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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. I hear someone here managed to get ahold of her shuriken.

    ...just sayin'.

    But anyway, I think the higher number of women at this year's MAGFest is just more evidence of how much it's reaching out to more and more people each year. KF

    Pretty much there was a girl cosplaying as Amy from SC4, and I don't think she was in the contest, but she was probably the cutest girl I saw all weekend.

    Just sayin'.

  2. Ya'know....it's probably about time I start keeping track of mash-ups like this. I have tons, F4T4L keeps sending me them, maybe not an offical submissions like thing, or actual hosting on the site, but at the very least a blog style thing.

    I'm gonna start looking into how to handle mash-ups for ThaSauce.

  3. Maybe it's just me, or maybe it's the recording, but that Mega Man 2 cover medley is really....meh.

    Project X2's stuff is WAYYYYyyyyy better, and most of that is practically a cover.

    Also: "Don't change the genre." What IS the genre of original video game music? I certainly don't think Koji Kondo wrote the Zelda theme with the intent of it being playing by a rock band.......

    Kids TO-DAY.

  4. Actual mobile apps seem like a lot of work. SEEM LIKE, anyway. The easier solution is just making a mobile version of the site which is EXTREMELY EASY and a lot more likely to get done.

    Maybe some kind of fusion of the 2 is feasible.

  5. Just thought I should pop in and say this particular song doesn't meet OCR's standards

    The song is Get It Together by The Go! Team featured on their 2004 album Thunder, Lightning, Strike:


    That being said, since it wasn't originally composed for the game, rather made beforehand and incorporated INTO the game, it doesn't follow the standards.

    I realize no one has suggested THIS SONG be submitted, but I thought I'd say something before someone does so.

    Good song, though :D

  6. Are there other "hidden" albums like that (about other games) in ThaSauce? :|

    Kinda of. We don't really "do" albums so much right now, other than that one which was a joke, but we DO host at least one other ReMix project:

    A few days ago, on a couple of forums, community member mithius released "The Story of Hyrule." An epic 44 track album, comprised of both arrangements from Zelda 1 through a Link to the Past, as well as a number of original tracks. The post was long and kind of disjointed, the website was a bit "1996", but the music was absolutely AMAZING. That's when I decided to start work on a proper website and hosting to really showcase mithius's hard work.

    I want to point out that, even though it's hosted under the ReMix:ThaSauce subdomain, this album is NOT affiliated with R:TS or ThaSauce at all. I simply wanted to make sure this album got proper presentation. All the music and story on the site is by mithius and mithius alone. All I did was give him a website and some hosting. (I would've like to give him a subdomain, but that's just not an option at this point.)

    Anyway, give it a listen an enjoy an epic musical journey through the lands of Hyrule!

    Original discussion on OC ReMix.

    Original discussion on ThaSauce.


  7. As I udnerstand it, cohesive isn't the same thing as transitioning easily throughout. You can have something cohesive with hard abrupt changes, and something that's not the least bit cohesive that smoothly goes from one inappropriate thing to another.

    There were a few transitions that were a little harsh, but in a megamedley like this, I think the medley-itis is a greater problem. Source one, source two, source three... Nothing to really tie it together, besides the overall sound. That was pretty cohesive, but the writing wasn't, imo. Check with a judge to be sure.

    Bandwidth, storage, whatever. You could compress it to under 6 megs and submit. If you get NOed, you can put it up on R:TS. Or both. You could go on irc and talk to a judge about it, see what they think.

    Emphasis on the both, lol. ReMix:ThaSauce'll post this in a jiffy FOR SURE. I don't discriminate on cross-posting songs (I don't think anyone does, really.) I can say that we're generally posting stuff a LOT faster than OCR right now, if that's an issue for you. We can also hold off so that it gets posted at the same time as OCR. I'm flexible =P

    Quick (dated) overview of R:TS can be found here: http://wiki.thasauce.net/index.php?title=ReMix:ThaSauce

    I'd definitely recommend submitting this to OCR if you can get it under 6MBs, though. If not, yea we have no size limit on R:TS. And definitely check out DoD and VGMix like JAXX said.

    Really awesome stuff here, though. Really hope to hear more like it.

  8. I wouldn't bother submitting this on OCR. Perhaps Remix:ThaSauce would accept it?

    Oh, ReMix:ThaSauce would take it IN A HEART BEAT. Probably in both formats.

    My only beef is the lack of a proper ending, but I'm listening to the MP3 and I'm assuming that's probably because the NSF loops? Which would be an even better reason to host the NSF as well.

    Maybe you could just cut off the last few seconds of the MP3 version or something.

    Either way expect to hear from my people sometime soon. Or you can just submit it on your own terms.

  9. Wut? Do I know of said surprise? Was it the same surprise that was supposed to happen tonight too?

    BTW, it's still worth rolling a toon, mainly if it's gonna be a healer (or tank if it's a DK). Even with the amount of DKs around, not that many end up tanking, the same way druids and pallies aren't all tanking (or healing). Either you won't be able to find a healer before a while or it'll be a tank missing to have a full group.

    Edit: and not that many DKs are running around end-game actually. Not more than any other dps class. A lot get discouraged by how "hard" they are (just takes a while to get at a decent level skillwise) and because it takes more than 2-3 buttons to mash each time.

    It was that I'mma lady now :3

  10. hey illikids:

    I really got tired of just changing the URL everytime I wanted to armory someone on Illidan, so I made a Firefox search plugin so I can just use that.

    It's here:


    The HTML page is really just a formality to get it to install. To actually install it you just click the drop-down menu in the plugin' field, and then go to the bottom to where it says "install".

    Should work from there.

    only works for Illidan, btw.

  11. In that case, I'm not going to waste my time playing a leveling character.

    Just because I'm bored, I created a priest named Tillak on the server.

    P.S. What's Digiheals doing in Eversong Woods, anyway?

    LOL Nate has been achievement whoring lately. He's part of me and starla's 5-man heroic group.

    Also: starla and Vile are pretty in charge of the ginvites, but if you message me I can hop on an alt and add you too. I'm on my main pretty much 24-7


    I has a suprise for j00 Val :3

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