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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. My intention was for the whole series, I'm pretty dedicated to getting songs from every game on the album.

    If anything, we should leave them out of it. SMK has 4 accepted remixes and MK64 has 5. DS has one, and none of the others have any at all.

    Essentially, I'm against leaving any games off, but I'm VERY strongly opposed to just making it focus on SNES and N64. Frankly, in my opinion, the best of the series' music isn't on either of them, besides Mario Circuit and the two Rainbow Road songs.

    well, you have to remember, those are the oldest games, and generally has an easier melody to work with.

  2. Ok, so I'm listening to v4 at half-system volume and headphones that came with my Samsung Galaxy Player, an I notice that the percussion at :22 is really powerful in the upper frequency range, like 8k o 14k. It's almost painful, and I'm listening at half-volume.

    (Then again, I usually have Windows Media Player at half-volume o less to prevent hearing damage, I get enough of that in percussion class. I'm listening to your mix through Chrome's built-in audio player at 100% player, 50% master volume)

    I think the bitcrush is a bit much on the opening bells.


    One thing I notice throughout the song is that you seem to expand your sound in one direction: higher and higher in frequency.

    Don't be afraid to filter parts even if it's only slightly. You might want to use a spectrameter (or whatever it's called) and check for spikes while mixing.

    Other than this, I don't really have any complaints. (ahaha bullshit oxymoron, but whatever)

    Oh, one more thing, if you really want, you can humanize your track a bit more, even if it's as simple as randomizing velocities by 10% or something like that. Maybe offset some notes. Whatever, it's all up to you

  3. Quite the track. I prefer Bagarang myself, but the Kyoto is next on the list.

    However, I am currently listening to THIS:

    awesome. This guy's great.

    Also, I do enjoy Breakin' A Sweat. Must be the slight swing rhythm.

    My thoughts exactly. Although he does house and trance as well. So maybe the next deadmau5 as well as the next Skrillex?

    Speaking of the mau5:

    Ghosts 'n' Stuff (ft. Rob Swire) - deadmau5

    Now Playing: Strobe [deadmau5] - Klaypex (Remix)

  4. haven't got a lot of time on my hands at the moment thought sorry.

    My family is just about to move to another country

    Goin' to the Land Down Under, eh, mate?
    Just an idea, but if you want to split it you could have one album for console Mario Karts and then another for handhelds. Or perhaps a Disc 1/Disc 2 type of thing.

    Reminiscent of the DKC3 Project that SHOULD BE WRAPPED UP SOON *glares at Emunator*

    Though then some crossovers between games might not fit. (For example, I've considered remixing Luigi Circuit from the N64 with Waluigi Pinball from the DS as a sort of rivalry thing) But its just a thought I'm throwing out there.

    How about doing the Console Vs. Handheld disc idea, plus a 3rd "Rivalry Mix" disc.

    This is just a spacer line. It quotes no one but me

    Originally, I discussed with Brushfire the idea of doing just the SNES (or maybe even the N64) soundtrack, and having each track match one of the playable characters. For instance, in the SNES version, Mario would match up with Mario Circuit (duh), and Bowser with his castle. Other than those two, the rest would be pure interpretation. And by discussed with Brushfire, I mean it was a one way conversation.

  5. +

    If Congress messes with Facebook and Twitter, they can expect to be torn limb from limb by angry mobs of Americans. I wish Congress understood that.


    Some members of Congress use Twitter themselves. If they don't get it at all and it were to pass, they'd work real hard to repeal it ASAP, I guarantee it.

    I think that Google going down would be a huge issue. there are some people out there that don't use Facebook and Twitter (I know, right?!?), but probably use Google. that, and a lot of websites use Google Search widgets in-site as well. So it might not end as they had hoped

  6. dude i got him to quiet down so don't give a reason to get a response out of him.

    I hope he doesn't, but I felt like I have to say something.

    copyright law is ever-so-slightly limited and allows some leniency, such as using 30 seconds OR 10% of a music clip is allowed.

    My bad.

  7. Pretty old in comparison, but

    It logically follows, which is what SOPA is about: people on YouTube and other sites are using copyrighted materials (even just a second of it), and SOMEONE other than the holder is making money. SO SHUT IT ALL DOWN, that's the response.


    Someone doesn't know their copyright laws.

  8. Caught Somewhere in Time by Iron Maiden
    Congrats on being post #2,000. I guess that's worth some braggin' rights. Good song btw.

    As for me, "Can't Get Enuff' by Winger.


    Yeah! (featuring Souleye) - Big Giant Circles

    Just bought Impostor Nostalgia earlier tonight (and the Metroid Arrange 25th Anniversary Album and an OCR shirt)... well worth it. :3

    is the #2,000th post.

    Kyoto - Skrillex

  9. Ha, this mix brought controversy unexpectedly. I feel like the execution in this mix is lacking in the production arena. The wubs are not nice and fat with the low end, and the synths are lacking. The song fares better later on, but those issues being fixed really could help the enjoyability of the mix I feel. The arrangement is pretty good here, it's just a bunch of production issues that sort of drag it down some for me.

    Well, you have to remember Bahamut, dubstep evolved quite a bit since this track was submitted to OCR.

    The standards, then and now, are different.

  10. Some names from that list that Sinewav posted (and will be prosecuted for once SOPA goes through. Sorry Sine, but that's a lot of copyrighted names you just posted ILLEGALLY):

    60 Plus Association - STOP DOWNLOADING OLD PEOPLE!

    ABC - OK, networks make shows. I understand them taking this up

    Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies (ASOP) - What?

    American Federation of Musicians (AFM)

    American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA)

    American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) There goes every single video that uses non-public domain music for any reason

    Americans for Tax Reform - What?

    Building and Construction Trades Department - STOP STEALING OUT GYPROCK, DAMN IT!

    Christian Music Trade Association - because people download christian music? Isn't stealing one of those rules they have?

    Church Music Publishers’ Association - I don't get this one... they're against people playing church music?

    Coalition Against Online Video Piracy (CAOVP) - More like branch of MPAA, amirite?

    Concerned Women for America (CWA) - STOP DOWNLOADING THE WOMEN!

    Congressional Fire Services Institute - Fire fighters hate having to wade through your downloaded movie collection during a fire rescue

    Creative America - The same Creative that made some of the first MP3 players, and was called a leader in letting people pirate music by the record companies back in the 90s? Nah...

    Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) - Because... they like serving warrants and having to sit there watching some legal department guys from a company go through someone else' stuff?

    International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees (IATSE)

    International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)

    International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) - These people get paid during the filming of movies and TV shows, not after. They aren't affected by it anymore than the guy that hands the DVD to you at the register at the store. They might see loss of work if production of movies and TV shows stops because of piracy, but that hasn't stopped it in the last 40 years, so why would now be any different?


    Penguin Group (USA), Inc. - STOP DOWNLOADING OUR PENG... OK, that joke is getting tired.

    Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) - Guys, that medicine is PIRATED! Stop getting your prescription from torrents!

    Pfizer, Inc. - STOP DOWNLOADING DICK PILLS, GOD DAMN IT! (OK, it's not tired anymore!

    Revlon - Did we tell you to stop downloading out eyeliner yet?

    The National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO) - careful, they may call in an airstrike on your compou.. oh, not that NATO?

    The United States Conference of Mayors - STOP DOWNLOADING THE VOTES! That's OUR job!

    Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) - I fear that people may actually download this shit...

    Man, there are some weird names on that list. I can't believe some of these are on there. Some have no products that can be pirated, and the rest have products that are pirated, just not digitally (ie: make-up and purses, clothes, etc).

    Some of this list looks like they just handed a petition around at a meeting and some of the signers didn't even read it.

    Looks like there was some band-wagon hopping-on.

    Here, we want you to sign this. Go ahead, it's safe. just don't read it.

    Hey, look. We'll even pay you. How's- HEY! DON'T READ IT!

    Yeah, right here. Just right down th- DON'T READ IT DAMNIT!

    alright. Thanks for signing this. Here's the- OK, STOP TRYING TO READ IT! YOU'VE ALREADY SIGNED IT, SO GET THE F**K OUT!!

    Thank you for signing this petition. Have a nice day.

  11. What's the policy of building new portals? I was thinking of building a nice temple for my portal, traveling far in the Nether and making another portal for fresh, new landscape. I did this in my singleplayer map and it lead me to this spider infested mineshaft under an ocean.

    I guess it's to make you suffer in some way or another. I dunnno

  12. Hum it or whistle it. But be aware that reguardless of whatever you do the sounds in your head a very likely to morph into something different (or disappear and reappear years later), unless you have perfect pitch and can record stuff instantly. And it's not that this is bad, it's just that you might almost always lose whatever original thing that was floating in your head.

    At the end of the day I usually go to a piano room to practice or play around. The piano is a very good instrument to practice or get melodies from.

    Exactly. I morph the idea, but can't get the original idea back :-|

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