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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. um, aren't you supposed to supply a link to uncensor this (while the internet is still free?)
  2. ok, so how many of the remaining open tracks are in a minor key?
  3. does anyone know if there are any HTML seeds, because it appears that i am firewalled from accessing the bt.ocremix.org/announce tracker from my client, and therefore I have no peers
  4. lemme finish drowning through Exam Week, and i'll think then. For now, glub glub glub Sorry, couldn't resist
  5. is there a way to download all of the remixes currently in the OCR database, without clicking on each remix page and downloading them individually? EdIT: found the torrent for that. does anyone know if the 1001-1900 torrent is up to date?
  6. you can finally get high oh wait weed is illegal anyways...

    Well, you can still smoke and drink legally now!

    Happy Barfday (unless of course you avoid the bar at 1 am then no barf amirite)

  7. So, it looks like the only theme right now is that Disc 1 is Title and menu themes, and the rest is fair game?
  8. Unfortunately I won't have my computer for a little while, but the people to PM for stuff are brushfire and PKEinstein...
  9. Welcome to the forums! Long intro? Psssht we've had longer. Welcome and enjoy your stay!* *Some restrictions apply
  10. VST= Virtual Studio Technology. VST in general is (an) audio effect, such as eq, delay, chorus, etc. A VSTi is a VST Instrument, or synth. And then you can divide "synth" into a large amount of subtypes. But yeah, go read Rozovian's guide. If you want to know specifics on synthesis types, just ask (if Rozo hasn't specified in his guide)
  11. B. Serrano Artemis I've also heard that LinPlug FreeAlpha is good, too. If I were you, I wouldn't use Synth1 quite yet as its GUI is cluttered and somewhat confusing the first time you look at it. There are hundreds of freeware VSTis on the interwebs, just gotta find the ones that work best for you.
  12. like a hawk lolwut EDIT: Shit. big pic is big. too big?
  13. ... I don't get it *derp*

  14. Ok, remind me again why you are Mr. Beardsly? I thought that was Stevo

  15. well, you have to remember, those are the oldest games, and generally has an easier melody to work with.
  16. Ok, so I'm listening to v4 at half-system volume and headphones that came with my Samsung Galaxy Player, an I notice that the percussion at :22 is really powerful in the upper frequency range, like 8k o 14k. It's almost painful, and I'm listening at half-volume. (Then again, I usually have Windows Media Player at half-volume o less to prevent hearing damage, I get enough of that in percussion class. I'm listening to your mix through Chrome's built-in audio player at 100% player, 50% master volume) I think the bitcrush is a bit much on the opening bells. --- One thing I notice throughout the song is that you seem to expand your sound in one direction: higher and higher in frequency. Don't be afraid to filter parts even if it's only slightly. You might want to use a spectrameter (or whatever it's called) and check for spikes while mixing. Other than this, I don't really have any complaints. (ahaha bullshit oxymoron, but whatever) Oh, one more thing, if you really want, you can humanize your track a bit more, even if it's as simple as randomizing velocities by 10% or something like that. Maybe offset some notes. Whatever, it's all up to you
  17. awesome. This guy's great.Also, I do enjoy Breakin' A Sweat. Must be the slight swing rhythm. Now Playing: Strobe [deadmau5] - Klaypex (Remix)
  18. Goin' to the Land Down Under, eh, mate? Reminiscent of the DKC3 Project that SHOULD BE WRAPPED UP SOON *glares at Emunator* How about doing the Console Vs. Handheld disc idea, plus a 3rd "Rivalry Mix" disc. Originally, I discussed with Brushfire the idea of doing just the SNES (or maybe even the N64) soundtrack, and having each track match one of the playable characters. For instance, in the SNES version, Mario would match up with Mario Circuit (duh), and Bowser with his castle. Other than those two, the rest would be pure interpretation. And by discussed with Brushfire, I mean it was a one way conversation.
  19. + + I think that Google going down would be a huge issue. there are some people out there that don't use Facebook and Twitter (I know, right?!?), but probably use Google. that, and a lot of websites use Google Search widgets in-site as well. So it might not end as they had hoped
  20. so many periods...











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