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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. I think it's worth noting that DotM (along with my guild of IRL friends) was able to 1 shot Sartharion 10 man with 8 people (which isn't the BIGGEST achievement ever, but absolutely our biggest achievement as a group) which means like zomg actually doing content now. We got the first 2 bosses in the plague quarter down before we had to call it (it was like 3AM anyway).

    Obviously we're still short a few people, but there's a lot of people right on the verge of 80, so hopefully within the next few weeks we can actually get a gooood run in Naxx with a full group.

    So if anyone has any high-level characters sitting around collecting dust and they want to do some casual raiding, now is the time!

    Need huntardz, lolmagez, ANY shamans, and we can work with most any other DPS class...those are just priority right now D:

  2. Yesssssss. I had to switch back to the original white template for a short while whilst the old Dark Skin was outdated. Didn't expect an update so soon, and now, back to the original Dark Skin, woo!

    Hm, any chance of changing the font colour white to grey (or background colour), because when people post spoilers, they come out rather obviously lol, as happened with the recent Lost thread.

    Otherwise, good stuff, glad to see the update.

    I'll see what I can do.




  3. I'd like to thank everyone for their comments. It means a lot; really. I'm not familiar with many other sites with a similar goal as ThaSauce, but regardless I'm fully committed to making ThaSauce as great as I know it can be to best suit the members of this community that I'm so passionate about >_<.

    Thanks again everyone for the comments and encouragement, and please send Suzumebachi and Fusion2004 nasty PMs to get the site done D: (more so the latter)


  4. So, since the panel at MAGFest I've been working pretty hard on a new version of the site. The plan was to get across as much information as fast as possible, but to do so in a generally quick and organized manner. I've been pulling a lot inspiration from a lot of other sites I frequent, I've been trying to integrate a lot of new community tools like StickAM and twitter, and I've been putting a lot of time into making sure the page displays properly for all browsers.

    As of right now we've moved into a "quasi" closed beta, and I hope to have the whole site tested, and ready for launch by late March, early Febuary (Suzu/Fusion willing).

    The video is kinda lengthy (about 14 mins), but in it I go through the new site, show off some of the new layout, detail some of the new features, and explain some of the stuff I'm working on. I apologize for the quality, and I'll try to get a higher quality version up sometime later.





    One more important note is, you'll notice I'm not referring to the site as "ThaSauce 3.0." That's because, in my eyes, this is not the 3rd version of the site, this is the ONLY real version of the site. Everything up until this point was merely testing, and planning, but THIS site is truly what I've dreamed of since the beginning.

  5. Wait, what?

    body { text-align: center; }

    DIV.main-content { text-align; left; }
    <DIV class="main-content">SUP BRO</DIV>

    If you use "text-align: center" to make sure DIV.main-Container is centered on the page, you need to make sure you define that the text WITHIN Div.main-cotainer is aligned to the LEFT, otherwise it'll align to the center as well.

  6. Here's the way I always do it:

    body { text-align: center; }

    But you need to make sure if you're nesting stuff within stuff you change the text-align WITHIN the block elements to left


    div { margin: 0 auto 0 auto } will do the same thing, but I don't THINK works in IE. Usually I do both of these to make sure stuff works right.

    I'm all about w3 standards for the challenge if nothing else =P

  7. http://www.ocremix.org/artist/171/joe-mcdermott

    Kind of took me awhile to figure out which songs he composed, and which songs he was a remixer for....




    Edit: Specifically...

    [18:08:50] <+Bahamut> it's not hard to tell

    [18:08:58] <+Bahamut> 1 credit for game music composition, and 1 remix

    [18:10:21] <@Ramaniscenc> Yea

    [18:10:24] <@Ramaniscenc> but I couldn't tell that

    [18:10:31] <@Ramaniscenc> Until i scanned over all the games about 4 times

    [18:10:39] <@Ramaniscenc> And found his name on the list of remixers

    [18:10:47] <@Ramaniscenc> How am I supposed to know if he composed that or mixed it?

    [18:10:55] <@Ramaniscenc> It was hard for me to figure out

    [18:10:59] <@Ramaniscenc> And I doubt I'll be the only one

    [18:11:47] <+Bahamut> the only confusion I really had was the ReMixes tab

    We'll be sending out an email to ReMixers soliciting photos, updated contact info, birthdate/place info, and cash monies.

    Do you think this guy has cash moneys left with bling like THIS:



  8. This is the best link to the source I can find. I'm pretty familiar with it because this is probably my favorite song FROM the game (May always gets the best music, imho).

    That said...you song still sounds really similar to me. GOOD, but really similar. Almost cover-ish. If that's what you were going for than gratz! Guitar could use a LITTLE work, but really not that bad at all.

    BUT if you're looking for OCR, you're going in the completely wrong direction.

    Edit: I see now you're trying to REMAKE the song, not truely remix it. In which case yea, definitely going good. The guitar still sounds a LITTLE off, and I couldn't really tell you why since I'm not really a guitar player (Nekofrog, Suzumebachi, sixto all come to mind as people that might know why), but definitely going good.

  9. I'm not one for music festivals, but if I'd go to anything it would be Ultra. Prodigy, Pendulum, Hybrid, Deadmau5, Tiesto, Roni Size, Infected Mushroom... pretty much every big electronic artist on Earth right now.

    Ultra is ALWAYS sooo fricken hot, and right in my back yard but I've NEVER gone because it costs a fortune :(

    Coachella's line-up about 2 years ago really had me excited, but since it's just been ehh to me.

  10. Had to dig pretty deep to find this one.

    Is the Illidan guild still around? Now that DKs are open to any server, I'd be happy to join given that I no longer have to plug away 30 hours killing boars and doing chores just to play with other people.

    Queues on Illidan are pretty much gone (from what I've experienced, plus they've re-opened it for transfers so I assume we're prettyy well under capacity now). The guild is still around, and is actually getting pretty big now. Quite a few people have xferred over/started playing and between my personal guild of IRL friends and the community guild we have a pretty formidable force.

  11. So...for the first few seconds I was like "wtf is up with these samples? Did this whole thread go buy and no one said anything about that guitar sample?" and then after a few seconds I was like "wtf who cares this song is awesome."

    ThaSauce stamp of approval FOR SURE. I kinda hope OCR takes it too, though :o. 'Cause this is h0tness.

  12. Criticism, eh? Well it really depends on what you're going for. If you're going for something that OCR is going to take, your completely out of luck. It would actually be a close call on R:TS because of all the direct sample...legal difficulties could arise, and no one ever expects them to, but if they do that's a pretty solid way to get nailed.

    THAT SAID that doesn't mean this is a bad road to take, just not a very popular one amongst the core arrangement sites. This song is pretty catchy, and I do like the direction you're taking. It's something that I haven't really heard before, and I like it.

    GENERAL critique I can say:

    -Background crowd could probably go all together. It serves it's purpose to fill out the soundscape, but there's better options. Nothing that I can really thing of right now, but that's just not working.

    -That detune saw you're using as the higher lead is no good. I don't know if it's because it's so painfully generic (I hear it everywhere...shit I've used it 100 times myself) or just because it doesn't really fit into the sounds you have going on, but you really need a better lead. It's a step in the right direction, but it's not really working right now.

    -I do like the drums, but there might a bit of over-use of the block smash sound and the jump. Maybe changing what beats they come in and, or shorten the seconds where they repeat a lot. Generally if anything repeats for too long it's going to get old really fast. You just have to KNOW when to stop using something...get a real feel for it.

    Overall this is a really chill mix that could be a cool kind of background music sound. Really mellow, good beat, just good times. You really need to expand on THAT, and figure out how to find a better lead than that saw with that in mind.

    I'm not the best TECHNICAL musician out there, but I know what sounds wrong. SO I hope this helps D:

  13. Custom art per game could be cool, but too much worky! I lazy.

    So when you extract the art from pro iTunes releases, is it also 300x300, or is it larger and just scaled down for the flipbook view?

    iTunes pretty much scales infinitely. Most media players do. I don't know of many instances where you'll find something display BY DEFAULT more than 300x300


    When iTunes pulls album art from the iTunes store, they're 600x600. I checked for multiple songs from multiple CDs, both less known and more well known.

    So 600x600 is my final answer.

  14. Hey y'all. I was interested in updating the tags of OC ReMixes and wanted to know what fields should be added to the picture.

    Album art is a given. What dimensions are the most appropriate for standard stuff like iTunes?

    Album artist/band is also important, along with Publisher.

    Aside from those, am I missing anything major that comes up as blank in major music applications?

    Rama, where you at?

    Lyrics, where necessary/possible. That's one of the things I try to do with all the R:TS mixes, and since there's not too many songs that actally HAVE lyrics, it should be pretty easy to add. Lots of media players'll pop something up, or have a little display thing for lyrics, so it's cool to have.

    Album art doesn't need to be any bigger than 300x300. I don't know if that's the "standard" so to speak, but that's what I see most often.

    That's just the first thing that comes to mind, though. I'll look and see if there's anything else I'm missing.

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