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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. Many years ago, i remarked to MrMagfest, "It would be fun to have a cooking contest at the con." Until now, the hotels have been pretty heavily against it, but this year it looks like it may be a reality, featuring MrMagfest as the chairman, and special guest judges including the voice of Duke Nukem himself.

    The rules and details aren't completely nailed down yet, but as of now it will consist of an appetizer, an entree, and a dessert, judged per course and then overall. Equipment will likely be restricted to a microwave, a George Foreman grill, and a blender.

    You will most likely be required to chat about your food with the various judges/commentators throughout the competition, which is currently planned for 1 1/2 hours in length.

    After talking it over, we decided that OCR/Shizz/VGMix should each nominate members to represent them in the competition. Please discuss who you think would be a good candidate to battle for the title of Magfest Iron Chef!

    I nominate starla.

    ('cause af is taken)

    Also: LAOS

    Edit: Also John Moser.

  2. Anyway, I can't really comment on MMORPGs and such, as I've never been able to get past the "pay monthly to play" deal. $50 on a game, then $15 more every thirty days just never appealed to me.

    Just wanted to chime in here real quick and say:

    Most MMOs are free to buy, but then have a monthly fee, and they get you with the expansion set prices.

    But things like WoW, UO, and others pretty much say you can play for free for like 10 days, pay $20 to upgrade to a full account, and then get a "free month" (essentially the price of the game is your subscription fee for the "free month" plus the trial period prorated).

    Think of it like they're drug dealers and your first fix is free.

    I'm not going to go on trying to justify the monthly fee based on the constant updates and (nearly) countless amounts of things to do (I actually feel like Oblivion / Morrowind have way more too do and I REALLY can't wait for the TES MMO). I'm not really here to try to TURN YOU ON TO TRYING an MMO. Just wanted to clear up that misconception.

    Rama out.

  3. Not if you to drive it on public roads. Ever heard of emission controls? Or safety inspections most states require?

    True, but who's to say I'm going to take it on the street? Who's to say I'm not going to use it as a show car? Who's to say I'm not going to sell it to someone else to use as a show car? Sure they MIGHT drive it, but that's not necessarily the intention.

    There are laws regulating many of these... are you aware of zoning laws? The FDA (companies cannot freely sell you their property)? OSHA (companies are regulated in using only approved ladders and a few million other things in the workplace)? There are certain substances out there that are not dangerous in and of themselves, but are still illegal or require a license because they could be mixed in a way to produce explosives or drugs. Further, and much more analogously, although I think those examples completely belie your point already, it's illegal to steal cable. There's nothing unique about this law. There are plenty on the books that regulate your behavior (especially as a business) in the creation of goods which directly encourage illegal actions.

    Zoning laws, building permits, all that are usually put in place to stop things that would clearly and obviously hurt local business, residents, or yourself (for fire regulation and what not.)

    For the most part, the only REAL harm that could come from modding is console is potential indirect damage to the gaming industry assuming the person it's modded for would use it to pirate things. Or if in the rare case a mod caused the console to over heat and combust or something.

    If that's the case, wouldn't you just be able to have people fill out a lengthy signed waiver agreeing to not use the console for any illegal actions like playing copies of games they don't own?

    And it IS illegal to steal cable, but is it illegal to have a box that COULD steal cable, and not actually do it?

  4. While I was reading this earlier, something dawned on me:

    When I buy something. I own it. It's MINE. I can buy a computer, I can rip all the parts in, I can put new parts in, I can throw it down the stairs, I can do whatever I want.

    When I buy a car, I can change the exhaust, I can rebuild the engine, and I can import another engine from Japan and drop it into my car, I can drop it, I can paint it, I can give it scissor doors.

    I can mod my TV, my laptop, my furniture, my house, my vehicles, my clothing, my appliances...but I can't mod my console? Why the fuck not?

  5. I honestly don't know why Ty or Shael hasn't posted this already, so I'm going to go ahead and do it.

    Shael Riley is a pretty big mover and shaker in the community. Shael Riley has come a long way since his first few OverClocked ReMixes. He's released a free album, "Toybox," of incredibly catchy original work. He's co-directed the OverClocked ReMix Street Fighter II album "Blood on the Asphalt" which eventually got Capcom's attention and OCReMix it's involvement in the Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix soundtrack. He's also involved with the nerdcore hip-hop supergroup The Grammar Club (whom was also on the HD Remix soundtrack, and later released a vocal version of their track featuring member nerdcore rapper, Beefy. However, he is absolutely NOT Disk Mastah Smokabitch.

    Now Shael is working on an ALL NEW project along with his good friends Ricky Henry and Ty Guenley (Suzumebachi of OverClocked ReMix and ThaSauce.net) called "Shael Riley and the Double Ice Backfire." The SRTDIB is a NES Rock band with Shael on the vocals & Famicom Tracking, Ricky on the drums, and Ty providing plenty of chugga-chugga for a sort of 90s grunge feel mixed with all your favorite 8bit blips and bloops.

    They made their debut last month in Orlando, FL at Nerdapalooza, the biggest nerdcore event in history, where they shared the stage with artists like MC Lars, MC Frontalot, and mc chris (along with many many more).


    Shael Riley and the Double Ice Backfire: Songs from the Pit

    Track list:

    1. Publishing Rights(feat. Schaffer the Darklord)
    2. The Other Side of Memphis
    3. How to Fire a Gun
    4. Asian Kids Have All the Best Moves
    5. Hipster Hoax
    6. Chinese Ninja Warrior (The Immortals Cover)
    7. tip eht fo mottob
    8. Asian Kids Have All The Best Moves (solo piano - feat. Jon Titterington)

    Total run time: 30 minutes

    Format: audio cassette

    Where Can I GET IT?!:

    For a limited only you can get their debut EP Songs from the Bottom of the Pit for $4 plus shipping available ONLY on cassette tape. That's right, cassette tape. There are less than 30 of these available, and they once they're gone there won't be ANYWHERE else hear these tracks again until the release the full album on CD and digital download. In addition this cassette has 2 songs that will NOT be available ANYWHERE ELSE, ever: their cover of "Chinese Ninja Warrior," as well as a piano version of their song "Asian Kids Have All the Best Moves" featuring Jon Titterington. Each cassette is individually numbered and should be considered a serious collector's item.

    Where Can I Hear It?!:

    I know you're already excited, and you're wondering "Where can I hear these songs? They've got to be AMAZING." Well you're right, they are amazing. You can catch a preview of 2 of their tracks on their TheSixtyOne Page. The first being "How to Fire a Gun" and the other being "Tip Eht Fo Mottob" which depicts the life of Reptile from Mortal Kombat as he sits at the bottom of the pit.

    Additionally you can go to YouTube and watch their performance of the song "Publishing Rights" featuring Schäffer The Darklord live at Nerdapalooza, as well as

    off of the 1994 Immortal's "Mortal Kombat: The Album,".

    How Can I Support?!:

    Easy, buy the album. Additionally you can become their friends on Facebook, and make sure to <3 their songs on T61.

    Links mentioned in article:









  6. Ok guys. I opened back up the WIP posting system if anyone wants to post anything they've been working on on the compo hosting.

    Again, this is totally optional, it's just a way for you guys to get free convenient hosting if you want to check-in anything for the mid-way point.

    The link again is:


    And keep up the good work (assuming you've started any =P)

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