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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. Well, now that you've offered, you'd look like a real ass if you didn't deliver? Ehhh? EHHH??! Look, just take a hot bathroom picture of yourself in the Banjo outfit and send it to me, OK?
  2. That's one of my favorite remixes, and you wish he'd made something else instead?!?!? Mazedude is just about the most creative guy on the site... so glad he made that weirdo Wily remix.
  3. Does anyone else, like... not eat fast food?
  4. Haha, I'm going next week, and I'm a little nervous too not sure I'll have the time (or inspiration) to finish a solid mix with school and all.
  5. My mind works the same way I actually sucked with sound design until I got zebra. I figured that I knew I was committed to music as a lifelong hobby, so why not get a pro tool to inspire me to make the best sounds possible even during the beginning of the learning process? It worked I love taking a few hours to just explore and get more and more familiar with how synths work. Zebra is also nice because you can create as many layers as you'll ever need all within a single patch, and it's VERYVERYVERY organized. Massive is a big clusterfuck of options. Zebra hides all of the options/controllers you aren't using and only shows those you chose in the patch creation process. So instead of 15 panels of many knobs, you get 3 or 4. Very clean, very quick workflow. Unless you're making a lot of ambient or atmospheric, you need to get some samples. I'd recommend the Vengeance series as long as you aren't writing anything with an acoustic kit. It's excellent for just about any electronic music purpose.
  6. You're a crazy person! If I write 151 songs before I die, I'll be satisfied. 0:43 sound like 1950s shopping music <3 The, um, break(?) at around 1:20 is very cool in Pika. The delayed xylophone (?) around 1:20 in Metapod is perfect. Very evocative. Around 0:45 in metapod, the samples kind of show their ugly side, and there's an awkward, somewhat abrupt total silence. I don't really like the complete lack of percussion, either. Just some little tambourine shakes or castanet clickies would be great, and I heard several spots where I thought they'd fit. BUT DON'T TOUCH EITHER OF THESE, YOU HAVE 149 MORE TO WRITE. WTF, GO GO GO
  7. Ok This kind of music really needs to be a genre of its own, haha. As far as I know, I'm the only person who makes it, and god damn... I wouldn't mind listening to chip house all day, every day.
  8. This is crazy good. Hearing mixes of this quality is what motivates me to keep improving. If I were capable of producing music like this... shit, I don't even know what. AWESOME job, totally unique sound, woooooooooooooooooo
  9. This is both a shameless and unnecessary bump and a relevant update of the original post.
  10. Wooo, glad you like it! I appreciate the thorough critique. I use FL Studio 9. I rarely use the native samples, and this particular mix has none. I actually got a lot of my samples from halc & chthonic around the time I met them earlier this year. Prior to that, I only had a few samples, as in 15 GB or so , from a friend of mine. It absolutely helps to have a huge library of percussive sounds to choose from, but what's equally important is both your drum programming/sequencing and your processing. You have to compress, EQ, and reverb properly, or you will inevitably have a thin result. Off-hand, I'm not sure if I layered any of the percussion, but that's something I routinely do, but not every time I write something. If I remember correctly, I don't think I layered anything, but if you check out this, just about all of the percussion is layered minus the open hat later in the mix. Let me know if you also have FL Studio. If so, I could just send you the project file with the samples in a .zip or something and you could look around what I have in there to answer all of your questions. Otherwise, I'll answer everything if you don't have FL The only x-factor is that I use Zebra2 extensively as my go to synth, so if you don't have that, none of the patches I designed will play (and I didn't design the lead, zircon did -- everything else was me).
  11. So here's my second attempt at some weird fusion of progressive house and chiptunes. As you can see on my soundcloud, I wrote another one of these called House of Bits. My production has come a long way since then, though I still have a long way to go. So here's a little taste of the progress I like to think I've made Enjoy this snippet, PLEASE CRITIQUE WHAT IS THERE SO FAR in addition to your effusive hatred/tolerance of this wip, and uhhh... yeah!! I hope to finish this over the weekend if possible, but exams + the Wily Remix Gauntlet or whatever it's called will likely keep me away from it for a while. edit: ehh, just noticed that the percussion is totally dry besides compression. Ignore the shitty snares, then
  12. Yep, going to confirm CS 1.6 is still awful. I can't tell if the 12 year olds on the public servers are just a different generation of tweens or if it's the same douches from 2001 who never quite ventured beyond the racecar bed. ... and for some reason, there are a TON of Mexicans who play CS 1.6 now. Seriously, why an 11 year old game?
  13. El, Oh, El. 5 hours? Try a 2 month long quest in Everquest. Go look up the Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl quest sequence for Everquest. Seriously, go google it. Doesn't even matter if you've never played the game. The quest sequence is like a novel. That shit takes AT LEAST a month of several hours a day to complete, and that's IF you have a guild of, oh, 200+ people willing to raid some NPCs for you. And you can damn well bet I had one I miss being a kid so much. Here's to my dream of semi-retiring at 40...
  14. I was WAY into Counterstrike in its early days, and I got about as deep as you could go into the league play without going to the CPL (too young at the time, or I would have gone :[). The assholes weren't just kids in public servers, they were kids who happened to be professional gamers. As far as I know, internet douchebaggery was born in Counterstrike, and man... I saw a lot of it. I miss those days, haha. Was I a screaming asshat of a 12-year-old? Damn right, I was. Early Everquest was insane. Everyone playing was like 20+ years old -- except 11-year-old me -- and they were all super nice, minus the crazy basement-dwelling powergamers. Seriously, I don't think there will ever again in gaming be a community quite as unique as the original Everquest community. And I'd play FFXI were it not for the fact that MMOs are so mind-bendingly time consuming that I can't justify it anymore now that "real life" has hit.
  15. Seriously. Everything seemed easier to do as a kid, looking back on it, but I think it was just that I had the opportunity to do whatever for embarrassing amounts of time until WHOAAA 100% complete.
  16. Well, today is the first time I've ever really listened to it... now, here I am on youtube, looking up some tutorials.
  17. I agree about the chords needing more sustain to add to the humanization. I figured the only way to do that was to automate the tempo, but I was feeling waaaaaaaaay too lazy at the time to try that for the first time I'll give that a shot sometime soon and add some more musaxx to it. Thanks for your feedback!! Glad you liked it!
  18. And it's all thanks to Ecto leaving your team! You couldn't have done it without me.
  19. I thought I'd try my hand at sequencing an expressive piano solo with detailed humanization. Please forgive the shitty piano sample. I'm poor. Here it is! Pretty The final chord just so happened to turn out as the first chord of the Zelda OoT intro. Hmmm.... How does the humanization sound? Is it sufficiently jazzy? Surprisingly, this didn't take long at all, maybe like 30-45 minutes. Woooooooooooooooooo
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