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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. please let me help you. come inside.
  2. Zelda 2 "Receive 500 revitalizing blowjobs" (The Hero of Time achievement; alternate name = The Hylian Lemon) Or Mega Man 3: "Play for 40 minutes; bitch for 4 hours" (The Coldstone achievement)
  3. YAYYYYYYYYYYYveryexcited. No joke, this is probably my favorite style of music, and um, I don't think I know of anyone else who does this besides you. So keep kicking ass... for me.
  4. I'm glad you also found the thread title to be awesome.
  5. My god, are you Brits always up til 5:00?

  6. First, you grasp the music firmly in your dominant hand -- don't forget it. Next, you firmly wrap your lips around the tip of the music, making sure to shield your teeth from contact with the sensitive skin covering the music. Then you add a slow & wide phaser, pan it all the way to the left, add a little noise wave or something and do a slow LP filter sweep with a lot of rez while you also mess with the volume of the master track. Cool effect, actually, but it was a bit extreme on headphones having the whole track oozing into one ear for 20 seconds.
  7. I've only really used Reason, FL, and an old, PC-compatible version of Logic. I'm not a fan of Reason's interface even a little bit. I can't stand their hardware emulation rack setup. Some people love it, but I find it to be overly an overly complicated visual gimmick. That being said, Thor. THOR!!! So good. There's no rule against running reason as a slave in FL The old version of Logic I used is also used by some successful producers as their DAW of choice. Meh, it was ok. The native synths are fantastic, but again, the interface bugged me, and my workflow was stalled. FL shines for me because the interface is solid, simple, and efficient. Its native synths aren't stellar, however.
  8. Hah, well, for what it's worth months after the discussion on graphics took place, I'd prefer to see the NES tileset. From a marketing standpoint, you're probably most likely to tag the most buyers with this. The old-school cRPG tileset grabbed me, but not that many people played the Avernums and Ultimas of yore compared to, say, SMB3. The JRPG one is gorgeous, but yeah, it doesn't seem to follow the KISS principle at all. The cartoony one... no. And there is a fourth tileset that isn't coming to mind. I'm sure it looked nice. Unless it was ASCII, if I'm remembering right. In that case, nooooo.
  9. First of all, holy shit. I just nostalgia'd like you would not believe. So many good old shareware games... Second, to speak to the OP, absolutely, I would love a deep game at the expense of graphics. I'd say "who wouldn't?" but unfortunately the answer is just about every gamer, so I think. What's going on with this project anyway, zircon? I'm definitely interested.
  10. Eh, with all the "inches" talk, I was going to make a dick joke, but I think it would be unfair "extending" such a joke to a 15-year-old.
  11. Ok, now I like the shuffle in the intro. What the hell. The percussion is much more varied, and the glitching + bass in the beginning set the tone for what will inevitably be some dubstep destruction. Great arrangement idea. The subdued section beginning around 1:10 is excellent the way it slowly weaves layers in and out. The Rhodes-y thing immediately after that does a great job of subtly holding the harmonic structure together while the rhythm goes from chill to double-timed. Another excellent arrangement decision. I hear the percussion and the wubz synchronized much better now. VERY cool effect I love the interplay between the wubz and those ostinato arpeggios around 3:00ish and after. I know it's already submitted, but man, this was subdued for a semi-dubstep track. I love the new version you posted -- you satisfied all the criticisms I had -- but I think with the double-time drums and the wubz, there could have been some seriously heavy wobble and glitch going on after 3:00. Certainly, it works as it is, but I was kind of expecting the climax to be a little more climactic. Oh wellz, though, just my expectation. Again, nothing wrong with the more subdued climax you made. And you turned the rez down on your filter-out. Sly dog, thinking I wouldn't notice you filtered those drumsgrumnblemumble... Verdict: badass & never let it be said that halc does not listen to his critics. Congratulations, I bet this remix will finally get you posted on OCR!!! For the 30th time or whatever!!!
  12. Wait, so, like... they multiplied 1 minute and 78 seconds by 2 to get 3 minutes and 56 seconds? In other news, I'm 5 feet, 13 inches.
  13. YOU ASS!! I kid. But no, really, it depends. Your question is sort of like asking how much blue should be used when painting the sky in a landscape. Well, obviously don't paint the whole canvas blue because there's grass and trees to be seen, but don't paint the whole thing green either because there has to be some sky. Make it just right. You are the only arbiter of what is right. If you're making a song to impress yourself, take that into consideration. If you're looking to impress as many people as possible, be more traditional (or more experimental if your work-in-progress is sounding like something special).
  14. I started playing piano at age 9 and took lessons til I was around 14. I didn't really touch music between ages 14 and 16, but from 17-19 I played so friggin much guitar and got pretty good at it. Around age 20 I tried composing for the first time on FL Studio, but I suuuuuucked. So I took inventory: .I had no idea how to use a DAW. .I had only ever played other people's music off a sheet. .My failure on FL Studio (evinced by Rozovian's blasting of my first ever remix, "Another World of Beasts" from FFVI) had me pretty discouraged with it all, and I vanished from the site til a few months ago. So I quit trying to compose... in a sense... right around a year ago. BUT, I decided to try to learn to improvise on piano, although I hadn't played piano in years. Best decision I ever made for my musical development. I probably improvised at least an hour a day 5 days a week for the next year. It came surprisingly naturally, and I could hear my playing ability, improvisational ability, and ear improving every day -- WAY faster than it had when I had practiced piano or guitar more just playing off of a sheet. About a week after I graduated from undergrad, I opened up zircon's demo file on FL9 and analyzed the mix again and again until I understood how FL9 worked and how subtractive synths worked. For some reason, this go-around with FL was a lot more fruitful in learning how things worked than my first attempt. So with all my improvisation improving my ear and phrasing and such and analyzing zircon's (and several others') project files to learn techniques, I attempted an original. I pumped out like 4 or 5 in the next week, they sounded pretty damn good, got very positive feedback once posted on OCR, even had people download my music (WHOA!!) and it's been an addiction ever since. Rozovian even gave me positive feedback, so I feel redeemed from when he ripped apart that old remix from last year .
  15. However many the artist deems necessary. I usually write songs without traditional structure -- remixes included. I have, for instance, an A, B, C, D and E among which some common elements are shared, but there's rarely a repeating section. Yes, I know it's a little weird to admit it, but I don't much enjoy traditional song structure. You've got creative license, so do whatever feels right to you. That being said, writing something like A, B, A, C, B, D or what have you is much easier to fill time with, but is it appealing to you? Does it work in that particular mix? Would more original material be most appropriate? I'm sure you weren't stabbing for an absolute answer, but this kind of decision is just totally situational and would be approached differently from person to person.
  16. Gotcha, but I haven't even thought about the game in over a year I'm a bit out of the loop. And thanks much, Abadoss.
  17. Gah, I went 100-150 posts back and didn't see the link you were talking about. Also, I don't really know what I'm looking for, so maybe I passed it up
  18. Hmm, first, I'll need help connecting to the server in the first place. I'm getting a message that says the serve is out of date.
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