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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. HERE'S THE PROPER LINK MOTHER OF GOD. I have had the worst god damn time getting this link to work. Anyway, the daughter in question is kind of a sweetie (will pat her on shoulder) but completely and totally spoiled (will punch her in mouth). Anyway, there's the mix up there, in all it's minute and half of intense glory.
  2. QUICK, recommend some awesome comb filters for me, or at least synths that come with comb filters built in!
  3. What he said. I piddled around for a couple of years before I decided to really immerse myself in FL Studio/composition. Not a week after I made that decision, I pumped out a totally respectable, albeit crappy in retrospect, original mix. Several months later, I think I'm scratching at the door of getting posted. Just commit and have fun! Weird fact: the girl who sits next to me in my dental lab is the daughter of the CEO of MakeMusic, the company that developed Finale. Weeiiirddd.
  4. Man, I slid 4 spots down the list. Time for a bump. No really, but I actually remastered the mix and fixed some harshness, added some cool stereoization, and made the chip arp much cleaner. link
  5. I can't remember off-hand everything that was in your mix, but I remember the drum patterns being a little irrational in that I couldn't place a downbeat or any strong counts reliably, and some of the syncopation was either unintentional or more or less jittery. Try listening to and reproducing simple drum parts. Maybe even slice some drum loops you have so you can see first-hand how typical patterns are divided. I've never recorded anything, so I can't comment on the git-fiddle production
  6. I listened to Rainy Day since it had chiptunes in the tags, and you may or may not be aware that I fucking love chiptunes. First of all: SO MUCH MAGICAL8BIT IS HAPPENING IN THIS MIX. The pulse wave that comes in around 0:30 would be MUCH cooler with some creative panning/delay. I didn't like the disjointed chords at the beginning, but the progression is money, and the way the melody dovetails with it is gorgeous. The note at 1:41 is a little odd sounding. Very sweet fat synth at 2:05! The outro piano solo is gorgeous, but the final note would sound better (to my ears at least) down a minor third or up a major third. Ohgodilovechiptunes. This was a great listen overall. You should do more chiptunes, yes?
  7. link I got Massive pretty recently. Oh my. I have much to learn. I threw together a few patches with Massive and made fun little chip raver this evening. One question: I wrote this thang, rendered an mp3, realized I screwed up some filter automation, opened up the project file again, and my chip arp lead (a Massive patch I made) in the second half suddenly sounded very choppy, and you can hear that in the mp3 I uploaded. The original's chip arp was much more defined and cutting. Anyone with Massive have any idea what happened? Any critiques? Any love?
  8. Good, because this week's Wily theme is one of those piece of VGM that I'm scared to touch. Too awesome.
  9. I'm pretty confused. Why aren't you a posted remixer yet? This was excellent. Anyway, my one, single, and only complaint is the total silence at 1:58. I didn't like that at all. Maybe keep the reverb going to fill that space?
  10. Overall, the transitions are kinda weak (except at 2:46 & 3:14 -- NICE), and some of the sound effects just didn't mesh that well with the mix as a whole :[ Also, 3:23-3:26 is a little awkward sounding. There's one random chip note followed by that supersaw refrain, and there's really no motivation for that chip note or for the supersaw to follow it. Otherwise, the arrangement is fantastic, the leads are slick, the sound design is excellent. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  11. I have to admit, I'd never heard Search Man's theme before. I just listened to it. Holy shit... what an incredible theme. Now I'm excited to hear what you have :D:D
  12. Most developers are interested in funding their passion for development. Sales are a good way to approach that. iOS and other mobile platforms are incredibly accessible and lucrative marketplaces for developers. Jobs had a hand in developing the iOS. ... which makes him neither a game developer, nor necessarily the mastermind of iOS, but that's probably the logic the developers applied. Or they didn't apply any and are blinded by teh death.
  13. Yeah, so I read this thread thinking "oh tee-hee, this is kinda clever and funny -- gotta press R twice to type it, so it's like doing a 'barrel roll'..." Then I got curious. ... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT
  14. The snare roll at 0:09 is very dry and mechanical. Sounds a little odd. The kick is also EQ'd a little strangely, for sure. The first melodic lick sweet, so is the synth. So many resonant synths, hah got a thing for that sound, do ya? Just wondering... are you using presets a lot? Most of these sounds have a "preset" feel to them. Ignore the fact that makes no sense. OH, and again with a sick melody around 2:00. Cool little transition at 2:40 followed by some nice thrashing. The dubstep elements of the song are pretty weak, to be honest. The wobble is a very vanilla wobble. No wonky effects or anything :[ Well, sir, you can write a hell of a melody. A hellody, if you will (it's ok if you won't). Almost sounds like you have a guitar background. AAND another resonant synth to round out the mix Well, I thought this was overall pretty badass. I'd have to listen again (no time now) to make more accurate statements about the production, but I think that aspect was good with a little room for more attention to EQing.
  15. Hey, so it isn't just me. Wanna go to the celery bar with me later? the hell is a celery bar?
  16. Hey, I like Skrillex But perhaps that's the 7-years since exorcised emo kid within me having fond memories of Sonny's old band From First to Last. Let's hope not. Anyway, I clicked every single word in your OP before moving to checking each letter... NO. LINK. sounds like you may need an **pfft** ENTRANCE STRATEGY if you want feedback.
  17. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDdddddd shit, this is awesome. and for anyone who didn't listen to their debut album "THE BEST MUSIC" you are missing some gooooooood music
  18. Hah, sorry, I wasn't trying to be an ass. Search youtube for "icosahedron dubstep bass" That's a pretty solid tutorial of a guy making an above-average dubstep bass from scratch, and he explains every step from init to final product. Very helpful. The only problem is he does it on zebra2. If you don't have zebra2, it's still a good video because so much is explained rather than just shown.
  19. rink Since I'm a nostalgiamonger, I thought I'd write another god damn chiptune... sort of. It's more modern than chippy, but its purpose is to evoke nostalgia regardless. There's some significance to the title. Gnosis = the state of knowing. Algia = a condition of pain. Gnostalgia = pain from knowledge. Some things really suck to know, and some such things are on my mind right now For once, I know exactly where I want to take this mix, so expect it to be a finished product rather than another victim of my ridiculous wip pile. Like the concept so far? Don't mind the somewhat out of tune parts near the end of the wip. It adds to the charm, OK?
  20. Comb filter. Formant filter. Overdrive/distortion. Do it!
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