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Everything posted by meccaneer

  1. Awesome texture work, man. This is definitely one of the best Devil's Lab remixes available. Lookin' forward to more!
  2. Yeah, buddy. You do good work, Neskvartetten. Next time you're in Minnesota, hit me up and we can jam the night away.
  3. Ya know... chiptunes are great and Megaman is great. This song is not. It's really kind of a mess. There no clear direction, there's nothing really too interesting going on, and there's not much originality. And then it goes and repeats itself... Maybe I'm oldskool and bitter? It gets a 2 out of 5.
  4. Someone with more ambition than myself should really just start UnderClocked Remix for tunes like these.
  5. Meh. I dunno. Technically strong, compositionally kinda weak. Waaaaay too quiet. I mean, dynamic contrast is good, yes. But, ya can't have this much. And it definitely needs more barrel roll.
  6. Somebody give this guy an orchestra. This piece is quite beautiful.
  7. Dudes, I'm sorry. This remix just about made me vomit all over my iBook. I couldn't keep it to myself - I can't stand this remix. Technically, yeah, it's 'ok.' Is it different? Of, course. And that's good - people gotta express themselves and people need variety. But, I'm not a hippy, I'm sorry. The acoustic guitar generally makes me want to vomit and this is no exception. Maybe I was beaten with an acoustic guitar when I was 2 or something... I dunno. Sorry.
  8. Binster, I'm a huge sucka for Chip, and I think you can do better. It's good; it's really good. It might even make the mixtape. And if this is a taste of things to come then I'm just gonna go wet myself right now. But, you can do better. Switch the snare up a bit. Throw a filter-LFO on that badass grinder. Use some non-80s elements. Go Binster!
  9. Hells yeah, doge. Nothin' beats organ. And when those drums kick in my mouth drools. Then I gotta try to explain to my ladies why my shirts is all wet. It's worth it, my doge.
  10. Always a fan, my doge. Leeeeeeeeeettle slow in the beginning, but don't go a-changin' for me. You're keepin' the style alive.
  11. Damnit, Andy. How do you do it? Grrrr... makes me so jealous. I want to hate it so bad, but I just can't. It rocks too much. You and BT should hook up.
  12. I'm rockin' out here! Firstly, I dig the doublin.' A lot of great metal and rock bands do this and it's pulled of pretty well in this arrangement. I've heard some gothic/industrial bands who's guitar uses entirely different effects in each channel - I like this. Secondly, it reminds me of the Black Mage style; thunderous wails backed by tinny synths. Points! It's rock, man, pure rock. Not the effed-up versions usually assaulting our radios. Thirdly, it's got the game-groove.
  13. Yeah, that intro pretty much sucked. I mean, I almost didn't listen to the rest of the song. The instrumentation is just that chinsy and sappy. Then the drums kicked in and my daughter started dancing. You get points for that. It's certainly a very interesting form of dance. Not really house or 2step... It's definitely got the BGM vibe to it. Then there's some swank at the end to put the ladies in the mood. Once ya get over the "doesn't-sound-real-at-all" bit, it's all good.
  14. It's not bad. The sounds are kinda borderline between bomb-chiptunes and lame-PCM. Like, the whole time they're kina teetering on sounding really bad. Except for the bassline; that's just fat. The rhythm section is totally dig. I mean, the drums, the syncopation and silent inferences: it's all good. I don't hear alot of contrast or dynamic range. My ears yearn!
  15. I'm sorry, ktriton, I'm not a fan of your work. I'm just not impressed with the composition. I do like this one better than the Wild Arms piece; the drums are groovin', it's a good length and not as weird in the dynamics.
  16. I didn't like this at all. I like jazz and all and I'm open to new and crazy forms of music, but I felt this was poorly executed. I mean, the instrumentation could be better, there's not enough velocity dynamic to be interesting and all the notation seems just kinda random. And it's really, really short; we need more! I did not enjoy listening.
  17. I friggin love this remix. And here's my opinion of chiptuning: they are absolutely valid as remixes. That is, of course, assuming that the instrumental 'quality' has decreased substantially (chiptunes remixed as other chiptunes = less cool). Why are they valid? Because chiptunes have the incredible potential to sound really bad. This remixes doesn't; it sounds great. I gave it a 5 at Ormgas. And, Mazedude, if you're reading, you should consider getting this on the Kohina Stream for real.
  18. May I trade in my two old shirts for one new one?
  19. Eh? Is this supposed to be hardcore? The tempo and BD say, 'yes.' Those filtered arps say, 'no.' That makes my brain say, 'no.' The lo-fi strings are a nice touch. Overall the song is way too repetitive. It's kinda like one short song played twice. And there's just not much going on. I mean, I'd still dance to it after a few drinks, but only after a few drinks.
  20. It's very pretty and all new-agey n stuff. There just isn't enough spectral variation or dynamic contrast. I have a pretty decent stereo and everything still kinda mushed together. Some more panning would have been nice too.
  21. Damnit, zircon. You just make me jealous. If I had to be picky and critical, which, this song doesn't need: that transition at 2.40 is too quick. And I only say that because of my jealousy.
  22. You bastard... this song is just getting under my skin. It's all cutesy and loveable and ergh... must.... delete.... Oh, I can't. I can't do it. I've been taken over by the love! -T
  23. Awesome-possum... can I say that? Do people really say that? Yeah, I liked it. The piano sample is incredible, the sequencing is dope; it's lively and full of contrast; it differs and it doesn't. I give the thumbs up, eh.
  24. Man, I really want to complain. But, I just can't. It's not really d&b, though... more like breaks/bigbeat. Lemme listen again real quick... I would have used different instrumentation; that's about it. It's a pretty rockin' remix, really. Maybe EQ some things some more. Nice work, Scott.
  25. Thanks to Adrian for not sucking at guitar (I am sooooo sick of all the acoustic doodling that goes on in coffee shops across the country). I really dig this mix: it's fun and well constructed. I especially appreciate the use of the sound field. I prolly would have thrown in some slaps or some scat and lengthened the whole thing, but, hey, it sounds good as is.
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