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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Welp, there goes a lot of support from me and everyone else. The PS4 is being hit hard because they are failing to do this as well, at least in meaning of owning a physical copy of a PS3 game. Instead, you have to go and by all the games online now for the PS4. Inconvenient. What the crap, Microsoft and Sony? Why did we suddenly stop doing backwards compatibility? Look, there's one thing Nintendo actually did right with the Wii U. Don't get that last statement wrong. The Wii U seems like a pretty decent console. I just haven't bought one yet because there aren't any good games for it. But it looks like there will be.
  2. I do totally understand you, though. Although I really am excited and happy about the new game console, my favorite times were when the game console only worked if you put in a game cartridge, and that was all it could do.
  3. Exactly. And yeah, MW1 was pretty groundbreaking. But that happened a while back and up until now, things haven't dramatically changed except for increased graphics and more stuff in the game. haha
  4. I will say honestly for the first time in history I can say that new Call of Duty looks really good and actually looks original. Now watch, every Call of Duty game for the console will be the same thing as Ghosts.
  5. Yes and they did say that a whole bunch of games will be announced then. This announcement was definitely much more about the console itself. Yeah, I was a little annoyed when they just started talking about sports games. I wanted them to shut up and show me some real video games. Luckily the Halo TV series announcement and CoD: Ghosts kept me from complaining to much.
  6. So yeah. That was just announced. I'm pretty excited, especially with the new Call of Duty and Halo TV series. Everything about the announcement seemed to be pretty awesome. Personally I think it went way better than the PS4 announcement. Not gonna say a lot here. Just starting the thread, I guess. Hopefully this was the right category to post the thread in.
  7. Ok, not entirely sure what the thread means by "originals". Not sure if that means our own video game songs (which I've seen), or even our own original songs that have nothing to do with video games. This would obviously be the latter. If I'm not aloud to do this, just get rid of this thread, I guess. https://soundcloud.com/gwilliamson/daddys-little-girl-preview This is a new preview of a song that will be on my record, The Beat Demon, though I'm not entirely sure when the album will be released. Yeah.
  8. Seriously, we are getting way too mad over someone else's opinion. I've learned the hard way. It's pointless. You can't prove someone's opinion wrong, at least not in this situation.
  9. Yeah, really wanted to do the majority of it. But I think I'm gonna see if they can start it and I will mix and master it and maybe add a bit to it, if possible.
  10. Are we having a second console war here? heheheheh
  11. Dude, I have been trying, seriously, to get this done. Unfortunately, I am beginning to think I may have to drop the track. I just got work to do a track for someone, and I am being paid to do it, so that unfortunately has to go before this does. I totally want to do the track because I had a really great idea and I didn't want it to go to waste, but at this point I seriously just have no clue if I can make it happen. I'm so sorry. If my deadline wasn't as soon as this, I'd probably be able to get it done; probably by July or end of June. But that just can't happen. :/
  12. That guy nailed it. Everyone needs to see that video. Good grief. The only reason I still haven't bought one is because I'm simply waiting for the new Mario and Zelda games. Seriously though, why are we complaining so much about Nintendo? Why are so many people just complaining about them? It's the same with SEGA. What is wrong? Sure, some Sonic games have been crap in the past, but why are we complaining over every little problem? Geesh.
  13. I know right. People probably would've even laughed at me saying "did you know SEGA will release a game called Sonic Adventure 2 Battle on the Nintendo GameCube"
  14. (this is directed at ocre, because Mirby came in and interrupted me ) Well if they never did release those games for the Wii U, then it would be obvious as anything that no one would go get the system. I personally believe Nintendo is still holding their ground because of their own games, not because of third-party developers or their console. Because Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, and Metroid are some of the best-selling video game franchises of all time, and also the fact they are now partnering with SEGA and now have Sonic (another one of the best-selling franchises of all time), they are still able to be successful. If they were to start putting Mario or Pokemon or something onto XBox or PS3 or something, I can almost assure you that their consoles would bomb and they would probably stop making them.
  15. Ok. So the Wii U is obviously failing miserably right now. Mainly because there aren't any games on it. At least, not any good games. Everyone will probably get one this holiday season because games like a 3D Mario title, Wind Waker remake, Mario Kart, and hopefully before 2014 is over a new Smash Bros. will be releasing for it. That's what everyone wants. They don't want another New Super Mario Bros. We're sick of those. Now wait, what's this? And this? This may also attract more people to the Wii U, honestly, unless there are just people out there who are completely against Nintendo and decide they are sticking to Shmall of Shmuty and stuff. What I'm finding hilarious is the amount of debate happening over a stupid game console. For crying out loud, it's a freaking game console.
  16. Apologies, that probably won't be able to happen for our track. Firstly the three of us need to work out how the remix is going to go, and then additionally I just am really busy with the Wind Waker project and Game Boy project. Once I can get Wind Waker out of the way, it will begin to free up time for this.
  17. Ok, so I've gotta get this remix done for the Wind Waker project, and my deadline is the end of this month or the very beginning of next month. After that, I will have more space to work on this.
  18. LOL. Didn't even think about that. That's funny. That would indeed make sense. Half of the album for me is "heck yes Daft Punk, freaking amazing" and then the other half is like "yeah, I mean, sorta lost interest here."
  19. Daft Cage. I keep going back to "Get Lucky" and the first song (already forgot the name of it). They are just so funky. I love it. Does "Get Lucky" sorta remind anyone else of "Good Times" by Chic?
  20. Add Damashii to the team working on Sonic track (currently it's BrothaDom and I)
  21. The funk in this record is freaking me out. If all music just went to this style I would be the happiest person on earth. Sounds 70s, honestly. Therefore, very freaking awesome.
  22. Birdemic is the greatest movie ever. I swear, it is so unbelievably awful that it is amazing.
  23. Ok, firstly, Tuberz is joining Argle and I on Dragon Roost. Hopefully I won't screw this up. Additionally, I'm very sorry it is taking me so long. I've only got the layout dealt with, and actually probably only 2/3 of it. Geez. I just got the Sonic CD project out of the way, and Super Mario 64 project is nearly done as well. I do still have the Game Boy 25th Anniversary screaming at my face, but once Super Mario 64 is done I can focus on this and Game Boy. So I should be getting something to you by the end of this month, which is what you were expecting and hoping from me. Totally sorry. Would've had this done sooner, if I had known how many projects I've got going on, including some of my own projects; some which I can't put off and others I can, so.
  24. Roses are purple. Violets are orange. Happy birthday Benjamin. You make cool music.
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