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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. As of now she's in 12th place. sgx is in 4th and zircon is in 14th. The standings are still volatile though, I watched sgx go form 8th to 4th in about 30 minutes.

    Well, I meant amongst the OCR people, I didn't notice the SGX thing :o

    And yea, the voting changes pretty drastically. I figure because your actual entry gets voted on so infrequently. When the competition first started for the CMF thing it wasn't uncommon to watch videos make a 20-40 place jump, but it got a little more stable later on.

  2. Looks to me like Jill's running away with it.

    Also: My friends ended up 26th in the CMF 2008 movie category out of 128 entries. That's pretty impressive seeing as the top 10 is people doing stop motion and with professional camera equipment when we filmed the whole thing in a day, with whatever crappy DV camera we had, and editted it in a matter of hours with iMoveHD, lol.

  3. EDIT: BTW Ramaniscence, I cant see any of your pictures.

    Hmmm, that's odd. Maybe you tried to look when the site was down because they work fine for me...is anyone els ehaving that problem?

    Also: My UI and Music mods are near and dear to me:

  4. I hardly expected everyone to finish. I'm actually kind of suprised as many paople got as far as they did. A lot of people got solid WIPs and just haven't finished yet, which is nice. There was a bit of an outcry for an extension, but really I see little point to that. The idea of the challenge was to be a challenge, and I didn't want to make the work of the people that finished in the month any less valid for actually meeting that challenge.

    I think it's really awesome that a lot of people are up to the idea of working on their mixes past the deadline, and I'm really glad that the competition was able to give them a solid foundation to build on. I'm open to some sort of Freshly Baked remixer Follow-Up if people deem it nessacary to make sure they actually FINISH, but only if that's the case =P

  5. ScreenShot_030508_19..> 24-Mar-2008 04:33 218K

    ScreenShot_030808_15..> 24-Mar-2008 04:33 133K

    ScreenShot_031708_20..> 24-Mar-2008 04:33 125K

    ScreenShot_031708_21..> 24-Mar-2008 04:33 174K

    ScreenShot_070207_16..> 24-Mar-2008 04:30 173K

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    ScreenShot_071607_04..> 24-Mar-2008 04:23 281K

    ScreenShot_071607_04..> 24-Mar-2008 04:23 275K

    ScreenShot_102707_13..> 27-Oct-




    CoolAV01.jpeg 24-Mar-2008 04:27 405K

    CoolAV02.jpeg 24-Mar-2008 04:28 549K

    CoolAV03.jpeg 24-Mar-2008 04:28 494K

  6. So i got bored and decided to be a retard and go after Tyrande Whisperwind alone. I have never laughed so hard because of a game ever.


    Got the ambush of without being detected, but...


    Tyrande's guards decided to cluster-fuck me for some reason.

    EDIT: Resized. Ouch were those big.

    I've never even made it INTO Darnassus before. Heck I never even got off the dock without dying too much. I've solo'd Velen a few times, though. He's easy to get to.

  7. Picture it...

    1280x720 at a 16:9 ratio, animation that's roughly two->three times the frames of Sonic 3 on every enemy and character, backgrounds filled with lush and smooth animation for the grass/trees/water/etc, tunes that share common audio links while still reflecting the area types they play in, all at a rock steady 60fps no matter how many enemies and effects are on the screen.

    And not a polygon in sight.

    Ah, if only Sega could see past the 3D realm they've been so infatuated with since Sonic Adventure.

    That's a lot of individual work, though. I mean...3D does all the in betweens for you. So you always have as many FPS as you want (can handle)...2D they'd be doing all that by hand.

    The environments and models would arguably be more time consuming, too :(

    ANYWAY, I think it feels like a step back, but I'm still glad to see a new 2.5D Sonic game. I just hope this doesn't mean Sonic Adventure 3 is not gonna happen at all because with some work that series could be gold.

    And I miss the Sonic Adventure musicc :(, or at very least the Sonic rush music which is super <3

  8. I would think that it's easier for a girl to break into the industry assuming she is actually qualified for the job...

    If my school is any indication of what the gaming industry looks like, or even a handful of it, the majority of people coding these games, well...aren't exactly girl savvy. They'd probably jump at the opportunity to higher a a female. Diversify the office and what not.

    That is unless people are just generally afraid to hire a female.

  9. My FIRST day of class at Full Sail, I walked into class with my OCR shirt on under my hoodie, because I knew if I was going to run into anyone that'd get it, it'd be there. Well as luck may have it 1 kid in my class was wearing an OCR hoodie. It was really cool. He's a cool kid, he doesn't really talk on the forums much but he's registered. We don't really hang out but we're both 2 of like 15 people left in my original class so I mean...I see him everyday, lol

    I'll also add that we printed 400 glossy fliers for $50 at Kinko's which were invaluable in spreading the word at Otakon. As sort of a viral/promotional concept, to help spread the word and what not, I'm thinking of making the source PDF for this flier and others like it for people to print out and put up at their workplace/college/whatever. Anyone be willing to do that? We'd have a single page design for cheaper monochrome printing on regular paper, so it wouldn't be too cost prohibitive, as well as the glossy 1/4 page design for the shnazzier but $50 kinko's printing. Passing these around at concerts, bars, or anywhere is a fairly decent way of getting the word out, imo...

    This reminds me...that's something I looked into doing. We have flyers from this place ALL over my school.

    After I went there, I realized why: If you get 4x6 flyers (your stands promotional club thing on glossy cardboard blah blah blah) with their ad ont he BACK side and yours on the front, they're free for 1000 of them.

    By that I mean, you pay $0 other than shipping, but if you can pick them up at the place (in downtown Miami) it's $0. Which IS an option.

    I haven't got around to doing it yet, but I'll be damned if the price isn't right.

    Note: Shipping to Orlando was something like $12

  10. I'm just waiting for a portable media player that can support codecs on the fly via updates or plug-ins.

    I mean...we have the hardware, it's just a matter of someone putting substantial financial support behind the software.

    rockbox does it pretty good right now...but the battery life falls super short and the library shorting needs all kinds of work -__-

  11. in this day, you can leave baskets of food on people's porch, and people would still find something to bitch about.

    Ya'know I really appreciate the offer and all, but I'm really just not a fruit person...and even if I were, I mean...apricots and mangos just really aren't my top choice for fruit. You could've have gone more generic like apples and bananas? Or even strawberries. That way I could've at least made a fricken smoothy. This is like the left overs from the "no one wants" bin.

  12. In Ansa's defense, I can really see where he's coming from. I even commented about it on irc last night. I really love the fact that the BotA songs made it into SF2HD. Jose's especially because I remember them talking about some of the lyrical songs were questionable, and his songs were my favorite on the CD. You listen to BGC's song and it's in the same style as Guile's original theme...just updated a bit. Then you listen to Fei Long's stage and now Fei Long has this totally bad ass super aggressive techno music going on. Now you go to Vega's stage has this laid back gangsta rap beat, and I LOVE it...but the consistency isn't there.

    Like I said before, I'm really happy that BotA is making it into the game market, but you can't get upset about people who aren't so community oriented being a little confused.

  13. So...without hints I'm at 18 (36%). I was actually able to guess 22 based solely on the style of the first few seconds, and when the title didn't work by itself, I through a 2 in there for the win.

    Edit: 27 with hints (54%). 36 annoys the crap out of me because I KNOW what it SOUNDS like, and the hint confirms it, but I got nothin'. :((

    Also: Special thanks to starla for 48, and Garian for 42. COuldn't have done it without you guys!

    Note: This is proof positive that I know more video game MUSIC than I do games themselves >_>

  14. I like the drums a LOT. I like the breakdown, and all that good-ness. I was actually really pleasantly suprised at the quality of this mix.........right up until the lead.

    Both the main lead and the lead in the break down just leave me asking "is that the BEST lead you could find?" Instrumentation needs a FULL rehaul outside of the drums...but don't touch the drums :o, they're perfect imho

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