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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. The lead seems a bit week at times (really airy, which is what you're going for, but the judges might not like it so much), it seems to me sometimes that the drums kind of over-power everything else (though honestly I'm using pretty jacked headphones) so you might want to check your volume levels. Lastly it might be a BIT too repetitive, I think that can go either way.

    That said, being unfamiliar with the source, I think this is a pretty good contender for OCReMix. You create a pretty full soundscape and aside from the tweaks I mentioned above I think you're pretty solid.

  2. The History:

    Way back in 2002 a forum user name "I Like Cookies!" (now just Jeff), ran a 1-shot competition called the Freshly Baked ReMixer challenge. In the thread artists signed up and were assigned challenges posted by other forum users. This is how artists like myself, Suzumebachi, and GLL all got our starts. There were also some other impressive tracks by Disco Dan and a few others.

    Some time later the same user did the Second Annual FBRC which, while not as popular as the first one, still saw some solid success.

    Since the competition has long been forgotten by most, and seeing all the talent that's on OCReMix today, I think it's time we try a revival.

    The Premise:

    As stated above the idea of the competition is for forum users to challenge remixers to remixes of songs/games they request. The remixer than has a predetermined amount of time to produce a remix of said material.

    The Plan:

    Previously everyone just winged it, and sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. I've been tossing around in my head a new system that should make the situation better for everyone...


    Phase 1 will be mixer sign-up. It will last until next Saturday, and ANYONE wishing to enter may. Be it an established artist or not. Any and all are welcome, and encouraged to enter.

    The Challenges:

    Following Phase 1, there will be a 1 week period where any forum user can submit challenges. Be it from a game, or a specific song. Challengers MUST include a source tune for reference and ALL CHALLENGERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO NOT PICK SONGS THAT'RE TOO OBSCURE . This is merely a suggestion as the easier it is for a remixer to get a midi, or familiarity with a song, the more likely the finished project will be a quality piece of work. During Phase 2 each user is only allowed 1 challenge. ReMixers already in the challenge are allowed to issue challenges themselves. I reserve the right to reject certain requests.

    PLEASE NOTE: To ensure that this year people don't see ANOTHER song that COULD HAVE BEEN challenged, this year all challenges will be made PRIVATELY. More details when Phase 2 goes live.

    The Match-Ups:

    Once we populate a list of mixers and challenges, a script be created and will distribute the songs to each mixer. There will a few days grace period while we sort everything out, and following that mixers will have 2 months to finish their challenge. In the event that there are more challenges than mixers (which is likely) if a mixer successfully finishes their challenge (COMPLETED a QUALITY remix) then they are free to once again randomly select another song from the pool. The only stipulation is remixers CAN NOT be selected to remix a song THEY requested as a challenge.

    PLEASE NOTE: This challenge is meant to be just that. A CHALLENGE. Last year there were a LOT of people trying to switch the song that they got because they didn't like it. I realize personal preference plays a big part of the creative process, and I do truly believe that you should make music for yourself before anything else, this is a CHALLENGE. By entering this competition you are signing up for, and agree to be challenged. This will include working under strict time constraints and may also mean having to mix something you don't necessarily like. If you choose to not accept your challenge, then you fail the challenge, and I will not be babying every person who wants to swap their challenge. We WILL have some wiggle room, but not nearly as much as we had last year.


    There will be NO voting. This contest is specifically for remixers to test their abilities as a mixer, and to give users a chance to get their favorite under-remixed song finally mixed. Everyone who completes a quality product is a winner, and every listener wins as well.

    Current Status:

    • Phase 1 (Mixer Sign-Up, NO REQUESTS): Sunday, May 31st - Saturday, June 6th, 23:59PM EST
    • Phase 2 (Song requests: Sunday June 7th - Saturday, June 13th, 23:59 EST
    • 1 Week Break to send out / confirm mixers and challenges
    • Phase 3 (Mixing stage):Sunday June 21st - Saturday, August 22nd, 23:59 EST

    Phase III: Mixing

    The mixing matches for stage 3 can be found here. At this time artists are UNABLE to re-roll their mixes other than otherwise stated here. You have until August 22nd to complete a polished piece of work. If you finish early and want another mix details are here and here.

    When your mix is complete it will need to be uploaded to Compo:ThaSauce. This WILL require you to have an account on ThaSauce, and will AUTOMATICALLY LOCK once the mixing stage is over.

    You are free to post WIPs of your mixes in this thread, but please do not upload anything but your FINAL WORK to the Compo page.

    PLEASE NOTE: Mixer sign-ups AND song requests WILL BOTH BE HANDLED IN THIS THREAD.

    The Matchups:

    • Abadoss - Lunar 1 - Battle (rerolled)

      • Silpheed - The Legend of SILPHEED

      [*]analoq - Lufia 2 - Battle

      [*]Bundeslang - Space Station Silicon Valley - The Battery Farm

      [*]Demonstray - Wild ARMs 2 - A Journey

      [*]diotrans - Metal Gear Solid - Hind D (rerolled)

      • The Hybrid Front - Moon/Mars: Sukarabe Fight 3

      [*]Dj Mokram - Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga - Teehee Valley

      [*]DJ SymBiotiX - The Magic of Scheherezade - Past

      [*]Dyne - Legend of Dragoon - Minor Boss

      [*]Epitaph - Gran Turismo - Moon Over Castle

      [*]Faustt - Castlevania Order of Ecclesia - Dusk's Holy Mark

      [*]FiremanJoe - Devil's Crush - Main Theme

      [*]Fishy - Lunar 2 - Boss Battle

      [*]friendlyHunter - Tyrian - Sarah's Song

      [*]Gario - Phoenix Wright 1 - Gumshoe's Theme

      [*]Hemophiliac - Mega Man 5 - Wily's Stage

      [*]HitoriJaNai - Jazz Jackrabbit - Tubelectric

      [*]jmr - Princess Maker 2 - Battle

      [*]just64helpin - Starfox - Space Armada

      [*]Jose the Bronx Rican - Metroid Prime - Tallon Overworld 2

      [*]Lanodantheon - DuckTales - The Himalayas

      [*]Moseph - Chrono Cross - Cleft of Dimension

      [*]mv - ToeJam and Earl 2 - Mellow Groove

      [*]nonsensicalexis - Super Hang-On - Outride a Crisis (rerolled)

      • Lunar 1 - Battle

      [*]OA - Banjo-Kazooie - Tooty's Theme

      [*]PosiBolt - Ultima Online - Create 1

      [*]RocketSniper - Cave Story - Oppression

      [*]ProjectSpam - Mega Man 4 - Skull Man

      [*]Sinewav - Sonic the Hedgehog - Spring Yard Zone

      [*]Skummel Maske - Asterix - Egypt Theme

      [*]Sockpuppet5 - Super Mario RPG - Monstro Town

      [*]Stuff of Legends - Snowboard Kids - Night Highway

      [*]superjoe - Sonic & Knuckles - Doomsday Zone

      [*]Suzumebachi - Monster Hunter Freedom - Main Theme (rerolled)

      • Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia - A Clashing of Waves

      [*]The Biznut - Final Fantasy - Chocobo Theme

      [*]The Joker - Live-A-Live - Go Go Buriki King!

      [*]THE Oinkess - The Ooze - Stage 5-A/B

      [*]The Pezman - Zelda Minish Cap - Minish Woods

      [*]the prophet of mephisto - Jazz Jackrabbit - Tubelectric (rerolled)

      • Super Hang-On - Outride a Crisis

      [*]The Vagrance - Sonic Spinball - Toxic Caves

      [*]Theory of Nonexistence - Sparkster (SNES) - Level 1

      [*]Willrock - Treasure Hunter G - Sad Freedom

      [*]Xerol Oplan - Mega Man 5 - Dark Man Stage 1

      [*]Zephyr~ - Silpheed (DOS) - The Legend of Silpheed (Dropped Out)

    The Mixers (42):

    • Dyne
    • the prophet of mephisto
    • Moseph
    • Zephyr~
    • HoboKa
    • jmr
    • The Vagrance
    • The Pezman
    • Abadoss
    • Bundeslang
    • Jose the Bronx Rican
    • Skummel Maske
    • The Joker
    • OA
    • Gario
    • Lanodantheon
    • nonsensicalalexis
    • Sinewave
    • Fishy
    • Faustt
    • Dj Mokram
    • just64helpin
    • DJ SymBiotiX
    • FiremanJoe
    • Demonstray
    • Sockpuppet5
    • friendlyHunter
    • analoq
    • Hemophilliac
    • ProjectSpam
    • injury
    • suzumebachi
    • Xerol
    • RocketSniper
    • diotrans
    • ToN
    • Epitaph
    • HitoriJaNai
    • The Biznut
    • mv
    • Willrock
    • Stuff of Legends

  3. Since no logos or other source materials were provided, feel free to use these samples to help you along:

    Photoshop users: You can download a PSD with a high-resolution vector of the logo (http://ramaserv.thasauce.net/Misc/OCR%20Logo%20MASK.psd), along with a few other controller options (such as Dual Shock, Genesis, & Zapper) [Filesize = approx 15MBs] (if anyone can/wants to convert this file for use in PSP too, that'd be great.)

    The font used in the OverClocked ReMix logo is call 'Iomonoid" and can be downloaded for FREE @ dafont.com (http://www.dafont.com/font.php?file=arkanoid&page=1&nb_ppp_old=10&text=OverClocked+ReMix&nb_ppp=10&classt=alpha)

  4. I'm a horrible alt whore. Maybe it's time I came clean. Let's see...

    In real life, I go by my real name (or any of its derivatives). You can call me "F" if your name happens to be Nick Carter. Or you are a pretty girl. Or a dude big enough to kick my ass.

    On the internets, what you call me depends on where you are:

    • At OCR/VGMix/ThaSauce/OUS I'm usually just Suzumebachi but I was going by Tyberius for a while there (though pretty much only on IRC)
    • In various chat channels where I wish to remain at least somewhat anonymous I am Grundybear.
    • In StarCraft I am MEATBALL.
    • In TF2 I am usually just Suzumebachi but sometimes TyberiusREX.
    • In many other games I go by either TyberiusREX or TyberiusH.
    • In World of Warcraft I am Grundyman and/or Wolfenleid (amongst many others-- though I haven't played in a while).
    • At LAN parties I go by Hornet.
    • On AIM I am SamuraiHornet.
    • When I am trolling IRC I am a man of many faces, including but definitely not limited to: bismuth83, Kumabachi, Ghost64, or Suzumebachi.

    As far as my music goes, I have released stuff under numerous pseudonyms/aliases.

    Serious business musics:

    • Suzumebachi - this is what I use for most stuff, especially at OCR and other community places (obviously)
    • Mozyiac - my current IRL band
    • Lead Sol/Saving Saturday/Cartoon Kids - previous IRL bands

    Alt names I use for one-hour compos, netlabel releases, or other less important things:

    • Tyberius REX - industrial/metal shit
    • Tyberius - classic rock-ish shit, also chiptunes
    • MFSnakes - cheesepop shit. was supposed to be a secret e-band project but ended up just being me in the end
    • Masterbeta - funk shit. see MFSnakes
    • Beaten Bishop - terrible chiptune based rock shit
    • Disciplining Percy - haha hahahahaha
    • dotyug - snicker
    • Team Bisquick - double snicker
    • MC Neckbeard/Big Daddy Osmosis - rap names (seriously)

    For the express purpose of trolling (all in good fun) I have released music as:

    • KOIndustry
    • Polymer89
    • disciplining percy (long ago before I started using it as just a joke name to release crap OHC songs under DP was an actual trollish e-band starring myself and several other misfits who will remain nameless at this juncture... though you probably already know who they are)

    Also all in good fun I have impersonated or lampooned people for various joke projects:

    • Kaijin & Mustin - sorry bros :D
    • mellogear - sorry jon :D
    • FFmusic Dj - sorry haroon :D
    • Children of the Washing Machine - sorry matt :D
    • smh - sorry sam :D
    • djquetzl - sorry dave :D

    Not sure why I use so many aliases. Probably comes with this terrible compulsion I have to categorize things constantly, so I end up categorizing my music and obtuse personality traits into alts along the way. I'd been considering changing my name at OCR for a long time, but now I feel like there's less of a need to do so. Maybe I'm just getting more mature and accepting of my multiplicitous nature.

    Anyways, there's probably some I left out, but there you have it.

    So who's Mr. Tron then?

  5. All loot in Disciples will now be determined by /peggleloot


    Actually now would probably be a pretty good time to bring this thread up to speed since the first post is lacking, and we've made a lot of changes. Disciples of the Mix boasts an impressive three extremely active members of the VGM community, with a few more that're a little less active, a few more that are totally INACTIVE, and at least 1 who's KIND of active, but I wish was WAY MORE active ;-;. (On top of that we have a LOT of other active members who are either IRL friends or skilled, guildless players we've met along the way.)

    It started off with me behind that helm, but I handed if off to starla to pursue SERIOUS ENDGAME CONTENT. Once my guild decided that were too whiny to handle Illidan they transferred off and have enjoyed some success on their new home. After which I moved to the best guild ever which was comprised primarily with my IRL friends. starla, however, didn't take long to say "EFF THAT" and swallow up my guild whole. Since the vast majority of my friends aren't bad at the game, and starla and Vilecat are pretty good at gearing themselves, we were ready to do some CRAZY MAD 10MAN ACTION.

    We've recently pretty much had our runs with 10-mans, and after a few mediocre attempts at Ulduar, we've decided to upgrade and shift focus to Naxx 25. starla continues to NOM NOM NOM up small guilds of players with potential, and while we still serve as missions on Azeroth spreading the good name of The Mix, a lot of people are still just concerned with [purpz]. Now a days we're running 2 seperate 10 man groups, a 25 man Naxx group, and within the next 3 weeks hope to be doing more attempts in Ulduar with some fresh new strats and slick new gear.

    THAT SAID it's there's never been a more exciting time to join Disciples! Illidan is a bustling, horde dominated, active, server full of top players and Disciples is a laid back, well establish, casual raiding guild for friends, mixers, lovers, AND candy. Transfer, re-roll, or eBay to Illidan today!

    ...but only if you're a Boomkin -_____________-

  6. My roommate just did the Recruit-A-Friend with me. I'm new to WoW, but I've played on a few trial accounts, and even messed around with a lot of the popular AddOns. I take it this guild isn't just for experienced people, since the Recruit-A-Friend was mentioned in the beginning. The way people talk on here, though, indicates that everyone is quite experienced. I wouldn't play primarily on Illidan, either. Am I still eligible?

    Most of the more active members are experienced, and a good amount of people in the guild are alts or transfers. So in short, of course you are! Everyone is welcome. Some of us do a lot of srs bizness raiding and stuff as a guild, but there are a lot of people in the guild that're just casuals too =P

  7. This is also why WotLK is such a great expansion. ALL of the new content in the game can be more or less traced to one figure -- and he's on the cover of the box.

    Wait...what? Arthas isn't even a small part of the lore. Shit 3.1 is all about Yogg-Saron, and the old Gods, and the Titans. Malygos is about the Dragon Aspects, which in turn has to do with the Titans. ALL of the Storm Peaks is Titan involved. A good chunk of Borean Tundra, Icecrown, and Dragonblight deals directly with Dragonflights. There's some development on the Infinite/Bronze Dragonflight storyline, as well as the Argent Dawn/Scarlet Crusade stuff. The Deathwing storyline is being continued from the Netherwing Ledge stuff, and the Grim Batol stuff....there's just ore all over the place that has absolutely NOTHING to do with Arthas. Are their even any Scourge IN Storm Peaks?

    And pretty much as far as I'm concerned it's all going to lead back to the Legion again, because with Varimithas, Balnazaar, and Mal'Ganis up to the same crud as always, it's almost inevitable that Sargeras and Kil'jaedan are trying to take Arthas down, too.



    Pretty much the best dual spec ever.

  8. But we didn't even know about the Legion until WC3, up until then it was just Orcs vs. Humans; Orcs bad Humans good. The story didn't really start developing until WC3, when we found out about Mannoroth's blood, and Sargeras' involvement yadda yadda yadda. Or was that 2? I'm getting them confused now.

    In WarCraft 1 you kill Medivh who at the time is possessed by Sargeras. Which is how/why he came in contact with Gul'dan and brought the orcs to Azeroth from Dreanor. 'Cause Kil'jaedan was over on that end messing stuff up over there.

  9. Yea, this actually goes right in with the latest WarCraft comics, too. Whihc is really cool because I just started reading them last week. Basically Varian is gettin' played hardcore, and Garrosh too...I suspect it'll all come to frutition in some kind of Legion raid AFTER Icecrown.

  10. 2009-04-10_vista64.png

    A little bit of modification goes a long way.

    I did this by trying to get the most out of what I already had. I moved the start menu, hid my desktop icons. I'm using AveDesk for the fancy icon display, but I'm using default windows icons (I actually looked for similar icons for network drives and portable drives too...but couldn't find any).

    Samurize does my MP3 script on the bottom through WMP on the top. Rainlendar is still <3 as ever, and that's about it. I use a Dock that's hidden because I'm so used to my Mac now. Same with with a Windows Exposé thingy, butttt yet. This is the cleanest deskmodding I've done in awhile.

  11. Userstyles is down. Have a temp fix:

    @namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

    @-moz-document domain("ocremix.org") {
    .tab-container { background: url("") #000 !important; }
    .panel-white-tl, .panel-white-tr, .panel-white-br, .panel-white-bl { background-image: url("http://ramaserv.thasauce.net/images/OCRCSS/OCR4-Contrast/tpl_5_grey_corners.gif") !important }
    .panel-white-inside { background: url("") #2c2c2c !important; }

  12. I think the WoW juice is starting to run low after the longest continuous stream of time I've spent playing since the game was released. I'm in a guild with friends (which I'm not going to leave), which hinders me in doing serious raids. PUG raids are painful and make me want to die, which prevents me from doing anything other than, at most, 1d Sarth (never ever ever Naxx--the one time I tried, we wiped at least once on every boss and 3 or 4 times on Heigan). I'm pretty much at the pinnacle of heroic gear, and I don't really have any desire to do the more onerous achievements (like Loremaster, though I am pretty close to 50 mounts now--I have all the rep, just need a little more gold). I have three 80s, so I'm not in any hurry to level up alts, though I do have cloth, leather, and mail heirloom shoulders now. Most of the time, I just get on to chat with guildies.

    Man....your server sucks :(

    I've PUG'd everything short of Sarth 3D

  13. It's called micro-blogging.

    I personally do it because I don't have the energy and/or attention span (I like to think it's the former...) to do a full blog. --Or even a journal, what with the hand cramps and all.

    That is EXACTLY how I feel.

    That's why I've found a clever work around: Facebook.

    Through this simple formula almost everything I do can be carefully collected into 1 feed for my entire life!

    Text/Picture Message -> Ping.FM -> MySpace, VOX, Twitter

    Twitter -> Facebook

    Games -> Raptr -> Twitter -> Facebook

    YouTube -> Facebook

    Netvibes -> Facebook

    Vimeo -> Twitterfeed -> Twitter -> Facebook

    Everything else I can just normal facebook share :|

    I guess you can say I'm kind of embedded into the internet now a days D:




  14. Gamespot story.

    "Are we done doing HD Remixes? No we're not done."

    Gamespot was most interested in Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 but I'd bet if anything it'll be Darkstalkers. 2009 is the series' 15th anniversary and Capcom loves celebrating anniversaries. Plus it'd be a much smaller project than MvC2.

    Whatever it is I want OCR to do the soundtrack again. SSF2T HD Remix's soundtrack kicks SFIV's soundtrack's ass.

    Morrigan needs a new sprite SO BAD.

    They keep reusing that fricken piece of crap from who knows when :|

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