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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. In which case we have to slam the PIPA act circulating in the Senate until then. http://act.demandprogress.org/act/sopa_win/%3Freferring_akid%3Da3655769.1472424.CtV1en%26source%3Dauto-e
  2. So, vimidi isn't as friendly as I thought it was. I did find a MIDI yoke though (loopbe1), and another mouse mapper (AnalogX MouseMod), so all is good on my side of the computer screen
  3. of course let's hope that's not true... This was me half-guessing, and I hope it's not true. But it could be a reality, and a very scary one at that. US=China?
  4. Never mind guys. Found something that I think will do. http://www.vimidi.com
  5. This is probably a ridiculous idea, but does anyone know if there is a program, batch file, or other software that allows you to track mouse movements and convert them into MIDI CC data? Say, it could be set up for vertical mouse movement to be logged to Mod wheel, horizontal movement could be set to some other CC, scroll wheel or clicks could also be mapped to controls? And if this doesn't exist, does anybody know of a way to create this?
  6. Ninja'd to it, but I'll elaborate a bit: HalcyonSpirit, you are thinking of PIPA, a somewhat watered-down version of SOPA. They are both being pushed for by the entertainment industry, but I believe SOPA gives companies the right to sue OCR from even existing. Not just DNS lookup refusal, but if it's not hosted privately, they can force the serverhost or ISP to block it, possibly by refusing IP traffic as well (If this is possible, then will not connect you to the forum index of OCR)
  7. backreading a little bit here... How the hell would this give ANON power? If Anon has a website of some kind, its DNS address would be denied through PIPA, and they could be tracked through any connections that someone slips open. By that time, someone's screwed. When SOPA comes in, only God knows what could happen. I think that the US has finally found a way to stop ANONYMOUS from operating within the US, at the expense of the First Amendment EDIT: just received this email: Hopefully this means something
  8. while we await our online fate, enjoy some SOPA comics from www.getyourcensoron.com
  9. Well, at least, I like you... Unless you don't want me to, of course. Then I'll just go log back in to facebook and...
  10. Hmm... I started this once and it flopped miserably and was scrapped in a bout of depression, and I think that there's another idea floating around somewhere for this... i will talk to brushfire about this. Maybe in the future
  11. Happy Birthday Rainman!

  12. Minor fixes? I need V.2 and V.3, and neither are available NO (Resub)
  13. the files aren't working for me. Dunno why EdiT: Apparently the files cannot be found. If I click one of the tracks (for example, PrototypeRaptor - Chimes from AOCC 2k9), this message appears on the next page: Not Found Apologies, but the page you requested could not be found. Perhaps searching will help. Obtuse? Any help?
  14. lemme reiterate. I meant from the BoF OST. Similar to what me and Callum did for You Will (or is it shall?) Live. (I'm not looking at the first post as I type, obviously)
  15. Happy birthday David!

  16. how much work have you done with vocal dubstep Rockos? problem here would be finding a song that would work with lyrics, then writing said lyrics, and everything else that has to be done...
  17. I want to make a smartass comment but I am in a really good mood that may be linked to sleep deprivation in some form or another. maybe later, eh?
  18. Double post? DOUBLE POST?!? What, are you NUTS!?!? haha, just kidding. This is good news. Welcome to the project KoboKa Also, in the interest of mixing, what are the "easiest" or "simplest" melodies in the OST?
  19. You defiled DKC3. We are forever cursed to play the game and hear your remixes looping in our heads instead of the OST while we play... just kidding dude. Can't wait to hear it all!
  20. For some reason I read this as semi-alcoholic romantic mood. my bad.Kill The Noise - She Likes To Party
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