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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. ;A; Can you guys please stop taunting me with all your tantalizing tales about the Wii U? I have yet to get one and want one sooo bad...
  2. YT... App? Pssht I'd use the web browser for that. Although last time I checked, the YouTube App experience is actually done through Google (at least for the Wii). When you'd load the YouTube page, YouTube would put up one of those banner things they do that says "Try YouTube Go for your Wii" so I don't know if the App is Google-driven or not. Seeing as the WiiU app is apparently the same as the PS3 app I dare say that it's Google's doing, not Nintendo. If you don't like it I suggest attempting to use the web browser instead and just bypass the app.
  3. You were looking for this thread, correct? Although I'm sure this thread is just as relevant considering what you're selling. As for "reasonable price", what was the in-store price? Trying to shoot over that generally isn't a good idea, even if you were to put it up on an auction site like eBay. (on eBay the bid would probably go higher than MSRP anyway) If you want you can sell it for around $50 less than retail price, but it depends if you want to be fully reimbursed or not considering your significant other is planning on getting you one anyway. Of course I don't know what the hell I'm talking about, so there. EDIT: I'm seeing that it's selling at Walmart for ~$375, so I don't know why anyone would want to sell one for $500. Personally I'd wait until the demand/price came down. As I said earlier, if it were me personally, I wouldn't sell too far from retail price, maybe $50-$100 lower. Now, if I had the money I'd buy it from you. Alas I do not.
  4. Somewhere there's a thread for custom avatar changes, however you cannot do so yourself, it's completely up to a forum moderator (Usually Liontamer) to do it for you.
  5. Oh, trust me, I've already raided your brother's soundfont site, and I really like the sounds there
  6. http://www.kvraudio.com/product/the-total-composure-orchestra-by-total-composure this one's cheaper
  7. Hell hath no fury like a man on a mission for music
  8. Well, from what I got from the page on the music production course by Loudon Stearns (which may not be what you were looking at), this class has to do with the music finalizing process. It's not a music composition course, so the synthesis isn't going to be the most important part. (And of course, considering filters are important to almost every aspect of music production, from synthesis to mixing, I don't see what the problem is with having Filtering introduced with the studio effects than with the synthesis.) Unless of course you were looking at the "Introduction to Digital Sound Design" class, I didn't look at that one. EDIT: It seems you were looking at the Digital Sound Design class. Yeah, I can kind of see why RM is before FM, considering he's discussing recording and modulating audio clips before synthesis, and it is a hell of a lot easier to implement RM to an audio clip than FM. That being said, if he wanted he could have gone into Synthesis before recording, but there's no real required order of instruction. Honestly I don't see why it bothers you, I guess he just teaches a different way than you do. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - That being said, I would love to do both of these classes but I'll have to see how heavy my workload will be next semester.
  9. ... tenchar So, no. It's only making the humanization a moot point if your quantize function is very basic and doesn't support partial quantization (check my Mixcraft Example from earlier)
  10. I, personally, prefer the click-drag-DEL-key method. Besides, wouldn't you have to click-drag-rightclick anyway? I have one. Sometimes it's easier to quantize the whole thing to %50 strength to preserve human playback, than hunting down individual notes that stray too much, especially when you have a MIDI clip of a piano part that is eight to ten measures long. back to the OP topic. I also like to sing, but this is something I can't really record due to my terrible mic and awful (read as nonexistent) recording setup. So, really I'm limited to anything that doesn't require me to record anything, which is why I really stick to electronic.
  11. split the last post so we can get back to the OP's original topic. (yeah, yeah, "double post". ) So, my musical genre? I usually experiment with electronic music, and I'll leave the description at that, although I tend to lean towards music that is more in the House genre, which is surprisingly easy once you get the sound designing down. It's usually the sound design that's the hardest part, unless you have a lot of self-made presets or really nice 3rd-party presets tailored to your needs. The rest is really just automating effects, filters, envelopes and whatnot. I also like to sing (I supposedly have a really good voice. Really good. Supposedly). but this is something I can't really record due to my terrible mic and awful (read as nonexistent) recording setup. So, really I'm limited to anything that doesn't require me to record anything, which is why I really stick to electronic.
  12. Well, to me it seems that FL has several different learning curves. I really like a DAW that is powerful and complex while at the same time doesn't require you to open the help file every five minutes or so. While FL is useful, it took me forever to try and figure out how to do automation clips, and even then I had to crack open the old help file on something that should, in theory, be relatively simple to work with. Also, the right-click-to-delete function is a royal pain in the ass. Almost every other program uses right-click as an options menu, but no. FL uses it to delete shit. Why? Why was this chosen instead of, you know, the DEL key? And I have yet to figure out how to do tempo and key signature changes in FL (not that I've been using it much, if at all). To me, Mixcraft is a hell of a lot easier to use. Yes, there are some things that it does not have that other DAWs do (such as DAW-exclusive plugins that have DAW-specific functions such as IL Harmor and the multi-note portamento thing in FL, as well as sidechaining without external plugins), but there are some things that Mixcraft really has impressed me with, one being both the ease and complexity of MIDI editing. For one, right click doesn't delete shit . You're able to use "advanced" humanization features, mass velocity editing (by % or hard-value), transposition, etc., which is stuff I have yet to find in FL. You can also edit individual MIDI notes by adjusting their duration (down to 1/1000 of a beat), On/Off Velocities, channel, and MIDI pitch all from a single right-click dialog. But enough about what DAWs we use. What we're here for is genre shit. tl;dr I personally find FL to have a weird learning curve: low on some parts, but ridiculously high in others. To me, it's ease of use is, at best, barely tolerable but manageable. At worst, it's terrible and nearly impossible to work with. Don't get me wrong, there are parts I love about FL that I wish I had elsewhere (the advanced automation clip options - linear, exponential curves, etc.) Like what? You're quantizing, not using a modulation matrix. What 'options' are you expecting? I personally rarely quantize. I only do so when I play parts in live for specifically a video game OST or similar where instruments are expected to play in perfect rhythm. Otherwise I usually either play it in live and leave it, or sequence it in because I like doing it like that. stacking quotes because this refers to both I don't know what Reaper offers, but this is a screenshot of what Mixcraft has on quantization pretty self explanatory. buuut, if for some reason you want an explanation of this, just in case you aren't quite sure, highlight the bit below here. Ok, so. Note type: what note value you are quantizing to. Strength: How, well, strong the quantization is. If, say a note is on the third eighth note of a measure, and you want to quantize note start to half notes with 50% strengh, it would quantize the note to the seventh sixteenth note of the measure. the Start Times and Note End checkboxes: Either quantize just the note beginning, it's ending, or both. Swing: self explanatory, given the text on the dialog box. Percent is calculated from Note Type, not individual note lengths. And then you can quantize all the notes or only the ones highlighted in a MIDI clip. Now, as for what timaeus was talking about, why have quantization with features? Well, for one, let's say you didn't record your midi with enough swing, and your MIDI alignment grid just doesn't get to the right resolution you want for a nice swing. Here, you'd use the swing feature (for obvious reasons). Or, lets say you recorded a MIDI part that sounds a tad too wild, but when quantized sounds too... inhuman. So, just partially quantize the clip so that the notes are closer to the grid, but still have the human playback sound to it (Strength feature). See, quantize is made to correct human error, but sometimes you want to keep part of said error, so it's good to have options just in case.
  13. why, thank you kind sir

  14. so... finger inconsistency bothers me a bit, mainly the fact that they each have one hand with four fingers and the other with three. other than that, it's a very nice cover! Who did this?
  15. I think the main idea here is the fact that it is a lot easier to install SoundCloud and YouTube embed capabilities that it is to build a whole new system for allowing any and all embed of audio files. I think both DIP and I read this as "embed for posted OCR mixes", which makes sense considering what this site is about.
  16. Here's the question though, would this be for OCR Songs only? I mean, sure, it's a ridiculously useful idea except for the fact that you would have to use some kind of redirect table considering that all OCR songs are uploaded with track name, not with OCR number. so, say the BB tag for OCR is [OCR-Remix], you couldn't enter [OCR-remix]02550[/ocr-remix] and pull up the 2550th remix due to how BB works. Because BB is a simple HTML-port system for forums that allows single parameters, you couldn't really do this properly because, in your example, the embed runs off of an <iframe> with a link to a specific URL determined by the {option} tag within the BB code. The OCR site would need a complete rework to make this happen. Every single song (all 2530+) would need it's own embed iframe set up, and then have it's own seperate URL for the BB code to call upon (such as the "http://gameremixes.com/song/embed/number/25" in your example, which has "http://gameremixes.com/remixes/25-v1-Demonstray-Militiae_Corneriae" embedded within it). Now, the BB code could be reworked to include the URL page in it's entirety, or an HTML redirect system could be used instead. A URL database could be set up, where [ocr-remix]00352[/ocr-remix] looks up the example URL "http://redirect.ocremix.org/remix/00352" which would redirect straight to the OCR mirror for the specific remix (in this case, "http://ocrmirror.org/files/music/remixes/Secret_of_Mana_Smooth_Mana_OC_ReMix.mp3") In short, it'd be more than a 30-sec fix due to how the OCR system is currently set up, unfortunately. However, if it were to be set up properly, it would make the whole system much easier in the future (instances such as adding a player directly on a posted remixes' page, making it easier to let people listen to the song without having to directly download it) there's my $0.02, however illegible it may be
  17. Old Music Syndrome (LONM Withdrawal) sucks man, I feel your pain. ...Nintendude's got a point, a lot of people put music on Bandcamp as "free" or "Pay what you want, no minimum"
  18. Happy Birthday Mr. Riley! Hope you have a good one!
  19. and I say this because I'm not sure where to take the track. listen here (mp3 link) I'm leaning towards something that's more of a rock ballad, but I'm not entirely sure. What you hear here is really short. However, I will keep on updating this link as I go along, and I will probably make "archive" versions for comparison later on.
  20. I am excitebike When is the US release of the WiiU again? I need to make sure I save ALL my money for this
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