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Everything posted by meccaneer

  1. I love simple waveforms. These ones kinda remind me of the Gradius 3 soundset. Those drums hafta go, though. They're too loud and just distracting.
  2. I'm kinda with Trenthian on this one: it needs some work. The whole thing is pretty cheesy; it honestly sounds like MIDI to me. I mean, it's obviously fabricated and not a real band. It's notation isn't bad, the velocity, panning and instrumentation choices are. Don't get me wrong: I like chiptunes and MIDI tunes, but this sounds like you were trying to sound real and failed. Sorry, dude.
  3. I vote for SP-similarity for sure. And, yeah, it could use some vocals. This must be the karaoke version, yes? In other words: it's totally rockin'! Though, I'm not a huge rock or emo fan, the skill shines through. Keep it up.
  4. Holy crap, Wingless. I sure do envy your awesomeness both in design and composition. This mix: it's simple, beautifully harmonic and relaxing. You get a gold-star! Don't you go a-changin'!
  5. Dance for dinner again? Sometimes ya just gotta let '97 go, peeps. Though, for a dance tune, it's not half-bad. I think there's a bit too much new-age built in and some of the instrumentation was poorly chosen. That's all.
  6. Ah, I'm anxious! Then there's some high and reverbed piano and it goes away. Is this the MYST mix? I suppose it sounds like 'jade.' Very pretty stuff, though, I dunno how much of the original feeling it leaves. I'm gonna give it a 4 on Ormgas. Btw, those drums kick lotsa arse.
  7. Why, for the love of Alla, does everyone keep remixing ChronoTrigger? Everyone knows that ChronoCross is by far the musically superior game in the series. Well, at least, I know that... 3 cheers for Mitsuda! Anyways, I didn't have as much a problem with the samples in the track so much as it didn't really go anywhere. I felt that I was just kinda hangin' out in a ditch or something... just kinda waitin'... fer the train... is that the train? No, just my brain bein' bored. Well, that's kinda harsh; I don't mean that. The mix is pretty and all; I'm fallin' asleeep.
  8. I'm gonna hafta totally disagree with Trenthian. This tune really please my ear (with the Miyazaki feel): I see nothing wrong with new-age 'nonsense' or with the sampling choices.
  9. Very interesting, to be sure. Shnabubula is a talented dude. Technically excellent, but not very fun to listen to. It's very random and undanceable. Different is good and I love the drums about halfway through. Fighting the status-quo is good, but there is a reason that songs tend to follow the usual pop-patterns: our brains like it. And those voices: those just don't work. And near the end, a lot of the instruments seem to be stepping on each other's EQ toes. Blah, blah: I'm rambling.
  10. Wow. Very interesting version of this tune. I almost like it more so than the original. But, seriously... when are you new-agers gonna join us in the 21st century?
  11. This sounds real purty. I be hoe-in' down to that pee-an-ah thangy. Reminds of FF9 for some reason... why would that be? I'm also curious what kinda quips were used on this guy.
  12. Nice elevata-blend. Makes me sleepy. I like it.
  13. Man, I wish someone lived near me... (pout).
  14. Very nice use of effects and vocoding. And, is there some granulation in there? The effects chosen are difficult to use well; most people overuse them. Thematically, this tune kicks in that it sounds like a game tune. At first I felt it was grasping for a genre and all wishy-washy. But, it's definantly a game tune. There coulda been more bass, though.
  15. Very nice orch work, G. I felt all floaty and back in the mid-90s.
  16. Yeah, man. This is awesome. The latin feel was well composed and well maintained. The 'music of my groin' reference is classic. And I dig the intro. It think remixes needn't be confined to just music, but also to place-setting. I'm very impressed by this piece. I would have added more crowd/partying noises throughout. That's about it. Why does MegaMan go so well with latin music?
  17. I really dig that reverbed timer-beep at the beginning. And throughout, really. Very chill; a little too chill for me. I can imagine some Rastas smokin' dope and kickin' back to this. I think the instrumentation could have been more realistic. I'm happy the drums weren't over-simplified; there's a satisfying complexity to them despite the ambience.
  18. I had no idea that the dude was dead. I apologize if my 'review' offended anyone. But, as much as death must be respected, it doesn't make the remix any better.
  19. Yeah, I hear no glitch at 1:25. Hip-hop is cool. It's amazing how well this melody fits with the beat. Coulda been a little less chez and more gangstaesque.
  20. Although I'm no softy and can't really get into this, I can hear the technical skill. It's a bit empty as a mix, but relaxing as such. Man, I hate relaxing. But, hey, if you can make me relax then somethings done correctly. Kinda makes me feel like I'm chillin' on the beach with Kidd and Serge... Why FF7?
  21. You people are too kind; this is crap. The remixer took one of the best MM tunes ever and took a big dump on it. It's a friggin' NSF rip with worse instrumentation. It's panned all wrong. It's chez and unemotional. No time was put into this. Remixer: this is OC Remixed not OC Regurgitated. I'm almost offended that this is downloadable.
  22. I can almost see the movie now. Peter Jackson directing. Viggo Mortenson as Simon Belmont. Nice work, dude; it's on the playlist. My only complaint is the brief chanting about halfway through. Sounds too tribal for CV and doesn't work with the orchestra.
  23. Amazing. The piano skill in this number is phenomenal. So good, in fact, that no accompaniment is neccessary. And, after watching that vid (which brought tears to my eyes), I'm just stunned. You make the world a better place. My only (minor) complaint is, of course, the combination of songs. Most disagree with me on this, but this is OC Remixed not OC Recombined. Please, don't take me wrong: I love this tune and the skill.
  24. Damn, dog... did Autechre make this? I can say no bad.
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