even a "de-clipper", if you will. Not sure how it works but it does, somehow
  18. yeah, I never make any sense. Cerrax basically answered my question.
  19. I'm thinking more along the lines of what if the graphics drive improves to a point you'd need a resolution higher than 1080p for peak performance? *glances at username* no idea
  20. Quick question, Do you guys think we've reached a graphics threshold, where it's no longer about updating a console's graphic card without having an upgrade in the display hardware itself? In other words, are we at the point where we can't do much more graphics-wise without upgrading our TVs and other gaming displays to be able to display it? Man I suck at effectively wording a question...
  21. is great10char although I think the argument is about allowing it over all games or refusing it over all games, which is kind of stupid tbh
  22. This ^ would be an amazing thing for a console to have, especially if it had the ability to run in-console while in another application such as web browser, or the obvious, in-game. Plus it could be a cross-console or cross-platform chat too! but what am I thinking, that's a ridiculously stupid idea. why the hell would anyone want to chat with someone who uses a different console than you?
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