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Everything posted by meccaneer

  1. This is from the Veldt, right? Man, that was a sweet game. The original was inherently danceable. That's why I'm dancin.' I dig the James Bond feel of the piece. Very tension-filled. I dunno if that's how the original was meant... I don't know how I feel about the drums. They just aren't etchy like the rest. Balance, man, balance! Ya can't make some crisp and some crunch. Why is there so much etchiness anywho; are ya tryin' to hide something? And there's reverb? Why? Is there reverb on the Veldt? Anyways, enough crittyin.' I enjoy it. No, really.
  2. I believe I ordered mine with a little umbrella, thanks. I could enjoy this on a beach. Or a ship. This song can make a jolly outta any Roger....ok, that was bad. I like this guy. It's a very easy listen; nothing jarring; very laid back. There's balance, emotion and no techno beat.
  3. At first I was like, 'damn that horn sounds like ass.' Then the song goes berserk. In a good way. It's waaaaaay too short; you gotta keep that craziness going, man! Throw in a break and you're good to go. I'd still replace the horn, though.
  4. Feels like the beach. In the 80s. Or a beauty pageant. Or an elevator. The tablas are sweet. Whatever that synth is, ain't. It just brings out the chez. Tonally balanced as it is I just can't dig it.
  5. This badboy sounds all fake. I don't feel like I'm in a lounge at all. And there be not enough funk. It just sounds like a robot; no emotion. Perform this with a real band and then we'll talk.
  6. Redifer... you sound like me... This track is pretty pathetic. It's just a sitar-thing and some bass. That's it. There isn't even drums. It sounds like a straight NSF 2 MIDI rip to me. No offense.
  7. I burned through a white one in no time since I was wearin' it so much. Now my black one is dying. Should I get another? Are there thoughts on a blue one?
  8. Seriously, this song is worthless. It would have been funny when I was 8 years old. Well, I'm not 8 anymore. I'm 10. Groins are for gross girls. No, seriously. Don't listen to this song. It's not funny. It's a mockery of all things sacred in OCR land. It's a farce and a lie. It's sacrilege. And maybe I'm hyping it up more? Just say, 'no, brain... down. No groin-song for you.'
  9. Man, it startled me. I wasn't expecting something so friggin' happy. Aaaahh.... errr, eeesh.... damn, that's happy. It kinda hurts my negativity. Errrr.... make it stop. I mean, I just see balloons and balloons. I hate the circus. Clowns scare the crap out of me. Ferris wheel thrice 'round, please. No.
  10. Yeah, I dig on remixes with vocals. Even if they suck, it is obvious that effort was put in. And as we all know, the more you put in, the more you get out. The live feel is pretty dope as well. I hope to see more Mexicano rappers around here.
  11. I heard this tune years ago and loved it. Then some dude said that it was stolen from SoaD. I was mad and immediately deleted it. I dunno how much of a remix it is but, it's definitely a classic. Makes me wanna dance. I'm glad to have found it again.
  12. Word: 5 secs to 2 mins. That's pretty incredible. It kinda sounds like a commercial. It's a bit cheezy but, necessarily so. What is Pac-man if not cheezy? He is a friggin' cheez for all I know. SouthPaws unite!
  13. I deleted the track before it could replay. I didn't enjoy listening to it at all. Too much bass, not the best choice in synths, drumming that doesn't seem to make much sense, cheesy vocal samples, too much repetition, tonal imbalance, seemingly emotionless. Even for a dance song, it didn't appeal to me. It seems to me that little time went into this track.
  14. More chirps! Excellent beginning. Poor ending; too abrupt. The pads are slick. I would have made the entirety more minor. The drums work really well with the ambience. It's a good track so, let's make it longer!
  15. There's definately not enough hip-hop work on this site. Too many dance beats and not enough phat beats. The synth samples in this track are a bit simplistic; that's all I'd change. Maybe throw in some rap... that's it. The beat is hella tight and works perfectly with the piano. Nice work.
  16. DJP... I had no idea you were a hick at heart. And I'm so thankful you made this (I just listened to the 'Jungle' and 'Speed' version of this). Normally, I'm anti-chez but, here... you're tryin.' And thus, it's hilarious! I might change the drums a little but, otherwise the country is down.
  17. Quite a bit o' chez, man. Almost too much. Needs more funk and less chez. Kinda reminds me of a haunted house or SotN or something...whoa, the end is sweet. Where's more of that?
  18. I didn't enjoy it. It's traditional dance. It's conservative and 'meh' composition and 'meh' sampling; not pushing any envelopes. Didn't get a good sense of contrast or feeling.
  19. Waaaay too short, especially for an ambient track. With all the changes going on it really needs to be about twice as long. The reverbed woodblock thing is perfect; plenty of contrast. All the overlapping plinks and plunks really work.
  20. I suppose it had to be done. I prolly won't listen to it again. Dance is overdone and usually poorly. The vocal samples are nice; reminiscient of old Mortal Kombat tunes. Eh, it bores me. Sorry, Rayza.
  21. I miss that dog. I still have the Killer Cuts CD. I really dig the piano work here; impressive playing. And I think there is enough contrast. At first listen, I liked the original more since there is so much more going on. After a few listens, I realized that this piano solo is very good in it's own accord. I would love to hear it in concert.
  22. Yeah, I didn't think Ozma was too difficult. Nor was Metroid Prime. Conker's Bad Fur Day was damn hard but, I don't remember the bosses... Sephiroth was hard wasn't he? Maybe just because I sucked at FF7. That ball-thing at the end of Ikaruga is certainly the craziest boss. Yeah, I'm gonna vote for Ikaruga. All those bosses are insane.
  23. Pros: Emotive retention. Crisp instrumentation. Tonal Balance. Cons: Cheesy pads. Could use more effects.
  24. Damn, s0lidsn4k3, that animated pic on your post disturbs me. Very nice Mexicano rendition. Lotsa emotive force and retention; two very under-appreciated aspects of remixing. The horn solo is a nice touch, though, it sounds a bit synthy for such a use. The sequencing on that horn is great. The bells, timpani and quick strings add to the flavor very well. Excellent contrast and transition. Replace that horn sample and you got yourself a fiver.
  25. OmegaMan has some good points on the East/West feel. But, to stick to the tune: I dig it. Very solid and balanced; nothing too over- or underpowered. Easy on the ears. I dunno what criticism I can offer... repetitive? But, that's the nature of ambience isn't it? Don't change a thing!
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