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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. ...How does that address my point? Are you that dumb?

    What he's saying is, if you want to walk around and frivolously throw around money, go for it, but not everyone can, nor do we have to to enjoy ourselves :3

    i'm thinkin of goin but i'm definitely into strip clubs, gambling, drinking and HANGOVERWTFIDONTREMEMBERWHATHAPPENSSTAYS in vegas and i don't wanna be doin it all alone

    The strip club was the best part when we went imho. <3

  2. nerdapalooza.jpg

    Orlando Airport Marrior in Orlando, FL (Right outside of the Orlando Internation Airport, MCO)

    Saturday July 16th to Sunday June 17th (w/ Friday night pre-party)

    Facebook event

    Facebook Page

    Nerdapalooza Official Website

    Nerdapalooza Twitter

    Nerdapalooza on Wikipedia

    Check here for a list of airlines that flight into Orlando International Airport

    Reverse your room here with the discount code nernera to receive the discounted rate of just $89/night!

    Buy tickets TODAY while they're still available!

    Never before have all the multifaceted sides of the d20 of Nerd Music come together for one amazing evening of dorky decadence! Chiptunes, Nerdcore Hiphop, Video Game Metal, Sock Puppet Rock, Dementia Parody, and anything else you can imagine a nerd playing on a keytar will be there.

    Nerdapalooza is a full-service nerd music festival. As you can see above is features many different facets of nerd music that includes not only video game music and arrangements, but also nerdcore hip-hop and chiptunes as well a bunch of other stuff.

    Previous community artists that have ALREADY performed at Nerdapalooza include:

    Nerdapalooza 2011 Line-up

    • Metroid Metal
    • Armcannon
    • brentalfloss
    • The OneUps
    • Schäffer The Darklord
    • The Protomen
    • Random (aka Mega Ran)
    • Adam WarRock with Tribe One
    • 8-Bit Duane and his Action Adventure World
    • The Amazing BrandO
    • Devo Spice
    • DJ RoboRob
    • Dual Core
    • The great Luke Ski
    • Insane Ian
    • Inverse Phase
    • Marc with a C
    • Random Encounter
    • Rappy McRapperson with MC Wreckshin
    • Sci-Fried
    • The Side Quest

    In addition to video game music Nerdapalooza is also THE BIGGEST nerdcore hip-hop concert around. In 2009, Nerdapalooza marked the first time that the four major players in the nerdcore music scene (MC Frontalot, MC Lars, mc chris, YTCracker ) all performed at the same event.

    A full list of artist's who have performed at Nerdapalooza's past is here: http://nerdapalooza.org/artists/

    Nerdapalooza is similar to MAGFest in that it's a huge nerd gathering in a hotel, rocking out, and listening to some seriously sweet nerdy music. Nerdapalooza is DIFFERENT in that there are no panels, no other events at all, really. It's just music, and fun.

    And in case you're wondering, Nerdapalooza is by no means a small event. It is QUITE major. Blender recently did a 3-4 page article on it.

    Confirmed Attendees:

    • Doug "The RamaSauce aka sgtrama aka The Ramaniscence aka Ramalicous aka the Master the Ancient Art of Rama Sutra" Arley
    • starla
    • Stevo "The Beard" Bortz
    • Valerie "Vilecat aka I need to think of a cool nickname" Legendre (awesome last name)
    • Brushfire
    • Ob "the" tuse
    • wild "flaming dong" fire

  3. Again stated, Monday is a holiday for you guys.

    That doesn't particularly change the fact that I'd arrive for 1 (hopefully) full day of MAGFest, and 1 day of closing ceremonies and people leaving.

    Also: My tickets from LA to DC didn't cost $500. Michelle told Jordan that, as well.

    Also also: why would tickets on the NYE holiday be any more expensive than ones on the MLK holiday? BUT whatever it doesn't matter to me either way. I just won't be able to go if it's then, so I'll save the money.

  4. I didn't know students had to go to class on a Saturday and Sunday.

    If you'd looked up the dates mentioned, you'd notice that they're Thursday through Sunday.

    Meaning, to go you'd have to leave Friday evening, or Saturday morning. Arrive Saturday or late Friday night, and then leave early Sunday to be back by Monday morning for class.

    And I don't know where you got the idea that most students have Friday off...

  5. If I didn't own a PS3, Modded XBOX, Laptop, or PC, and had an extreme (extreme extreme) excess of money, I might consider it.

    But really.........I can't see a real reason many people could justify a purchase like this, even at under $200.

  6. I *finally* got a DS, and am in desperate need of some good game suggestions, a trip to metacritic and omg there are a lot of really good games for the system, I don't have a clue what to buy!

    Only buy Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. Ignore the other 2 for now. They're all good, but that one is absolutely standout.

    Also: Contra 4 >_>, it's hard but fun.

    Oh, and if you can find Super Mario 64 for cheap that game is <333, but I wouldn't pay anywhere near full price for it

  7. I for one have been a little busy on the far east cost as a Disney CP, building mah new comp after frying processors, and playing DSi (358/2=epic), not to mention school, hanging out, and free trips to the parks. Sure I've been on WoW, but not in forever on Illidan, and not nearly as much as I once was. Not to mention L4D2 is AMAZING XD

    Ya'll aren't completely off my radar, just sucks that it's been so long, and a now 3 hour time difference.


    w8 wut? you mknow i live in orlando, right? what 3 hour time difference o.o

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