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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. So... are all the wacky new things in Warcraft 3 considered canon or not? I just assumed without thinking that the units and creeps in Warcraft 3 and WoW are canon.

    Pandarens are technically canon, but they're still "myth" in lore. They can't be included in the story if they want to sell anything in China, though...so generally they avoid it.

    Naga are a major plot element because of the Sundering and the War of the Ancients dealy, and the next WoW expansion will probably circulate around that directly.

    Goblins are kind of high-tech. They have mechanical logging suits, but you don't see them often at all, and they're no where near as high-tech as gnomes. There's going to be a lot about them in the expansion too if we go to the undermine.

    BETWEEN WC3 and a WoW a lot happened. It was during that time that the orcs and Taurens founded their respective cities and the Darkspear trolls were forced to leave their home on the Echo Islands to take refuge in Orgrimmar (all this happened in the TFT Bonus missions, though.)

    It was also during that time that the undead moved into the ruins of Lorderan and rebuilt it as the undercity. That the Knights of Silverhand disbanded because some higher ups didn't want to let in "lesser races" like the dwarves, after Highlord Mograine went to Magni Bronzebeard to forge the Ashbringer to cleanse the now destory plague lands of the northern eastern kingdoms. Which descends into those paladins becoming to Scarlet Crusade under the command of Balnazaar the dreadlord, and the rest forming the Argent Dawn.

    The night elves, having lost their immortally, try to make a new world tree so they can live forever again. Nature rejects the tree, and it starts to die and corrupt the earth around it, but they build their capital city on top of it anyway.

    Malfurion returns to the Emerald Dream with a lot of the other Arch druids to figure out what's going on down there because shits majorly corrupted. The Ysera the green dragon aspect goes too...they're still fighting in there now.

    King Varian Wryn of Stormwind gets kidnapped by the Defias Brotherhood, and was being held until just recently. While he was gone his son Anduin becomes the interim king of Stormwind, and the biggest concentration of remaining human forces. With him are 2 advisors, Borvar whose one of Varian BFFs, and Lady Prestor who is really Onyxia, daughter of Death Wing, and the Brood mother of the black dragonflight. She uses his power to corrupt the leadership of Stormwind, and make sure that the relations between the horde and alliance break down so that they're divided when the black dragonflight finally decides to strike. She eventually makes a fake Varian, which is apparently...kind of the real Varian too, and then the real Varian meets him, and they fight, but then they work together...and then they become 1 again...I don't know it's weird.

    The gnomes lost control of their home Gnomeregan and left it for Ironforge, but that kind of happened during WC3 which is why they didn't have a huge presence in the Third War, they were too busy defending it, and also why they LOST it, 'cause everyone else was too busy fighting elsewhere.

    The whole Arthas novel talks about everything Arthas did before, leading up to, and after the third war, but I'm not up to date on that yet.

    That's MOST of what I can recall happened between WC3 and WoW, there's probably even more than that even, but those are the MAJOR events that have been laid out thus far. MOST of what they're doing in the comics and novels starts between WC3 and WoW, and eventually becomes pretty current with what's going on in WoW now, so it's not really hard to believe they can't come up with something else that happened inbetween.

  2. I do.

    The original Red Faction started out as Descent 4, the lastest game in one of my favorite series.

    Then they ditched the whole Descent aspect, and turned it into a FPS with no spaceships, mines or robots. They completely ignored the Descent series, after which it fell into obscurity and eventually became one of those "oh yeah, I forgot about that game... what ever happened to it?" series.

    Thus, I am not happy with Red Faction. I don't hate it, but I am not happy with it.

    I hear the music is pretty terrible especially :<

  3. Yep =p

    Nah, I just thought Warcraft 3's relatively weak storytelling and plot would have carried over into WoW. I haven't played WoW, but I've seen a few of the intro videos and cinematic trailers, and it just looks terribly weak and watered down to me. It's like everything is now a clear-cut "you vs. the bad guy" battle.

    Warcraft had just Orcs and Humans, and War2 introduced two-headed ogres and goblins (which were actually kind of funny!), forest trolls, high elves, dwarves and gnomes.

    War3 introduces:

    -Night Elves

    -Jamaican stereotype trolls

    -Drunken Pandas

    -Super-insane-high-tech Goblins (which were originally an April Fools joke)

    -A race of fish people all of a sudden. So not only are Night Elves immortal - when they go underwater they evolve into roughly 3 separate kinds of fish.

    -And about 30 different races of intelligent treasure-hoarding creatures and magical beings and treasure-hoarding creatures that know magic and summon magical beings and magical trees and giant stone people with trees growing on them that pick up trees and hit treasure-hoarding polar bears with the trees to get rings and books and scrolls to summon giant talking spiders that turn any dead animal into two armed and costumed skeletons and sometimes the skeleton is a wizard.

    And I couldn't help notice the characters were all pretty 1-dimensional. Warcraft 3's story had potential, but I really don't think they handled it well at all.

    So...what you're saying is...you're not really familiar with the storyline at all.

  4. Really, there's enough sub-stories going on in WoW to not really know the WHOLE history and still get a pretty solid story. I'd bet the majority of people playing WoW now that're even interested in whats' going on would know much about pre-WarCraft I Warcraft lore, and really...they're not missing much right now. Little references to the past now and then, and huge plot elements every once and awhile, but you get the idea.

    The Ashbringer comic and the Varian Wrynn series, standalone, are good stories. They don't go much into the orcs demonic past, or the third war, but they do a good job of explaining the stories around them. "This guy is important. He's being kept prisoner by the orcs. Oh wait he's the king of the humans and orcs killed his dad. Dargon is queen of story. President's daughter's been kidnapped."

    It's GOOD to know the backstory, and it makes everything more interesting, but it's not totally important to make you get an idea for what's going on...and I'm pretty sure that's the point.

    In the WarCraft universe RIGHT NOW there's multiple storylines going on in multiple mediums:

    A) The fight against Arthas, the main battle of Northrend involving the expanding on the WarCraft III story.

    B) The old Gods, and the Titans in Ulduar, with Brann Bronzebeard and all that noise hinting at a possible return of the titans to Azeroth.

    C) The dreadlords have all been revived, and active, hinting at a return of Kil'jaedan or maybe even Sargeras given the Titan activity.

    D) The fact that Garona AND Cho'gall are alive in the Comics, that Garona's son may be also be the son of Medivh and the new Guardian of Azeroth.

    E) The story of Darius Mograine, Tyrion Fjording, and the death knights and Argent Crusade that builds on the Ashbringer comic lore.

    F) The story of Thrall and Garrosh fighting constantly because Garrosh wants to kill all the humans on sight and Thrall is trying to be diplomatic.

    G) The stories of Broll Bearmantle in the comics getting called into the Emerald Dream because something big is about to happen in there.

    H) The novels that talk about Death Wing being alive in Grim Bitol and tying that in with Sartharian and the Twilight Drakes in the Obsidian Santum in WoW and probably having something to do with the Death of Malygos, and the fact that Nozdormu is being completely shady.

    I) More....

    There's like 40,000 things going on at once, and very few of the REQUIRE you to have knowledge of EVERTHING to really get an idea for going on. And seeing how important keeping the lore of WarCraft intact is for Blizzard, I'm sure the movie be mostly in line with the plot, though probably really condensed and watered down.

  5. Yo. As an matter of coincidence, the 14th SAGE Expo is coming up, so there ought to be a few fangames of interest popping up. I am personally looking forward to Tikal & Chaos, Sonic Nebulous, and Sonic Retro XG.


    Man...Sonic fan games. Me, Suzu, and Shael sat down last week and played through song Sonic fan games...


  6. I'm Ramaniscence on PSN. I'm not USUALLY on, but I mean, I don't have anything else to do so if anyone wants to set up some matches sometime, I'm down.

    I must warn you, though...I'm kind of good.

    ...RealFolkBlues is better, though. That guy's a damn hustler.

  7. Why hasn't some one jacked the Smash Bros fighting style and applied it somwhere else? Yet you see hundreds of 2D Fighting games being produced(Street Fighter, Doa, Blazblue, Mortal Combat, Soul Calibur, tekken, Virtua Fighter, ). Not that I am saying 2D doesn't have a place I think the gaming industry is too hung up on 3D playing fields.

    THAT IS BECAUSEEEEEE Smash Brothers is more of a party game than a fighting game. It's got unbalances, uneven match-ups, all kinds of bananas. It's still played competitively, but it's a very different game when done so, and it wasn't nessacarily made with that being it's key focus. People are going to buy Smash Bros because it's Smash Bros and not because it's totally fair and balanced.

    The reason people play stuff like Guilty Gear, BlazBlue, Soul Calibur, Tekkn, Virtua Fighter...IS a little because they are what they are, but those games are also made to sell to a crowd that WILL seriously compete. The longer the life of the competitive play, the longer they can extend the life of the game all together (look at stuff like StarCraft and Diablo). A lot of time goes into balancing those games so that people will KEEP playing them. And if you have a cast of 40 people, all with unique moves and combos and speeds and defenses....stuff takes forever to balance. All those games have (or started out with) relatively rosters and added on a few people with every new incarnation.

    THAT SAID if they were to take a BUNCH of people from a bunch of DIFFERENT fighting games...it'd be hell to balance. And it would HAVE to be balanced because the people who would be BUYING that game would be people familiar with their individual franchises...ie people expecting balance.

    Other than that I don't think any other company REALLY has the roster to do it and make money with the exceptions being maybe Capcom and SNK which is why you see stuff like Marvel vs. Capcom, King of Fighters, Capcom vs. SNK...all those games include characters from ALL KINDS of games by the company, no just fighting games (see MegaMan and Jill Valentine).

    Konami and SEGA try all kinds of kart and party and tennis stuff like Nintendo does...it just doesn't work because frankly people don't care about anything like they do Nintendo.

    .,...oh and because they do it half-heartedly too...but...Smash Bros is kinda half hearted too imho so....who knows.


    Also these games are more fun than a lot of stuff being sold now a days:



    FUN times.

    The reason why big developers are less likely to take risks is because production budgets are absolutely enormous now. Do you guys have any idea how hard it is to even create a model, texture, rig and set of animations that most people here would dump on for looking unreleastic? It's really, REALLY hard.

    Yes. Yes I do.

    This is my final project for visual effects. We had guidelines. "Must have fur. Must be this length. Must blah blah blah." STUDENT work, mind you. All you get for comments is "Sonic looks ugly. He shouldn't have fur. Why is he so stiff?" FORGET that Sonic doesn't move very much as Super Sonic in the games ever, or that this isn't even professional stuff that had to be completed in less than a week.

    People will tear something apart unless it's absolutely PERFECT or CLEARLY no where near perfect on purpose. And neither is easy :|

  8. Define Nerdapalooza for those of us who just don't get out very often.
    Nerdapalooza is a nerd music festival. The first of its kind to invite all genres of the new movement under one roof, Nerdapalooza was scheduled to have its first two day festival in September 2007 at Redwood Acres Fairgrounds. The creator of the event is John "hex" Carter, who hosted a Nerdapalooza themed radio show through KRFH, the student-run radio station at Humboldt State University. This word is derived from nerd and palooza, slang word for all-out crazy party, and is a reference to Lolapalooza.

    Nerdapalooza 2009

    Set to be the first full-blown Nerdapalooza showcasing all nerd music, Nerdapalooza 2009 is set to be at the Holiday Inn Convention Hall on International Drive in downtown Orlando.[3] It will again be a charity show, with proceeds going to "Childs Play" charities. Carter is the Executive Director, along with other key directors Michael "The Spork" Evans, Joshua Thew, and Aaron "Masurao" Yarhouse.

    This years show brings back headliner MC Frontalot, and introduces MC Lars, mc chris, and The Protomen. This will be the first time that 3 major players in the nerdcore music scene (MC Frontalot, MC Lars, mc chris) will all be performing at the same event. A complete list of artists performing for Nerdapalooza 2009 is as follows (alphabetically):

    * Beefy [4]

    * Captain Dan & the Scurvy Crew

    * Confuscious

    * Devo Spice

    * Dual Core

    * Emergency Pizza Party

    * Epic-1

    * Fred Lives

    * Funky49

    * HDNinja

    * I Fight Dragons

    * Jay Tholen

    * Krondor Krew

    * Marc with a C

    * mc chris

    * MC Frontalot

    * MC Gigahertz

    * MC Lars

    * mCRT

    * My Parents Favorite Music

    * Odd Austin

    * Random Encounter

    * Schaffer the Darklord

    * Scrub Club Records

    * The Grammar Club (Beefy and Shael Riley)

    * The great Luke Ski

    * The House of Black

    * The Megas

    * The Protomen

    * The Spork

    * Uncle Monsterface

    * YTCracker

    * ZeaLouS1

    I got some videos I'll post later :o

  9. Xerol is holding a listening party at his bbq on the day after (Sunday)

    We'll probably all want to get dinner then anyway DA - the OCR panel is from 6:15 - 8:15 pm, so I know I'll be super hungry.

    I'm just going to throw this out there but...perhaps you could eat BEFORE the panel. Or eat something that DOESN'T involve a wait or seated dining.

    Fast food. Chinese. Pizza...lots of stuff comes to mind.

  10. Anyone who wants to can upload their WIPs HERE for the weekend only:


    Faster Sunday night at 11:59PM EST you will be unable to upload any WIPs until it is open again (probably another 2-3 weeks).

    As always, you will need a ThaSauce account to upload anything, and you can register here:


  11. Bump. Anyone know of any good, free hosting services for .mp3s? All I"ve got is google pages... in any case, here's a quick preview of what I'm working on.

    I've been busy cleaning/preparing for Suzu and Shael to arrive. I plan to open up the Compo:ThaSauce system for a little while for people to upload WIPS every few weeks. You'll probably get about 3 revisions, and have about a 3 day window to upload them before the actually finished product at the end.

    This will give everyone a chance to post their WIPs.

    This is totally optional, too btw,

  12. it's pretty funny that you used a picture of Chrono Kristen, one of the co-hosts of the classic VGM radio show Super Radio X (you know, the redhead covered in electronics and game gear) and proclaimed along with it that the types of girls who pose for pictures like that probably aren't really gamers (even though, if you listen to the show, it's pretty obvious that she is). Not that you are wrong for the most part, it's just amusing when one knows the actual source of one of these random images. :lol:

    EDIT: Dammit, Doug beat me to it.

    How is it no one else noticed that? :|

    These damned kids today!

  13. BTW just wanted to let everyone know, now that all the challenges are locked, you can talk about your songs :)

    There's going to be an optional quaterly progress report for anyone that wants to post their WIP that will be handled on Compo:ThaSauce. I'll give more info on that when it's availible.

    The deadline WILL be extended but don't count it it being much more than a few days. Again more info on that when it becomes availible.

    Edit: First page updated to include all the matchups for your viewing pleasure. :)

  14. I didn't think we were supposed to start until everything was finalized, and having different end dates isn't really possible with C:TS is it?

    We had a break period to send out challenges and get re-rolls from people who needed them. But now that's done. The break period was supposed to be over by the 21st anyway, but it was delayed due to problems sending out challenges/re-rolls thanks to internet outages. But everyone's locked in or accepted their challenges now. So... get to work people!

    Additionally, the end time can always be changed in C:TS (as OHC has proven many times before, mostly thanks to Suzu's slow ass internets).

  15. Can we say which sources we got, or is it supposed to be a secret?

    I'd prefer no one talks about it until after Sunday. Because I don't want people knowing what songs might still be available for re-roll and making them want to try to roll again.

    After Sunday all the active challenges will be posted. And I can tell you right now: There aren't many left for re-roll.

    ALSO: I apologize in advance if anyone's challenge didn't get picked up. We try to oversaturate the list so there's a bit of diversity and extras in case anyone completes theres and wants another.

    So if you don't see your challenge picked up on Sunday, know that it still might go out.

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