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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. Nope, it's an automated server that's done it. Apparently, if a channel gets enough flags, then a server will suspend the account. Then someone else has to come and check out the claim, then decide to fix it or not, based on the claims and the flags sent, in this case, "spam". How about we begin emailing Google and YouTube about it?
  2. I bet someone used the spam flag "Mass Advertising: means someone who is using automated systems or bots to advertise." Where we? Um, NO(Resub) Jokes aside, I think that you should tweet at @Google along with @YouTube. This might get things working again. Also, if any OCR people happen to work at a Google facility, please see if you can do something about this. Also,
  3. i like the new avatar, btw

  4. Heh. Forgot about this thread... yeah, it's a great program until the Trial period runs out In all seriousness, it's good. The only thing I noticed lately is that my audio out changed from WaveRT to Wave, although I'm pretty sure I caused that somehow...
  5. Looks like you really favored the Return key... I really need to work on music production in general before I try to join a project. But I probably will join once I figure out what I'm doing wrong.
  6. Hey dood!

    Gotta say, your stuff is better than mine (what stuff of mine?)

    I'm a perfectionist :-D I have so many unfinished projects you have NO idea...

  7. alright. done

    anyone else you want to PM? I'm still looking over my contact list, trying to think of any/all people who could. Will send you a list via PM

  8. too late :D

    Anywho, just PM'd Rockos as well.

  9. Also, I'll PM Brandon, see what he says

  10. looking over my contact list.

    Try The Coop, or Rozovian. Maybe Draconiator too.

  11. oh, and if you want to hook up your signature to a image randomizer, try here (link)

  12. wanna try your hand at arranging?

  13. Hello PFMPaulo! Welcome to the OverClocked Remix forums!

  14. alright, done with the stupid. Back to recruitment!

    P.S. Ask Neblix

  15. and now we gotta hunt down everyone and say that you've taken over and all that jazz ALTHOUGH, I feel I must remind people that we have THREAD SIGNATURES right now! W00T! ... anyhoo, I have resized my signature images, and that means the old ones are up for grabs http://dl.dropbox.com/u/14724741/Signatures/Breath%20Of%20Fire/BoFprojectsigSten.png and http://dl.dropbox.com/u/14724741/Signatures/Breath%20Of%20Fire/BoFprojectsigryuSword.png Have fun EDIT: Man I need to redo these. These are terrible. yuck Also, smaller sizes can be made at request.
  16. Cleanliness is next to spongeliness

  17. yeah, I managed to send that PM to Gollgagh instead of you earlier... Whoops

  18. wait, did I send that PM to you?

    my bad. Wrong person. Will try again... :-|

  19. If I'm lucky, I will be able to Skype tonight.

    Only if.

    it's amazing how nouns like Google and Skype have become verbs.

  20. Welcome to the OverClocked Remix forums!

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